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Jane Ori
Jane Ori

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Expert CSS: The CPU Hack

A "CPU Hack" implies unlocking the ability for continuous crunching of data and re-evaluation of state.

For example, if cyclic vars didn't automatically fail to invalid (initial) state in CSS, this would continuously increment the value of --frame-count here:

body {
  --input-frame: var(--frame-count, 0);
  --frame-count: calc(var(--input-frame) + 1);
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Spoiler alert: You actually can do this in CSS, without ever touching JS, I'll show you how!

The 5 Observables

First, let's establish a handful of observations of advanced CSS animation usage so the final demonstration isn't entirely unexpected.

Not directly related to "The 5 Observables"

1. Animation State Rules Over All (almost)

The property assignments set by Animation State trump all Selector State property assignments.

body background is always hotpink in this example:

  body {
    animation: example 1s infinite;
    --color: blue;
    background: var(--color);
  body:hover {
    --color: green;
  body:has(div:hover) {
    --color: red;
  @keyframes example {
    0%, 100% { --color: hotpink; }

This is (partially) why Animation State is not allowed to alter properties that control animations. As in, you cannot[1] animate the value of animation-play-state.

(otherwise, once started, a self-setting animation could only be stopped by JS removal of the element it lives on since the animation could set its own animation value and stay alive no matter what other selector states tried to stop it.[2])

Paused animations are no exception; whatever the value is when it's paused still trumps other states.

[1] Technically there's an unrelated hack that allows this, dealing with inheritance and invalid compute states, but the animation-frame timing of that hack is unreliable for CPU ticking.

[2] This is what went wrong with Ultron.

2. Property Assignments in a Keyframe Can Use var()

body {
  animation: example 1s infinite;
  --color: blue;
body:hover {
  --color: green;
body:has(div:hover) {
  --color: red;
@keyframes example {
  0%, 100% { background: var(--color); }
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In this example, the background color is blue by default, green if hovering, or red if hovering specifically within a div. The color changes as the user interacts.

3. --var Assignments on Keyframe Results are Cached

We can test this by adding a little indirection to the background color assignment:

body {
  animation: example 1s infinite;
  --color: blue;

  background: var(--bg);
body:hover {
  --color: green;
body:has(div:hover) {
  --color: red;
@keyframes example {
  0%, 100% { --bg: var(--color); }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

No matter what, the background is always blue because it first evaluated as blue and changes to --color are not re-computed.

Even if the animation is paused, the cached value does not change when states in the background change.

(paused animations use the cached value)

4. Changing An Animation Property Breaks The Cache

By altering the animation-duration while the user :hovers, the animation cache is recomputed.

body {
  animation: example 1s infinite;
  --color: blue;
  background: var(--bg);
body:hover {
  --color: green;
  animation-duration: 2s;
body:has(div:hover) {
  --color: red;
  animation-duration: 3s;
@keyframes example {
  0%, 100% { --bg: var(--color); }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The end result here is exactly the same as in #2 above; the background color is blue by default, green if hovering, or red if hovering specifically within a div.

Note: Safari has a bug where it does NOT recompute the cache when an animation property changes, so we've entered Chrome-only territory (firefox can't animate --vars yet)

If we "changed" the animation-duration to 1s, it would not technically change, and the cache does not recompute.

You begin to get interesting behavior if both :hover states use the same value that's different from the default state.

body {
  animation-duration: 1s;
body:hover {
  animation-duration: 2s;
body:has(div:hover) {
  animation-duration: 2s;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Let's show this one live:

depending on where your mouse enters the screen (from the top vs bottom), you'll get different colors that "lock" to one or the other until you mouse out.

5. Two Animations

What if instead of pseudo selector state changing the value of --color, we made another animation that changed it?

Our example animation still sets --bg based on --color, so we can expect it to still have the same caching behavior.

Changing an animation property of our example animation should also, still, cause it to recompute its cache.

So, finally, the example animation should accept whatever the current --color value is from another animation and cache it with its state.

Here's what that would look like:

body {
  animation: color 3s step-end infinite,
    example 1s infinite;

  background: var(--bg);
body:hover {
  animation-play-state: running, paused;
div::after {
  content: "color preview";
  background: var(--color);

@keyframes color {
  0%, 33% { --color: blue; }
  33%, 67% { --color: green; }
  67%, 100% { --color: red; }
@keyframes example {
  0%, 100% { --bg: var(--color); }
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Note: Even though we're pausing the example animation on :hover, that still constitutes a change from the default running state so it re-computes and pauses in the same CSS paint frame.

and here's what it feels like:

The bg locks to whatever it was when you entered, then re-computes and re-locks to whatever it is when you leave.

Persistence! NEAT!

The CPU Hack Begins

The previous information implies something extremely interesting; grabbing the cached value from an animation does not recompute it, so it shouldn't cause an invalid cyclic state if the source of the cached value is one step removed.

Double capture, compute once, manage the timing... Should be possible.

We have the example animation conditionally capturing the value from either normal selector states or from another animation.

Let's imagine it's capturing a number instead of a color, like the --frame-count from the opening of this article.

And we'll rename it from example to capture.

body {
  animation: capture 1s infinite;

  --input-frame: 0;
  --frame-count: calc(var(--input-frame) + 1);
@keyframes capture {
  0%, 100% { --frame-captured: var(--frame-count); }
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Wouldn't it be great if we could set --input-frame to that --frame-captured value?

We know that doing it directly would be cyclic because all 3 of these assignments exist in the same frame:

--input-frame = --frame-captured
--frame-count = --input-frame + 1
--frame-captured = --frame-count

If we capture the captured value though and make sure both captures aren't running at the same time, the capture-capture could hoist that value back to --input-frame...

Let's try. We'll call the captured capture hoist.

Also, since we don't want them ever running at the same time (because that would definitely be cyclic), let's start them off paused to be safe.

body {
  animation: hoist 1ms infinite,
    capture 1ms infinite;
  animation-play-state: paused, paused;

  --input-frame: var(--frame-hoist, 0);
  --frame-count: calc(var(--input-frame) + 1);
body::after {
  counter-reset: frame var(--frame-count);
  content: "--frame-count: " counter(frame);
@keyframes hoist {
  0%, 100% { --frame-hoist: var(--frame-captured, 0); }
@keyframes capture {
  0%, 100% { --frame-captured: var(--frame-count); }
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Now, in order to test this, we also want to set up some dom that we can hover in a specific order to trigger the animation-play-state in the right order. No gaps between the elements and we'll give them classes phase-0, etc

The first phase is definitely capturing the original output. So we'll keep hoist paused and let our old friend capture run first:

body:has(.phase-0:hover) {
  animation-play-state: paused, running;
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We can stop hovering that element to pause both, which will capture --frame-count, or we can go ahead and set up another element to explicitly do that:

body:has(.phase-1:hover) {
  animation-play-state: paused, paused;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, finally? The moment of truth, test if we can run hoist while capture is paused, which should give us enough room to avoid the cyclic dependency and plop that output back that the top as input... which should give us our first 2

body:has(.phase-2:hover) {
  animation-play-state: running, paused;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here it is live, :hover the cursor from top to bottom to complete a loop:

The CPU Hack


We could make the user pet the dom with their cursor all day orrrr we could move the dom under the cursor the moment it needs to be to automatically trigger :hover

Let's figure that out!

We'll need hovering .phase-0 to automatically "goto" .phase-1, then hovering that will "goto" .phase-2...

And then hovering .phase-2 needs to return to a paused, paused state to avoid any single frame running a compute for both animations at the same time.

Remember: playing or pausing an animation causes it to re-compute on that frame, so changing from running, paused straight to paused, running is actually, for one frame, running both at the same time.

So we need to "goto" a state that will then "goto" .phase-0. Since .phase-1 is paused, paused and "goto" 2, we'll duplicate it and make the new .phase-3 also pause both but "goto" 0 instead.

Let's add this CSS to what we had:

body:has(.phase-3:hover) {
  animation-play-state: paused, paused;
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And we'll use this for the HTML:

<ol class="cpu">
  <li class="phase-0"></li>
  <li class="phase-1"></li>
  <li class="phase-2"></li>
  <li class="phase-3"></li>
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Here's a recap of each phase if interested
  • .phase-0 (hoist paused, capture running)

    1. Hoist Value is Frozen
    2. Assign Captured = Output Value
    3. GOTO .phase-1
  • .phase-1 (hoist paused, capture paused)

    1. Hoist Value is Frozen
    2. Assign Captured Value = Output Value
    3. Freeze Captured (at the end of this css paint frame)
    4. GOTO .phase-2
  • .phase-2 (hoist running, capture paused)

    1. Captured Value is Frozen
    2. Assign Hoist Value = Captured Value
    3. GOTO .phase-3
  • .phase-3 (hoist paused, capture paused)

    1. Captured Value is Frozen
    2. Assign Hoist Value = Captured Value
    3. Freeze Hoist (at the end of this css paint frame)
    4. GOTO .phase-0

Next, we'll style this .cpu element so each of its children take up its whole area when their width becomes 100%, z-stacked on top of each other in dom order.

.cpu { position: relative; list-style: none; }
.cpu > * {
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0px;
  width: 0px;
.cpu > .phase-0 { width: 100%; }
.cpu > .phase-0:hover + .phase-1 { width: 100%; }
.cpu > .phase-1:hover + .phase-2 { width: 100%; }
.cpu > .phase-2:hover + .phase-3 { width: 100%; }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This should be the final piece; each phase triggers the next and they'll only happen for one CSS Paint Frame each. Let's see it live!

Note: we also needed to register the output var (--frame-count) or else it will suddenly stop working at 100 because of calc() technically becoming nested each iteration. Casting it to integer prevents this and is much more efficient. The demo above has the @property code included.

Also, technically, one small cleanup you could make:

Drop the --input-frame var, just --frame-hoist directly, it's cleaner.

The Rest of the Owl

So you have a CPU in CSS. What can you do with it?

100% CSS Compute Integer --width and --height of the Screen

100% CSS Image-Mouse-Coordinate Zoom on Hover

100% CSS Conway's Game of Life Simulator - Infinite Generations, 42x42

100% CSS Breakout, play it here:

The End!

If you think this is useful, fun, or interesting, it's the kind of thing I do in my free time! So please do consider following me here, on CodePen, and on X as well!

// Jane Ori

PS: I've been laid off recently and am looking for a job!

Over 13 years of full stack (mostly JS) engineering work and consulting, ready for the right opportunity!


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Top comments (12)

r4e profile image
Richie Permana

This is so next level😵I almost understand nothing.

warkentien2 profile image
Philip Warkentien II

I am in shock! First, just the in-between tricks are awesome enough (Persistence, Incremental timer). And, of course, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 4-tile fine-position detection with a CSS-only-binary-search-loop-compute-hack (or something like that).

Amazing project!

janeori profile image
Jane Ori

your gecko pen is absolutely adorable and I enjoyed your article on it!

truly delighted by the geckos ^^

glad you enjoyed my work too; thank you for checking it out!

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

I... think I'll bookmark this article to read it later... again and again...
Advanced stuff ahoy! 🤯

janeori profile image
Jane Ori

Awesome, that's what I do with pages of the CSS spec! :D

sebastianmarinescu profile image
Sebastian G. Marinescu

WOW, you are a wizard ❤️👍🏻

leptoquark1 profile image

Bleeding edge stuff here. I like it

den_dionigi profile image

Woha, this is deep!

afif profile image
Temani Afif

and I was going to miss the only interesting CSS article since too long because you forgot the tag .. 😳

janeori profile image
Jane Ori

Remembering is so much more a psychotic activity than forgetting.

DEV should blink warnings at you before publishing! >.<;;

Giant flashing stop sign illuminated in a water-based-hologram before entering a passage beneath a low bridge

simevidas profile image
Šime Vidas

depending on where your mouse enters the screen (from the top vs bottom), you'll get different colors that "lock" to one or the other until you mouse out.

Not in Safari and Firefox.

janeori profile image
Jane Ori

Note: Safari has a bug where it does NOT recompute the cache when an animation property changes, so we've entered Chrome-only territory (firefox can't animate --vars yet)


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