My Portfolio Site - Pt 5
This week I relaunched my portfolio site as a React app on Github Pages. I won't get into the details of the process because the documentation from the React team was far better than any blogging I found on the subject. Truly nothing beats the actual documentation from any framework or library IMO.
As much as I wanted to keep it framework free, relaunching with React will surely help me in the future. I was able to keep this CSS library free- just for fun and developing my skills. For this version I've only left my tech stack and portfolio projects in terms of content but made it a little moodier with some recently acquired CSS skills.
Take a look at some code!
One of the biggest updates to this version is some media responsiveness. The images are still my own and manipulated with Gimp and Compress PNG
One of my favorite tricks learned was the auto-grid class for the portfolio cards which I built myself. I used SVG icons as often as possible with a handful of Font Awesome as I anticipate using it in the future.
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