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Create a multi-tenancy application in Nest.js Part 4 (Authentication and Authorization setup)


Authentication & Authorization are essential parts of most applications. There are many different approaches and strategies to handle authentication. This article presents the same like production that can be adapted.

we will use Nest.js to build the following :

  • user need login using /login endpoint
  • after login will get token.
  • any user has roles and privileges.
  • users can just access endpoints allowed their roles and privileges

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we will follow these steps :

  • we need multiple databases one of them is the default database what we will do all authentication in it and then thw database for every tenant and will get Authorization privileges and policies from it
  • in the default database we need to create the Users table and Organization table that present tenants.
  • in tenant databases will add privileg_group table containing all tenant users' policies.
  • will add an endpoint in the user-service app to manage users and privileges.
  • create Auth module and export it in an external library
  • add guards for JWT, Roles and policies


to add we will start from models and edit user entity and create needed service methods and controllers

Create User & Login

In user-service app

here in the default database we need a table to save tenants and their Organizations information so create an Organizations entity

export class Organizations extends Model<Organizations> {

    type: DataType.STRING,
    allowNull: false,
    unique: true,
  name: string
    type: DataType.STRING,
    allowNull: false,
    unique: true,
  domain: string

  users: Users[]

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and create a relation in users table by edit user entity

export class Users extends Model<Users> {
    @ForeignKey(() => Organizations)
    organizationId: number;
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now we can create usermodule users.module.ts and work in it to export related providers and imports from main user app microservice.

when I try to do that by simply removing SequelizeModule.forFeature from main module and adding it in UsersModule I get an error in dependency injection so I need to remove a name from SequelizeModuleAsyncOptions name: 'development' from SequelizeModule in the main module.

for testing in local will edit database connection in sequelize-config-service.ts but in production will implement another story

if( ){
        update domain=host?host.split('.'):"".split('.');
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now users.module.ts will be

  imports: [
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
  exports: [],
export class UsersModule {}
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and edit user-service module

   imports: [
    useExisting: SequelizeConfigService,
  controllers: [UserServiceController],
  providers: [UserServiceService],

export class UserServiceModule {}
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and now create UserService to add all service methods we will use in endpoints.
UserService contains:

  • dependency inject User and Organizations repository
  • method findOne to return username in our case we can use just email
  • methods to create and update Users and Organizations.
  • use bcrypt to save passwords
export class UsersService {
        @InjectModel(Users)    private readonly userModel: typeof Users,
        @InjectModel(Organizations) private readonly organizationsModel:typeof Organizations) {

    async findOne(username: string): Promise<Users> {

      return this.userModel.findOne({where:{email:username},nest: true}) ;

    async create( createUserDto:CreateUserDto):Promise<Users> {
      const hashpassword= await bcrypt.hash(createUserDto.password,10)
      return this.userModel.create(<Users>createUserDto)

      async findId(id): Promise<Users> {
        return this.userModel.findOne({where:{id:id},raw: true,nest: true}) ;

      async createOrg(createAccountDto: CreateAccountDto){
        let {owner,...orgDto} = createAccountDto
        return this.organizationsModel.create(<Organizations>orgDto);
      async getOrg(name: string){
        return this.organizationsModel.findOne({where:{name:name}})
      async getOrgById(id: any){
        return this.organizationsModel.findByPk(id)
      async findUserById(id: any): Promise<Users> {
        return this.userModel.findOne({
          attributes: {exclude: ['password']},
          where: { id: id },
          nest: true,
      async findUserAll(query:any): Promise<Users[]> {
        if(query.type && query.type=='admin'){
        console.log('users where',query)
        return this.userModel.findAll({ attributes: {exclude: ['password']}, where:query, nest: true });

      async update( id:any,userDto:any) {
        return this.userModel.update(userDto,{where:{id:id}})
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create user controller and will use normal REST controller and also nest microservice pattern @MessagePattern for controllers needed by other microservice like @MessagePattern('findOne')

export class UsersController {
    constructor(private readonly usersService:UsersService) {}
  async getUserById(@Param('id')id:any){
    return this.usersService.findUserById(id);

  async eventGetUserById(@Param('name') username:any):Promise<any>{
    console.log("Logger we arrive",username)
    return this.usersService.findOne(username);

  async getUserByName(data:any){
    console.log("Logger we arrive",data.username)
    return this.usersService.findOne(data.username);
  async getUsers(@Query() query:any){
    return this.usersService.findUserAll(query);

  async updateUser(@Param('id') id:any,@Body() dto:any){
    return this.usersService.update(id,dto);

  async createUser(@Body() userDto:CreateUserDto) {
    return  this.usersService.create(userDto)
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New auth-service app

this new service (app) will contain a login endpoint and also will test all authentication & authorization in its controller endpoint

now we create auth-service

nest g app auth-service
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in the main service will add two methods login will just return request body and getHello

getHello will use it in testing

export class AuthServiceService {
  getHello(): string {
    return 'Hello World!';

  login(user:UserDto):UserDto {
    return user;
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create an endpoint for login in the controller and will let Post request in path "/login"

export class AuthServiceController {
  constructor(private readonly authService: AuthServiceService) {}

  async login(@Body() user) {
    return this.authService.login(user);
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now edit port in main.ts to available port in my case 3001 and test login
npm run start:dev auth-service

curl -X post -d '{"firstName":"mhd","lastName":"shajar", "email":"","password":"123456","type":"admin"}'

curl -X post -d '{ "username":"", "password":"123456"}'

Guard, Password and Local Strategy

as we said we will use password library to implement authentication so need install some devendency to use them

$ npm i --save @nestjs/passport passport-jwt passport-local
$ npm i --save-dev @types/passport-local
$ npm i --save bcrypt
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and to implement we create a validation service that has single method called validateUser that will return true if the login credential is valid and false else.
to implement, this function we need to call controllers from user-service and will use ClientProxy to send a request to user-service findOne endpoint, after return user data will check password and return true if a valid password for user.

export class AuthValidateService {
        @Inject('User_SERVICE') private readonly userServiceClient: ClientProxy
      ) {}

    validateUser(username: string, pass: string): Observable<UserDto>|null {

        return this.userServiceClient.send('findOne',

          if (user && bcrypt.compareSync(pass, user.password)) {
            const { password, ...result } = user;
            return result;
          return null;}),
          catchError(err => {
            console.log('caught  error and return null ', err);
            return  of(null);

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to use ClientProxy will edit auth-service module and add ClientsModule to access other microservices also will add AuthValidateService as providers

  imports: [PassportModule,
        name: 'User_SERVICE',
        transport: Transport.REDIS,
        options: {
          url: 'redis://localhost:6379',
  controllers: [AuthServiceController],
  providers: [AuthServiceService,
    LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy],
export class AuthServiceModule {}
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now add guards localguards which is just AuthGuard('local') from nest.js password library

export class LocalAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('local') {
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and about adding strategy will use PassportStrategy in our LocalStrategy and use validateUser from AuthValidateService to validate.

export class LocalStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {

  constructor(@Inject('AUTH_SERVICE') private authService ) {
      passReqToCallback: true,

  async validate(  request: Request,username: string, password: string): Promise<any> {
    const user = await firstValueFrom(this.authService.validateUser(username, password),{defaultValue:null});
    if (!user) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException();
    return user;

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last edit in "/login" endpoint will add Guards LocalAuthGuard and nest will inject LocalStrategy using names.

  async login(@Request() req) {
    return this.authService.login(req.user);
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done and now can test

curl -X post -d '{"firstName":"ismaeil","lastName":"shajar", "email":"","password":"123456","type":"admin"}'

curl -X post -d '{ "username":"", "password":"123456"}'

JWT token

and to create and decode token will install ready nest.js library @nestjs/jwt

$ npm i --save @nestjs/jwt
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add jwt in main auth-service module

      secret: jwtConstants.secret,
      signOptions: { expiresIn: '6000s' },
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in auth service update login to return access token

export class AuthServiceService {
    private readonly jwtService: JwtService,
  ) {}
  login(user:UserDto):AccessToken {
    const payload = { username: user.firstName,orgId:user.organizationId,sub:};
    return {
      access_token: this.jwtService.sign(payload),
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same as local guard will create JwtAuthGuard which just extends AuthGuard('jwt') from password library

export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
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and also create JwtStrategy extends from PassportStrategy to implement validate function from it.
for more details can check nest Doc

export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
  constructor() {

      jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
      ignoreExpiration: false,
      secretOrKey: jwtConstants.secret,
      passReqToCallback: true

  async validate( request: Request,payload: any) {
    const user={ userId: payload.sub, username: payload.username,roles:['admin'] }
    return user;
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finally, add jwtGuard in "/hello" endpoint

  getHello(@Request() req){
    return "Hello";
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now we can test get and use header Authorization with "Bearer ${token}"

Microservice Auth

I try to secure connections between microservices we can add a new function where we call Redis.

now AuthValidateService will be

export class AuthValidateService {
        @Inject('User_SERVICE') private readonly userServiceClient: ClientProxy
      ) {}

    validateUser(username: string, pass: string): Observable<UserDto>|null {

        return this.userServiceClient.send('findOne',

          if (user && bcrypt.compareSync(pass, user.password)) {
            const { password, ...result } = user;
            return result;
          return null;}),
          catchError(err => {
            console.log('caught  error and return null ', err);
            return  of(null);


    private addMicroserviceToken(data:any): any{
      data.token=bcrypt.hashSync("secret",10) ;
      return data;
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Export to the custom library

to use JWT Guard in all our app and not need to rewrite it we can create Library that manages authentication implementation

Collect to AuthModule

we start by creating AuthModule and every module or provider that is just used for authentication will remove it from the main module to the new AuthModule.
now create AuthModule and will use the dynamic module to make it configurable to receive Validation Service , redis url , jwt security key and ClientsModule name.
so will import all PassportModule, ClientsModule, JwtModule
and export LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy,JwtModule to use them outside module

export class AuthModule {
  static register(validationService,options?:{jwtsecret:string,

  }): DynamicModule {
    return {
      module: AuthModule,
            name: options.userServiceClientProvider,
            transport: Transport.REDIS,
            options: {
              url: options.redisUrl,
          secret: options?options.jwtsecret:"secretKey",
          signOptions: { expiresIn: '6000s' },
      providers: [
        ,validationService ,LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy],
      exports: [LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy,JwtModule],
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no will edit jwtStratigy to pass security key from outside module

  constructor(@Inject('JWTSECRET') private jwtsecrit) {

      jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
      ignoreExpiration: false,
      secretOrKey: jwtsecrit,
      passReqToCallback: true
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Clean App Module

remove all not needed modules and export them from AuthModule

module will be

Image description

remove all from auth-service module and will be

  imports: [
    provide: 'AUTH_SERVICE',
  controllers: [AuthServiceController],
  providers: [AuthServiceService],
export class AuthServiceModule {}
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and test again to check every function works.

Create Library

create library
nest g library auth-lib

and now move all AuthModule to lib and we just edit auth-lib.module.ts and will add will be same like authModule

export class AuthLibModule {
  static register(validationService,options?:{jwtsecret:string,

  }): DynamicModule {
    return {
      module: AuthLibModule,
            name: options.userServiceClientProvider,
            transport: Transport.REDIS,
            options: {
              url: options.redisUrl,
          secret: options?options.jwtsecret:"secretKey",
          signOptions: { expiresIn: '6000s' },
      providers: [
        ,validationService ,LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy],
      exports: [LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy,JwtModule],
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last steps export guards in index.ts

export * from './auth-lib.module';
export {JwtAuthGuard} from './auth/guards/jwt-auth.guard';
export {LocalAuthGuard} from './auth/guards/local-auth.guard';
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Clean all modules

I remove all authModule, strategies, and guards
and replace them by the custom library and test everything work

now everything works
the library will be
Image description


I will write nest.js definition "Authorization refers to the process that determines what a user can do. For example, an administrative user is allowed to create, edit, and delete posts. A non-administrative user is only authorized to read the posts."

RolesGuard / user type

now will start create check for Roles or user types .
I will start directly write needed in lib
start from basic roles and will use Enum to create .

export enum Role {
    User = 'user',
    Admin = 'admin',
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and to pass roles in method will use anotation by create Roles decorator

import { SetMetadata } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Role } from './role.enum';

export const ROLES_KEY = 'roles';
export const Roles = (...roles: Role[]) => SetMetadata(ROLES_KEY, roles);
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and finally, create RouleGuard with basic verification by implementing CanActivate and using refactor to get @Role annotation set value from method to check user data and required method role

export class RolesGuard implements CanActivate {
  constructor(private reflector: Reflector) {}

  canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
    const roles = this.reflector.get<string[]>(ROLES_KEY, context.getHandler());
    if (!roles) {
         return true;
    const {user} = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    return this.matchRoles(roles,user['roles'])
      return roles.filter(role=>!userRoles.includes).length==0;
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Policies and Privilege groups

Here we have multiple levels of users and we need more advanced RBAC implementation, to do that we need to edit user-service by adding entity save every user policy
First, create privileg-group table in a database

export class PrivilegeGroup extends Model<PrivilegeGroup> {

    @Column( {
      unique: true,
        allowNull: false
    groupName: string;

    roles: string;//Policy[]

    @BelongsToMany(() => Users, () => GroupUser)
    users: Users[] 

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and will use many to many relation by connect two table using groupUser table

export class GroupUser extends Model {
  @ForeignKey(() => Users)
  userId: number

  @ForeignKey(() => PrivilegeGroup)
  privilegeGroupId: number
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will create type Policy to recieve authorities json

import { ActionEnum } from "./action-enum";

export class Policy{
    action: ActionEnum[];
    resources: string;
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and we have Action enum contain all actions like read, write, and delete

export enum ActionEnum {
    Manage = 'manage',
    Create = 'create',
    Read = 'read',
    Update = 'update',
    Delete = 'delete',
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will add new decorator PrivilegService to access privileg-group repository to create and get privilegs

export class PrivilegeService {
        @InjectModel(PrivilegeGroup)    private readonly privilegeModel: typeof PrivilegeGroup,
        @InjectModel(GroupUser) private readonly groupUserModel: typeof GroupUser

    getGroupList() { return this.privilegeModel.findAll(); }

    getGroup(id: any) { return this.privilegeModel.findOne({where:{id:id}});}

    async createGroup(createGroup:CreateGroup):Promise<PrivilegeGroup>{
        const createGroupDto=new CreateGroupDto();
        return this.privilegeModel.create(<PrivilegeGroup>createGroupDto)

    async addUserGroup(createGroupUserDto: CreateGroupUserDto[]):Promise<GroupUser[]>{
        return this.groupUserModel.bulkCreate(createGroupUserDto);

    async deleteUserGroup(userId: any,privilegeGroupId:any) {
        return this.groupUserModel.destroy({where:{userId:userId,privilegeGroupId:privilegeGroupId}})
    getUserGroup(id: any) {
        return this.groupUserModel.findAll({where:{userId:id}})


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and create endpoints in privileg controller

export class PrivilegeController {
    constructor(private readonly privilegeService:PrivilegeService){}

    getGroupList() { return this.privilegeService.getGroupList()}
    getGroup(@Param('id')id: number) { return this.privilegeService.getGroup(id);}

    async createGroup(@Body() createGroup:CreateGroup){
        return this.privilegeService.createGroup(createGroup)
    async addUserGroup(@Body() createGroupUserDtoList: CreateGroupUserDto[]){
        return this.privilegeService.addUserGroup(createGroupUserDtoList);
    async deleteUserGroup(@Query('userId') userId: number,@Query('privilegeGroupId') privilegeGroupId:number) {
        return this.privilegeService.deleteUserGroup(userId,privilegeGroupId);

    getUserGroup(@Param('userId')userId: number) {
        return this.privilegeService.getUserGroup(userId);
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last will edit user-service to get user will privileges

export class UsersService {
/// the rest..
    async findOne(username: string): Promise<Users> {
      return this.userModel.findOne({include:[{model:PrivilegeGroup , attributes:["roles"],through: {attributes: []}}],where:{email:username},nest: true}) ;
  /// the rest..
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Edit JWT Token

and roles in token add authorities in token

use decorator and guard

custom decorator

import { SetMetadata } from "@nestjs/common";
import { Policy } from "./policy";

export const CHECK_POLICIES_KEY = 'check_policy';
export const CheckPolicies = (...policy:Policy[]) =>
  SetMetadata(CHECK_POLICIES_KEY, policy);
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policies Guards

export class PoliciesGuard implements CanActivate {
    private reflector: Reflector
  ) {}
  canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {

    const policies =this.reflector.getAllAndOverride<Policy[]>(
      [context.getHandler(),context.getClass()]) || [];

  const {user} = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();

      const isAuthUser = this.checkPolicies(user['policies'].map(policy => JSON.parse(policy)), policies);
      return isAuthUser;
      return false;

  private checkPolicies(userPolicies: Policy[], policies: Policy[]) {
    const isAuthUser = policies.filter(resourcePolicy => {
      return userPolicies.filter(
        policy => this.isAutherize(resourcePolicy, policy)
      ).length >= 1;
    return isAuthUser>=1;

  private isAutherize(resourcePolicy: Policy,  policy: Policy): unknown {
    return this.hasResource(resourcePolicy, policy.resources) && this.hasAction(resourcePolicy, policy);

  private hasResource(resourcePolicy: Policy, resource: string) {
    return resource=='*' || resourcePolicy.resources.indexOf(resource) == 0;

  private hasAction(resourcePolicy: Policy, policy: Policy): unknown {
    return resourcePolicy.action.filter(action => !policy.action.includes(action)).length == 0;

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simple test in auth-service controller will add endpoint called hello

  getHello(@Request() req){
    return "Hello";
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in UseGuards we can add multiple guards to execute them in orders so we can pass variables between guards using context request
not to test we run /login then call get request /hello


final version is Github roles-policies branch

Top comments (1)

grvrjt profile image

mongouri updates according to the tenant but data save in the first created database .
i am using typgoose
Any help ?