Hello 👋
Let's start with Closures
One-Byte Explainer:
Imagine a magic box! Put your favourite toy inside, close it, & give it to a friend. Even though you can't see it, your friend can open it and play!
Demystifying JS: Closures in action
Closures are like backpack the inner-functions carry when they exit the outerfunctions , even after the outer function's execution is destroyed.
Function Inside a Function: You have a function inside another function.
Access to Outer Variables: The inner function can access variables from the outer function.
Retain Variables: Even after the outer function finishes, the inner function keeps the outer variables.
Example :
function outer() {
let outerscope = "I am outer scope";
function inner() {
let innerScope = "I am in inner scope";
console.log(`${outerscope} and ${innerScope}`);
return inner;
const calling = outer();
calling(); // Output: "I am outer scope and I am in inner scope"
Thank you for reading , See you in the next blog

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