Project_Name:- Fint
Team Details
- Ishaan Karmakar - ISHAAN-KKR
- Subham Banerjee - subby575
Description of Project
Fint is a gamified financial education platform designed to make learning about the stock market, fixed deposits, mutual funds, and other financial instruments entertaining and engaging. Users can embark on real-life-based challenges, learning valuable financial skills while having fun along the way.

Submission Track:
- Open Innovation
- Sustainability
Overview of My Submission
Our submission for the hackathon is Fint a platform that combines financial education with gamification. Users can explore various aspects of personal finance through interactive challenges, quizzes, and simulations. We built the platform with the aim of making financial literacy accessible and enjoyable for users of all ages.
Tech Stack
- Frontend: Next.js
- Backend: Node.js and Next.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: Firebase Authentication
- Hosting: Vercel
We chose Next.js for the frontend due to its component-based architecture and ease of use in building interactive user interfaces. For the backend, we opted for Node.js and Next.js for their simplicity and scalability. MongoDB was selected as our database solution for its flexibility and compatibility with Node.js. Firebase Authentication helped us implement secure user authentication quickly, while Vercel provided seamless deployment and hosting.
Few Code Snippets:
const signInWithGoogle = async () => {
const auth = getAuth(app);
const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider();
try {
await signInWithPopup(auth, provider);
} catch (error) {
console.error("error signing in with google: ", error.message);
const { default: mongoose } = require("mongoose");
const usersModel= new mongoose.Schema({
export const usersSchema= mongoose.models.users
|| mongoose.model("users",usersModel);
Challenges We Faced
One of the main challenges we faced during development was integrating real-time stock market data into our platform. We overcame this challenge by leveraging third-party APIs and implementing caching mechanisms to ensure smooth performance and minimize API calls.
Another challenge was designing an intuitive user interface that balanced educational content with gamified elements. We wanted our website to be more of Gamified than just theory-theory stuff so users don't get bored. We conducted extensive user testing and iteratively refined the interface based on feedback to create a seamless user experience.
Public Code Repo
Our Websites Link
Demo Link
Additional Resources / Info
For best use of our website use your Laptop or Desktop on Dark mode!
Stay tuned for updates and additional features coming soon to Fint: When Finance Meets Fun!
Top comments (2)
Really interesting project ! @ishaankkr @subby575
I am wondering, how did you got such knowledge on Finance ?
Thanks man!