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TB mega menu implementation with a demonstration (Part 2)

In the first part of this blog, we had completed the installation and had also created blocks for custom block types. In this part, we will see how to configure the TB mega menu so that we can get the structure of the menu ready as per our design.

Configuring the TB mega menu and placing the TB mega menu block in a region are two separate things.

The TB mega menu can be configured for an existing menu. So, you need to ensure that you have a complete hierarchy of menu ready before you begin the configuration. However, you can modify the links later on from the TB mega menu configuration page.

Defining a menu structure

If you already have a menu that you want to use then you are already a step ahead! If not, then go to /admin/structure/menu and click on the Add menu. Create the menu as you normally would.

For demonstration purposes, we will be using the below menu structure. Let the name of this menu be Example menu:

Parent 1

-Child (1)

    -Child (1) content

-Child (2)

    -Child (2) content

    -Sub child (1)

        -Sub child (1) content (This content will be displayed over the child (2) content)

    -Sub child (2)

        -Sub child (2) content (This content will be displayed over the child (2) content)

-Child (3)

-Child (4)

Parent 2

-Child (1)

-Child (2)

    -Sub child (1)

        -Sub child (1) content (This content will be displayed over the child (2) content)

    -Sub child (2)

        -Sub child (2) content (This content will be displayed over the child (2) content)

-Child (3)

Parent 3

-Child (1)

-Child (2)

-Child (3)

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