What? Cooking?🧐
guys I just said😁, this is not a post for cooking.
I just said, this is not a cooking post.
This project is about how to make a Responsive Website in React-JS using Spoonacular API...
Link to Code:✨
build cooking recipe website using spoonacular api
Cooking Recipe Website using React & Spoonacular API
go to the website and get good experience
this project we break the api 150 point limit on spoonacular 🐱💻
Deployment commands
Create a new directory, navigate to that directory in a terminal and clone the GitHub repository
git clone https://github.com/jacksonkasi0/cooking-time.git
Change directory to the pattern directory:
cd cooking-time
From the command line, you should Enter:
npm install
yarn add
Add .env
.env file like this...
Run ⚡
yarn start
Blog 📖
Website Link: Cooking Time 👩🍳
Ok, but what about API Hack🐱💻?
spoonacular api free account 150 points / day
So we can do nothing with spoonacular api if we run out of 150 points a day.
Trying so will throw 4️⃣0️⃣2️⃣ error❌
So to overcome this we have written a little code using redux.
Let me explain about that.
let's break the limit ⚡
first this is my .env file:
this is index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
import {createStore,combineReducers} from 'redux'
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import changeRecipe from "./store/reducer/recipeId";
import changeAPiKey from "./store/reducer/updateApi"
// store
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
const store = createStore(rootReducer)
<Provider store={store} >
<App />
Since we use two different reducer here, we have set the variables to rootReducer using combineReducers.
One of the reducers is the API Key that we are going to look at now.
That's changeAPiKey.
If you already know about redux, I would not say more about redux.
But don't worry!!! Tell me if you want to know about redux, I will post as clearly as I can.
Well, we will now look at the action and reducer for changeAPiKey in the store.
src / store / action / updateApi.js
src / store / reducer / updateApi.js
What you need to notice in the reducer for the API Key is that I have set the first apikey in the .env file to initialApiKey.
const initialApiKey = {
We have written action & reducer for API Key.
OK. We will see how to use the api keys in .env.
src / api / ApiKeys.js
In the file apiKeys.js I get all the apikeys from the .env file.
I will convert all those apikeys into an Array data.
Then I will export this array in order to get these apikeys in all the other JavaScript files.
You should also note that I get the first apikey in the .env file here at the end.
let API1 = process.env.REACT_APP_FOOD_API_KEY;
I will say later why this is.
src / App.js
I have first imported ApiKeys from "./api/ApiKeys" in the image above.
Then I have written a few spoonacular api links.
Then I get apiKey in the variable "getApiKey" using useSelector inside the App function.
import { useSelector,useDispatch } from "react-redux";
// import api key Array
import {ApiKeys} from './api/ApiKeys'
// some api url
const homeRecipeURL = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/random?number=21';
const RecipeURL = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/';
const SimilarRecipeURL = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/'
const App = () =>{
// get api key id
const getApiKey =
//some code...
//some code...
export default App;
Then inside the App function, we write an important and simple function.
This is going to hack / break that api limit 😎
That called as changeAPiKey()🔥
import { UpdateApiKey } from "./store/action/updateApi";
import { useSelector,useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { UpdateApiKey } from "./store/action/updateApi";
const App = () =>{
//some code...
let apiCallTime = 0;
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const changeAPiKey = () => {// change api key when api limit hit 150 point, then it's throw 402 error
let CurrentApi = ApiKeys[apiCallTime];
console.log("api limit error & status code = 4️⃣0️⃣2️⃣, but you don't worry, api was changed. so happy cooking 😁")
if (apiCallTime > 8) {
apiCallTime = 0;
//some code...
//some code...
export default App;
Here I first wrote
let apiCallTime = 0;
Then I wrote
const dispatch = useDispatch ();
You can tell by looking at the changeAPiKey() function above.
When changeAPiKey() first runs, it stores the api key in the "apiCallTime" position in the array src / api / ApiKeys.js as "CurrentApi".
let CurrentApi = ApiKeys[apiCallTime];
It then dispatches it to UpdateApiKey using useDispatch().
Now the Api Key Data retrieved from the store will be updated by the "CurrentApi value".
So wherever we get Api Key Data in this entire react js app, it will be the updated new API KEY ✨.
another continues function that call / run ChangeApiKey()
// Home Page
const [homeRecipeData,setHomeRecipeData] = React.useState([]);
const [home,setHome] = React.useState(false);
useEffect( () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
const apiResponse = await axios.get(homeRecipeURL+`&apiKey=${getApiKey}`);
const homeRecipeData = await apiResponse.data;
} catch (err) {
if (err.response) {
if(err.response.status === 402 ){
}, [getApiKey]);
Now in this fetchData() function I get 'api data' using 'api url' and 'api key' with the help of "axios".
In this I will use "initialApiKey" in the store as the 'api key' through "useSelector".
Probably 402 errors if "initialApiKey" runs out of 150 points per day.
If you get a 402 error like this, run the ChangeApiKey() function.
Then, as I said, the old 'api key' which gives 402 error will be replaced by the 'new api key' in the 'Array'.
I would have written the 'api key' at the beginning of the last .env in the array.
This is because the 'api key' used first in "initialApiKey" is the 'api key' at the beginning of the .env.
If "initialApiKey" gives 402 error ChangeApiKey() will again use the 'api key' which returns the old error at the beginning of .env,
So I would have written the 'api key' at the beginning of the .env at the end of the array.
The website will continue to run as usual.
Celebrate a victory🎉💃💃💃 You have now exceeded the api limit...
I am use 10 free account api.
one free api = 150 point/day;
10 x 150 = 1500
So, you get freely 1500 point / pre day, even you don't pay for that.
Now you save up to 29$ per month 🤑🤑🤑.
You can save more on that if you think💸.
If you use the API KEY only once on your processor, you can do this using redux just ChangeApiKey().
But I use redux because this application uses the updated "API KEY" in different javscript files in many places.
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