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Syed Mohammed Faham
Syed Mohammed Faham

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Escaping Tutorial Hell: A Guide for Aspiring Developers

The abundance of internet tutorials can be both a blessing and a curse for aspiring developers. The phrase "tutorial hell" describes the frustrating loop many developers find themselves in—endlessly jumping from one tutorial to another without ever feeling confident enough to build something on their own. If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck in this cycle, you’re not alone. This blog will discuss the causes of tutorial hell, how to recognize it, and most importantly, how to get out of it.

What is Tutorial Hell?

"Tutorial hell" is a common phenomenon where developers become overly reliant on tutorials. Instead of gaining the confidence to build projects independently, they continue consuming more tutorials, thinking they need to learn "just one more thing" before they can start coding on their own. This cycle can be demotivating and stall your progress as a developer.

Why Does Tutorial Hell Happen?

  • Fear of Failure: Many developers fear making mistakes or building something that doesn’t work. Tutorials provide a safety net, but they can also prevent you from learning how to troubleshoot and problem-solve on your own.

  • Lack of Confidence: It’s easy to believe that you’re not ready to start a project because you haven’t mastered every concept. The truth is, no one ever knows everything. The key is to start building and learn as you go.

  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to endless preparation. You might feel like you need to complete every tutorial on a subject before you’re "qualified" to start coding, but this mindset can keep you trapped in tutorial hell.

  • Imposter Syndrome: Feeling like you don’t belong in the coding community or that you’re not "good enough" can drive you to keep consuming tutorials rather than taking the leap to build something on your own.

Recognizing the Signs of Tutorial Hell

  1. Endless Learning Without Action: If you find yourself constantly watching tutorials but never applying what you’ve learned, you might be in tutorial hell.

  2. Inability to Build Projects Independently: If you struggle to start a project without the step-by-step guidance of a tutorial, it’s a sign that you’ve become too dependent on them.

  3. Feeling Overwhelmed by Information: If you’re overwhelmed by the amount of content you’ve consumed and still don’t feel ready to build, you might be trapped in tutorial hell.

How to Escape Tutorial Hell

  • Start with Small Projects: Begin by building small, manageable projects that apply the concepts you’ve learned. This could be as simple as creating a basic webpage, a calculator, or a to-do list app. The key is to start coding without relying on a tutorial to guide you every step of the way.

  • Embrace Failure: Understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process. When you encounter a bug or an error, resist the urge to look up a tutorial. Instead, try to solve the problem on your own. This is how you’ll develop problem-solving skills.

  • Set Learning Goals: Instead of consuming tutorials endlessly, set specific learning goals. For example, decide that you’ll learn how to build a basic REST API and then move on to creating one without further tutorials.

  • Build Projects Alongside Learning: As you follow a tutorial, try to build a related but slightly different project alongside it. This will help reinforce what you’ve learned and encourage independent thinking.

  • Join a Community: Engage with other developers through online forums, coding communities, or local meetups. Sharing your progress, asking for help, and collaborating with others can boost your confidence and motivate you to break free from tutorial hell.

  • Reflect on Your Progress: Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and what you can now do that you couldn’t before. This will help you see the value of building projects independently and give you the confidence to continue.


Escaping tutorial hell is about shifting your mindset from passive learning to active building. Tutorials are a valuable resource, but they should complement your learning, not define it. By starting small projects, embracing failure, and setting clear goals, you can break free from the endless cycle of tutorials and start building with confidence. Remember, the best way to learn is by doing—so start coding, make mistakes, and grow as a developer.

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Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

The internet didn't really exist when I learned to code. I consider myself lucky