DEV Community

Ivan Arcos
Ivan Arcos

Posted on

the new guy here✋🏼🤓

Hello, guys! I’m the new guy here and I’m happy, I want to learn JavaScript, however, is a challenging language for me, I’m reviewing again HTML & CSS in order to start again after 8 years without make code. Could you help me with recommendations to start on this wonderful road? Thanks in advance! 🤜🏼🤛🏼

Top comments (11)

devmount profile image

Hi Ivan and welcome to the DEV community 👋🏻

There are tons of material out there, you could start with the basics again e.g. at FreeCodeCamp. The best way to learn is in my opinion on a real project. I'm sure you have an idea of what you always wanted to build. So just do it. And learn everything you need on the way of completing that project 👍🏻

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Thanks, Andreas, amazing, I’ll do it! 👌🏼🤓

penguintheorem profile image
Attilio Urbani

Hi Ivan,

i suggest you to start focusing on few things (like just HTML/CSS/JS) and build small projects, also simple features that could be part of a real application (sign-up form, navbar, ecc..) or taking inspiration from application you use on daily bases (github, facebook, ...). I'm actually thinking of doing this too to improve my skills! Good luck :D

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Thank you very much, @Attilio, amazing recommendation, my friend, I’m following you now 🤓👍🏼

jwp profile image

Sounds like you really want to learn JavaScript. The good news is you've come to a great place. Just keep at it until you're speaking it fluently.

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Thanks, John 🙂

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Thanks to share, friend! 🤜🏼🤛🏼

harsvnc profile image
Hrn Svncハルン • Edited

I would recommend this here:

A good resource for in depth and also basic knowlage.

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Thanks, my friend, I appreciate it! 🙏🏼

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

Absolutely, thank you very much, Lin! I’m very happy with this warm welcome, I think this is an awesome community.

ivannovic profile image
Ivan Arcos

That sounds great, Lin, do you have some examples to learn? Thanks again 🙏🏼