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Javier Eguiluz
Javier Eguiluz

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Is Your CSS Logical?

Take a look at this CSS snippet. What's wrong with it?

p {
    border-top: 2px solid red;
    margin-left: 2rem;
    width: 80ch;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Depending on your website audience, there are either zero or three errors. Before explaining which errors, let's set some context.

A Matter of Perspective

When you step onto a boat, you won't hear terms like "left" or "right". That's because the left/right sides of a boat depend on the observer's perspective. Instead, they use "port" and "starboard", unambigous terms that always refer to the same sides of the boat, regardless of your position or the speaker's:

The names of the main ship parts
Image created by Pearson Scott Foresman and released into the public domain. Source

The same principle applies to anatomical terms of location, which allow doctors and veterinarians to describe the location of body parts unambiguously, regardless of the relative position of the patient or doctor.

CSS Internationalization

If your web applications are used globally, you must design them to adapt to various linguistic needs. For example, languages like English and Spanish are written from left-to-right (LTR); Arabic and Hebrew are written from right-to-left (RTL); Mongolian and traditional Japanese are written from top to bottom.

So, when you use a CSS declaration like this:

p {
    margin-left: 2rem;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Do you mean that (1) you want to add space to the physical left of the paragraph, or (2) you want to add some space before the content starts? For a fully internationalized UI, the correct answer is always (2).

The Logical Solution

You could create separate stylesheets for LTR and RTL languages and load them conditionally. There are even tools like the webpack-rtl plugin that can generate automatically a RTL stylesheet based on the original LTR stylesheet.

However, the best solution would be to apply CSS styles conditionally like this:

p {
    if writing is left-to-right:
        margin-left: 2rem;
    elseif writing is right-to-left:
        margin-right: 2rem;
    elseif writing is top-to-bottom:
        margin-top: 2rem;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can do this in CSS but with a much simpler syntax:

p {
    margin-inline-start: 2rem;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This margin-inline-start property is a logical CSS property which dynamically adjusts based on the user's writing direction. Logical properties work similarly to the port/starboard analogy; they describe layout in a way that is unambiguous across different writing systems.

Logical properties define layout directions using these two terms:

  • inline: parallel to the flow of text within a line.
  • block: perpendicular to the flow of text within a line.

This illustration shows the logical positions compared to the physical locations for all the writing modes supported by CSS:

CSS logical properties and writing modes

Using logical properties, the initial example shown at the beginning of this article can be rewritten like this:

p {
    border-block-start: 2px solid red;
    margin-inline-start: 2rem;
    inline-size: 80ch;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Updating an existing CSS stylesheet to use logical properties might seem daunting at first. However, most of the work involves simply replacing left with inline-start, right with inline-end, top with block-start, and bottom with block-end. Some properties require different renaming; for example, border-bottom-left-radius becomes border-end-start-radius, height becomes block-size, etc.

The effort is well worth it, as this is a future-proof solution that ensures your website is accessible to everyone. For instance, the EasyAdmin project, which I'm involved in, has already updated its stylesheets to use logical properties.

Logical Properties Reference

Here's a reference table of all the logical properties to help you update your own projects:

Physical Property Logical Property
border-bottom border-block-end
border-bottom-color border-block-end-color
border-bottom-left-radius border-end-start-radius
border-bottom-right-radius border-end-end-radius
border-bottom-style border-block-end-style
border-bottom-width border-block-end-width
border-left border-inline-start
border-left-color border-inline-start-color
border-left-style border-inline-start-style
border-left-width border-inline-start-width
border-right border-inline-end
border-right-color border-inline-end-color
border-right-style border-inline-end-style
border-right-width border-inline-end-width
border-top border-block-start
border-top-color border-block-start-color
border-top-left-radius border-start-start-radius
border-top-right-radius border-start-end-radius
border-top-style border-block-start-style
border-top-width border-block-start-width
bottom inset-block-end
container-intrinsic-height contain-intrinsic-block-size
container-intrinsic-width contain-intrinsic-inline-size
height block-size
left inset-inline-start
margin-bottom margin-block-end
margin-left margin-inline-start
margin-right margin-inline-end
margin-top margin-block-start
max-height max-block-size
max-width max-inline-size
min-height min-block-size
min-width min-inline-size
overscroll-behavior-x overscroll-behavior-inline
overscroll-behavior-y overscroll-behavior-block
overflow-x overflow-inline
overflow-y overflow-block
padding-bottom padding-block-end
padding-left padding-inline-start
padding-right padding-inline-end
padding-top padding-block-start
right inset-inline-end
top inset-block-start
width inline-size

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Top comments (7)

kasir-barati profile image
Mohammad Jawad (Kasir) Barati

I am all for logical properties, BTW do you know why famous CSS framework like tailwindcss ain't adapting this new style of writing CSS?

They could still remain backward compatible if they wanted by just introducing new classes and then after a transition period eventually they can remove old classes from newer versions of the tailwindcss IMO.

javiereguiluz profile image
Javier Eguiluz • Edited

I'm not sure if they are fully compatible with logical properties, but Tailwind CSS (and Bootstrap too) define some utilities that use logical properties.

For example, in addition to ml- (margin-left) mr- (margin-right) and mx- (margin-left + margin-right) you have ms- (margin-inline-start) and me- (margin-inline-end). They also have ltr: and rtl: modifiers for styles (e.g. ltr:ml-3 rtl:mr-3).

But yes, they might be missing logical properties in other utilities. Something to improve for future versions!

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić

Wow, this is truly a unicorn blog post.
I had no idea about this topic before. I especially enjoyed the part where you made a parallel between the situation with boats and doctors.

Q: In the PR, did you manually adjust these properties to be more logical, or did you use a tool to automate the replacements?

javiereguiluz profile image
Javier Eguiluz

Thanks for your comment!

We did the changes "manually" (using find & replace in the IDE/editor) instead of fully automated. It was a bit cumbersome but I think it's worth it in our case.

whosee profile image

The only downsides I see is the verbosity (not really) and the readability. But maybe one gets used to these?

javiereguiluz profile image
Javier Eguiluz

Yes, we are so used to properties like "margin-left" that the new ones may feel verbose and strange at first. But, I'm sure we can adapt quickly once we start using them.

That said, if you're sure that your project will never need to support writing directions other than LTR, then using these logical CSS properties isn't necessary at all.

vigneshiyergithub profile image

Learnt a new perspective, thanks for sharing!