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I'm developing software and I don't Google any more.

Jaime LR on March 23, 2018

Bet you that someone have told you "Google it" when in doubt about a library method, an error message in command line or bug when you are developin...
anchnk profile image
anchnk • Edited

Ah nice move. The main ddg feature I do love is bangs This is amazing. Lets say you want to check mdn for that JavaScript method you always forget ? Just type !js Object.assign. You want yo check that github project ? !gh nock. Check zeke's talk at dotJS for more

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

Wow, that's neat! I learned something

pabuisson profile image
Pierre-Adrien Buisson

Yep. I just can't live without this feature anymore.

rafaelpadovezi profile image

My favorites are StackOverflow !ov and, when I think Google will have better results, !g

phillie profile image
Philly • Edited

Wow, that's super cool!!! 🤩
I've been already using DuckDuckGo for quite a long time now, but didn't know that!

dominicduffin1 profile image
Dominic Duffin

In addition to answers to questions, DuckDuckGo also provides quick access to information from references. So if, for example, I want to look up about a particular CSS property, I can just DuckDuck it and most likely everything I need to know about it is there (often from MDN). Cheat sheets are also very useful - e.g. 'HTML cheat sheet' will instantly bring up a cheat sheet of common html elements. Cheat sheets also work for finding keyboard shortcuts e.g. 'atom cheat sheet' will give you a list of Atom keyboard shortcuts.

jonmccull_25 profile image
Jon McCullough

Not seen these cheat sheet results before! This is amazing.

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

Yeah! I've seen that feature! Thanks!

evanoman profile image
Evan Oman

That is definitely a nice feature!

But I will be sticking with Google because it knows me. Some say that is creepy, I say it is handy. For example, Google knows I have been writing a lot of Java lately. So when I ask it "how to write to a file" it gives me Java results:

Google KNOWS

This example is pretty trivial because I could have added "java" to the end of the query to get similar results. However there have been many instances where Google has resolved much more complicated queries by fusing my search query with my personal data. Google is auto-magically providing implicit context to everything I search, allowing me to spend less time querying and more time reading + doing.

Obviously if you don't want Google tracking you this is a no-go. Personally I think the convenience is worth the cost.

adrianolsk profile image
Adriano Skroch

When I type "how to write to a file" I got the same java result but I don't use java.

primercuervo profile image
Nicolas Cuervo

True for me as well: the first hit is for python (my language of preference), but then they are all Java (which I don't use). Seems like this specific query has a lot of clicks for java, which makes this specific example not so useful.

However, I have felt how Google uses my search history for better results during my queries, so I still agree it is a behavior that I find convenient.

Thread Thread
evanoman profile image
Evan Oman • Edited

I realized after posting this that Java is a bad example since it is so popular. But there was a time where I primarily used Scala and generic queries quickly brought me to Scala results so Google is definitely trying to figure it out.

vinaypai profile image
Vinay Pai

Yeah agreed. I have honestly never understood the "omg Google tracks you to show ads" argument. If I'm using an ad-supported service why would I not want those ads as tailored as possible? Why it good thing for me to see less relevant ads?

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

Wow! That's an amazing feature! Thanks for sharing.

dedeco profile image
André de Sousa Araújo

Hi Jaime! Do you believe that is sustainable? Stackoverflow need to receive your visit, because is a free service. Stackoverflow need to be renumeramete by publishers, companies finding new talents, etc. So, don't thing that your sugestion is a good, in many ways: 1) Sometimes giving a up vote, you can help others, 2) Is good practise see another awnsers, many times the best options is not a correct (chosen), 3) You can write a improved answer or comment something. 4) Stackowerflow depends of your visit to survive!

So, You can use the DuckDuckgo, but please, visit the page!

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR • Edited

Of course! Someone just give me the same observation a few hours ago, he made a comparison with leechers (from the torrent times). Even though I do have a StackOverflow account I forgot to mention in the post that I always come back and enter the site for an upvoting to the answer or for a comment on the question.

Thanks for your comment!

peterchaula profile image
Peter Chaula

Google does the same thing with most things. Weather, dictionary sites and other sites they take small excepts from and show on search results. They are basically killing the internet

vguarnaccia profile image
Vincent Guarnaccia

They also donate a portion of their revenue to various privacy minded causes.

Plus, if you aren't having luck with DDG, you can get private Google results via StartPage with their bang !s <obscure error>

tareefdev profile image
Tareef Mando

But since DuckDuckGo do not use advertising for funding I feel like it is our responsibility as users to spread the word

Actually, DuckDuckGo generates revenue in two ways (while upholding our privacy policy): advertising and affiliate revenue.

The source:

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

Thanks! I think I have to clarify that statement. :)

rhymes profile image

My only beef with DDG is the fact it doesn't show a date with the results. Which is the main reason I switched back to Google

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

I understand, it is important to remember that not all tools work the same way for everyone. Thanks for reading!

trailrun80 profile image

Heh, come back with another post when you discover that you are missing out on search results for your search terms. When you've spent hours searching DuckDuckGo and then tried googling the same search terms and the exact solution/topic you need poped up at the top when DuckDuckGo didn't even find it. Happened to me more than a couple dozen times in about six months I was using it and so eventually I had it with DuckDuckGo. I was wasting huge amounts of time just to use a hip search engine. Switched back to Google because results matter everything else is just sugar.

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

It happened to me a couple of times, but since most of my questions are quite basic when developing software, I find myself most of the times with the right answer using DDG.

Maybe I should update the post title to "I'm developing software and I don't Google... yet". :D

I must say again that it is important to remember that not all tools work the same way for everyone and this probably should be a quote to include in my next post. Thanks for your comment!

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Welcome to the Duck side!

I switched a few months ago and never looked back.

nebbers1111 profile image

I moved to DDG about 7 months ago, just to see if it could work as a replacement. The only reason I have had to use Google is for Google scholar! Otherwise DDG is great.
Favourite feature is showing the answer to the closest matching stack overflow question - speeds things up a lot.

mklopets profile image
Marko Klopets

While this is a neat feature that I didn't know about (and I'm all for advertising DuckDuckGo even though I don't use it right now), I feel like the "copy paste the top answer and don't even think about it" action path it encourages might not be the best.

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

I'm a pretty big DuckDuckGo fan these days too. I like the way the present info and I like how they don't track.

I do, on occasion, for obscure technical things, have to pop into google to get results sometimes, but it's a small price.

Can't give up google maps yet, but the way it has been changing, I'm ready for a simple challenger with streetview to pick me off.

dsantosp12 profile image
Daniel Santos

This is just amazing! Thank you!

joefuzz profile image
Joe DuVall

It gives a whole new meaning to the term Duck Debugging. We could call it “DuckDuck Debugging”? Eh? Eh? It’s okay, I will see myself out.

PS - I love DuckDuckGo!

yzabiyaka profile image

Pls change "yes, sir" to "yes, ma'am" or just remove the gendered way of addressing your audience. Otherwise, fun article.

jaimelr profile image
Jaime LR

Thanks! Already done. :D

codetiilamgone profile image
David Adebiyi

Cool, I'd definitely try it out

yujinyuz profile image

Been using DDG for quite sometime now. I just love it!

janjuks profile image

Interesting article, but the title is clickbait though.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

This is a terrible feature. Google does this to Wikipedia as well. These free sites survive off having ads and search engines are slowly killing them by stealing their page views.

lauriy profile image
Lauri Elias

Tried it for a month. Oftentimes it isn't quite as good as Google and that adds up quickly.

timosolo profile image

When I google it, it does give the SO answers, but not nearly as nicely as DuckDuckGo! I'm sold!


rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

I think Google is copying them. Just noticed this:

google top answer

guergana profile image
Guergana Tzatchkova

Hola, paisano!

palash25 profile image
Palash Nigam

Great post. I have been using DuckDuckGo for about a year ever since I sent them my first ever PR to an open source project and I don't miss google at all.