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Swaraj Panigrahi
Swaraj Panigrahi

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Why Your React App Should Upgrade to Vite: A Comprehensive Guide


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Create React App (CRA) is the most widely used tool for bootstrapping React applications. However, with the recent advancements in front-end development, new tools have emerged that offer better performance and improved developer experience. One such tool is Vite, which is a fast, zero-config, and developer-friendly build tool for modern web apps.

In this blog post, we'll explore why you should consider upgrading from Create React App to Vite, and what benefits you'll gain from making the switch.

1. Faster Build and Development Speed:

One of the biggest advantages of Vite over Create React App is the faster build and development speed. Vite uses a faster and more efficient build process that allows you to compile your code instantly without having to wait for long build times. This means that you can make changes to your code and see the results immediately, leading to a much smoother development experience.

2. Improved Performance:

Vite also offers improved performance compared to Create React App. It uses lazy-loading, which means that only the components that are needed for the current view are loaded, leading to faster load times and better performance. In addition, Vite also supports code splitting, which allows you to split your code into smaller chunks that can be loaded on-demand, further improving performance.

3. Zero Configuration:

Vite is designed to be zero-config, which means that it doesn't require any configuration files or complex setup. This makes it much easier to get started with Vite compared to Create React App, which often requires a lot of configuration to get started.

4. Better Developer Experience:

Vite also offers a better developer experience compared to Create React App. It comes with a built-in development server that provides hot module reloading and error reporting, making it easier to develop and debug your applications. In addition, Vite also has a simpler and more intuitive API, making it easier to understand and use.


In conclusion, upgrading from Create React App to Vite offers several benefits, including faster build and development speed, improved performance, zero configuration, and a better developer experience. If you're looking to take your React app to the next level, consider making the switch to Vite today.

This is a high-level overview of the benefits of upgrading to Vite, and I hope it will help you in convincing your team to make the switch. However, I would advise you to also take into consideration any specific requirements or constraints your project may have before making any decisions.

Further Reads:

Coming up:

A blog on how to migrate to Vite from existing CRA app

Top comments (1)

nikhilakki profile image
Nikhil Akki

Nice article, thanks for sharing!