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Hritik kumar
Hritik kumar

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First Ever Experience at Hacktobefest'23 Contributor✨🎉

Hi! I'm Hritik Kumar,🚀SDE Intern @DesiQnA | Amazon ML Summer School Scholar👨‍💻 | Social Winter Of Code'23✨ | 4⭐LeetCode | Web Developer . This is my first Hacktoberfest, and I'm excited to be here! I've been contributing to open source projects on GitHub for the past month, and I've learned a lot.

hritik-6918 (Hritik kumar) · GitHub

An undergraduate engineering guy at Techno main salt lake,kolkata in information technology. - hritik-6918


One of my biggest accomplishments this month was fixing a bug in a popular Python library. The bug was causing the library to crash when used in a certain way. I was able to track down the problem and fix it, and my pull request was accepted. I was really proud of this accomplishment, and it showed me that I can make a real contribution to open source software.

Another highlight of this month was working on a project to improve the documentation for a machine learning library. I added new examples and tutorials, and I also clarified some of the existing documentation. I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to use my skills to help other developers learn about machine learning.

Of course, there were also some challenges this month. One of the biggest challenges was learning how to use GitHub effectively. I had never used GitHub before, and it took me some time to learn how to make pull requests and contribute to projects. However, I'm glad I persevered, because using GitHub has opened up a whole new world of open source development opportunities.

Another challenge was debugging complex codebases. Sometimes, I would spend hours trying to figure out why a particular test was failing. It was frustrating at times, but I learned a lot about debugging in the process. I also learned the importance of asking for help when I needed it.

My skillset has improved significantly since I started contributing to open source projects. I've learned a lot about Python, GitHub, and open source development. I've also learned a lot about machine learning and natural language processing.

My learning and career goals have also changed since I started working on open source projects. I'm now more interested in pursuing a career in software engineering or machine learning. I'm also interested in using my skills to help other developers learn and grow.

Overall, I'm really glad I participated in Hacktoberfest. It's been a great learning experience, and I've made some valuable contributions to open source software. I'm excited to continue contributing to open source projects in the future, and I hope to inspire others to do the same.
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Top comments (1)

bogomil profile image
Bogomil Shopov - Бого

Congrats! How are you planning to continue after the end of the Month?