On the Python Developer's Guide and Pillow documentation we have some pages with tabs for different operating systems:
It's possible to add some JavaScript so that the matching tab is activated based on the visitor's operating system.
Here's how!
Sphinx Inline Tabs
First add the Sphinx Inline Tabs extension to your docs' requirements.txt
# requirements.txt
Next, add activate_tab.js
to your _static/
// activate_tab.js
// Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/38241481/724176
function getOS() {
const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
platform =
window.navigator?.userAgentData?.platform || window.navigator.platform,
macosPlatforms = ["macOS", "Macintosh", "MacIntel", "MacPPC", "Mac68K"],
windowsPlatforms = ["Win32", "Win64", "Windows", "WinCE"],
iosPlatforms = ["iPhone", "iPad", "iPod"];
if (macosPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
return "macOS";
} else if (iosPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
return "iOS";
} else if (windowsPlatforms.includes(platform)) {
return "Windows";
} else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) {
return "Android";
} else if (/Linux/.test(platform)) {
return "Unix";
return "unknown";
function activateTab(tabName) {
// Find all label elements containing the specified tab name
const labels = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-label");
labels.forEach((label) => {
if (label.textContent.includes(tabName)) {
// Find the associated input element using the 'for' attribute
const tabInputId = label.getAttribute("for");
const tabInput = document.getElementById(tabInputId);
// Check if the input element exists before attempting to set the "checked" attribute
if (tabInput) {
// Activate the tab by setting its "checked" attribute to true
tabInput.checked = true;
Add the extension and JavaScript to your conf.py
# conf.py
extensions = [
html_js_files = [
Almost there!
Add tabs to the reStructuredText files.
For example, here we have three different commands; one for Unix, one for macOS, and one for Windows:
.. tab:: Unix
.. code-block:: shell
./python -m test -h
.. tab:: macOS
.. code-block:: shell
./python.exe -m test -h
.. tab:: Windows
.. code-block:: dosbatch
.\python.bat -m test -h
Finally, add the JavaScript to the same reST page to activate the correct tab:
.. raw:: html
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
You can see the results here. When the page loads, the browser finds the browser name, and activates the tabs with a matching name.
If you have many sets of tabs on a page, the corresponding OS tab will be activated for all. And if you click on another OS tab, all the others with the same name are activated.
Happy tabbing!
Header photo: "The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx" by National Galleries of Scotland, with no known copyright restrictions.
Top comments (2)
Thanks for sharing! Is there any Sphinx extension that takes care of the JS part automatically? So I don't have to copy-paste the code everywhere 😄
Good question, I was thinking of this too :)
Not that I know of, but this would make a good extension! It could be a suggestion for Sphinx Inline Tabs, or a new extension that depends on it.
One thing to note: you might want to be able to configure things differently depending on your use case.
For example, you might have a tab that says "Unix", or perhaps it says "Linux", and you want it to activate for Linux.
Or you have also tabs for building software targeting iOS or Android. But you don't want to activate when visiting with this devices, because you would still need to run those commands on a computer.
Compare the small differences between the devguide and Pillow:
But for a first version, it might be fine to come up with sensible defaults.