A well curated list of the most interesting development tools and projects on GitHub in 2023.
1. Linux
One of the most popular open source operating systems, it is used on servers, desktop computers, and mobile devices.
2. Git
A popular version control system for tracking changes in code and collaborating on software development.
3. Docker
A platform for designing, delivering, and operating containerized applications.
4. Kubernetes
An open source container orchestration system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
5. TensorFlow
An open source machine learning framework developed by Google.
6. Apache Cassandra
A NoSQL database that is extremely scalable and commonly used for handling enormous amounts of data.

7. Elasticsearch
A search engine based on the Lucene library that is commonly used for log analysis and business intelligence.
8. Ansible
An open-source automation tool that is widely used for configuration management and application deployment.
9. Spring Framework
A widely used open-source Java framework for building enterprise applications.

10. React
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, it is widely used for building web and mobile applications.

Top comments (44)
Wow, I feel like back in 2005 again, thank you! ;)
@hr21don thanks for thr article. It's a great topic. Problem is none of these projects alll that new and they have all been written up elsewhere for years. They are all very mainstream. I would love tonsee some more effort to give us new ideas that are not so trite.
hey what about komiser.io :)
I found this article unreadable because of the amount of moving pictures.
jQuery is missing. And Notepad++.
Heh. Just those?
Haters gon' hate 😅 Sure, these projects have been around for a while. But it doesn't mean folks shouldn't be aware of them in 2023. The headline didn't lie 😅
very true
How do open source projects fit into the broader landscape of the software industry, and how do they coexist with proprietary software and other types of projects?
This is such a big and foundational topic that if you know nothing about it you're probably better off starting with Google rather than a comment thread.
But in summary: Most commercial companies in the world will use one or more of those products (especial postgresql). So they're free, provided for free, survive through contributions (or occasionally extra paid for services), and yet provide much of the underlying value for every multi-billion dollar company out there, who rarely contribute back in any significant way.
That's the world we live in.
Because some businesses utilise and contribute to open source projects while still building private software for their specialised purposes or to make cash, open source and proprietary software can coexist.
They exist.
How on Earth did you come up with this list? What on earth is exciting about any of these - maybe apart from opencv and netbeans. Why do you feel they are ones to watch for 2023?
Netbeans? ancient as well, ain't it?
Thanks for the memories. This list makes me feel old 👴🏻
What's your thoughts on github?
I absolutely love GitHub for its contributions to the open-source community.
Seriously, where did you dig this up? Web-archive?