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Cover image for Fun Project: Starship Tech Support (Angular / NgRx)
Matt Eland
Matt Eland

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Fun Project: Starship Tech Support (Angular / NgRx)

This is a short post on an Angular application I'm early on in building for fun and to keep my Angular skillset from my past job up to date.

I plan on posting periodic updates focused on specific technical lessons and so I wanted to share it in its early state before then.

The Tech

Technology wise, I'm using Angular 8 with NgRx for Redux-based state with Bootstrap 4 styling. It's my first time working with Redux state and that's a primary learning goal for me. I've written up some early thoughts on this already.

I do not yet use an external API or any sort of a data storage mechanism. That will come later.

What is this thing?

As far as what this project is, that's harder to explain. Imagine a web-browser based work simulation game where you manage an IT troubleshooting / support team - working on priorities and assignments for your staff, encouraging them to grow, keeping their morale up, etc.

Now imagine that this takes place on a starship with your staff basically being the guys keeping the starship running.

It's nebulous and hard to explain, but it's a fun sandbox of Angular development topics.

Ultimately, I picture this thing where you manage a small team, then get more responsibilities such as a pair of teams, then a department, then an entire starship.

It's hard to say what it will wind up being as I'm going to take the concept in whatever way feels the most fun and/or interesting.

What's the status of this thing?

I'm working on it as I can in the evenings, and it's very early on and not even a game in so much as:

  • there's no win condition
  • there's no lose condition
  • there's no way to interact with your staff
  • no new tickets are created
  • nobody resolves any tickets

So yeah, it's kinda a very early placeholder, but it's fun to tinker with, and I should find some opportunities to share some code as time goes on.

Can I see?

This is open source with GitHub source code available.

GitHub logo IntegerMan / Starship-Tech-Support

A computer UI based management simulation game. In spaaaaace!

Starship Tech Support


A computer UI based management simulation game. In spaaaaace!

Technical Details


Angular 8 with TypeScript and NgRx for state management

Possibly reliant on a back-end web server written in NodeJS


This targets a web-based delivery mechanism with possibilities of mobile or desktop (via Electron) support.

This will be deployed to as well as to a third-party site of my choosing.

Device Considerations

This will need to support IE 11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.



This is a turn-based management game with the player able to make decisions before clicking "Begin Shift". Once a shift begins, it will complete and you'll see the time cards and updates made by everyone on your team

Work Items

The crew will have a variety of work items to work on including

Crew Members

Player Interactions

Players will take on various interactions:

  • Reviewing the result of…

Additionally, you can view the most recent version in your browser via GitHub pages at

Top comments (2)

bradtaniguchi profile image

This is awesome!! (At least for me)

I love Space stuff, and work with Angular+NGRX. Nice combination of both worlds haha 😄

Looking forward to hearing updates on the app/game!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Thank you! Encouragement is always nice. I'm a huge simulation fan and a big fan of things like Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, etc. My bachelor's party involved a game of Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator. This is significantly more turn-based, but... hopefully I can find the fun.