DEV Community

Ibrahim Thanbir
Ibrahim Thanbir

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My Journey, 1 Year Later

Whats changed?

Well, well, well, what a year and a half it has been. So much has happened since my last post. New age, new laptop, new knowledge. Most importantly, new experiences. 1 year is a long time, and within this time, I have tried to adapt, change, and develop myself to having a much better persona. Let me tell you about my journey.


I did manage to complete the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge on my first round, and then suddenly I took a complete halt with coding. It was very stressful I must admit, very tough to persevere and shoot through downfalls and challenges, but I wasn't as mature as I am now. Back then, I had thought of that as just a challenge, rather than a learning experience. But thankfully, I've now understood, or tried to at least on what this challenge could help with in the future.

What am I doing now?

I have started Round 2 of the challenge, which is running smooth like butter. As well as working in a very small company that works with client project. This is only because I have had break from school as I have finished my GCSE which in return the government give a 3 month break period. I dont know where things will stand after my holiday ends, lets just hope it ends well.

What I have planned for the future?

My main plan is to follow this web developing path and hopefully be a successful web developer one day. But it wont be easy. A lot of dedication, motivation and determination will be needed and consistent throughout my path there. Nothing will be easy, nothing in life will be if you truly want to achieve the outcome you are expecting.


As I have mentioned before, I have had a 3 month break, which is one reason I have been so consistent like the way I have been. But I dont know how consistent I will be when school does start again. Especially because it's A Levels, which is 10x harder than GCSE, even though I will be only focusing on 3 subjects, rather than 8. Worse thing that can happen in my personal opinion, is I wont be able to code throughout the day and have to work on the weekends. Which i really dont want to do in any way shape or form, but it could be possible for it to come down to that. One upside to this situation is I will be doing Computer Science in A Levels for the next 2 years, which does include programming, specifically the backend language Java.

What I am doing within programming?

  • ReactJs: I finished with VaillaJs a week to two into round 2, as well as revising basic HTML and CSS. After that I had worked with the JS library, React. It was definitely difficult in the beginning because, although it was on top of JS, there was a lot of new fundamentals you had to learn and go over, and evidential example of this is React Hooks, which was not much similar VanillaJS functions and effects. Still learning React, and is still the main library I want to carry on learning.
  • NextJs: After I was quite comfortable with ReactJs, I moved on to NextJs which was framework for React. It came with built-in SSR (Server Side Rendering), built-in page links and much more. Definitely made life a little easier.
  • NodeJs: Couple of weeks ago, I started to learn a bit of backend to connect the dots with the frontend, I'm not as experience with Node and the backend but I'm still learning and trying my best to learn as much as possible.
  • ExpressJs: Additional to learning Node, I had learnt a little bit of the framework Express on the side to make it easier, but isn't so different to Node.
  • MySQL: Last, but not least, a backend database to connect my backend code with, hence why MySQL, was the best option for me. I definitely want to learn other backend databases, like MongoDB, Firebase etc.

My Twitter: Ibzaa1
My Github: Ibzaa1
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