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JC Latam
JC Latam

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What is Styled-Components?


Styled-components is a popular library that is used to style React applications. It allows you to build custom components by writing actual CSS in your JavaScript.

In this article, we will take a look at how to use styled-components in a React application.

By the end of the article, you should have an understanding of how to do the following:

Create a styled component
Pass props to a styled component
Create and use a theme
Before we dive into the code, let’s first do a quick overview of the styled-components library and understand the benefits of using it.

What Is Styled-Components?
There are many options you can take when it comes to styling a React application. The traditional way would be to create an external CSS file, then pass the attributes as a string on the className prop.

You can also use the CSS-in-JS technique, where you write the CSS in the JavaScript file. Styled-components takes this approach.

“Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress.” — styled-components website

Benefits of using styled-components
Automatic critical CSS — styled-components keeps track of which components are rendered on a page and only adds their styles
No class name bugs — styled-components generates a unique class name for the styles
Easier deletion of CSS — styles are tied to a specific component rather than being added as a class name
Simple dynamic styling — styles can be added to a component based on props or a theme
Painless maintenance — styles added to a component is done all in one place, rather than across multiple files
Automatic vendor prefixing — styled-components handles all of this
Create a Styled Component
To get started, let’s create our first styled component. I will be working on a basic create-react-app project with TypeScript support. You can follow along with or without TypeScript.

The conventional way to name a file when using styled-components is componentName.styled.ts. Where “componentName” is replaced with the name of the component.

For example, I will create a new file called /src/components/styles/Button.styled.ts. This is where I will create my component.

In this file, first import styled from 'styled-components';. Then, you can use styled to create a styled component.

“Styled components utilises tagged template literals to style your components.” — styled-components website

In other words, when you are defining styles, you are actually creating a component that has the styles attached to it using template literals.

First, type styled. followed by a valid React component or a tagname like ‘div’. For this example, we will create a styled button component.

export const Button = styled.button
background-color: springGreen;
color: black;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
margin: 1rem;
cursor: pointer;
border: none;
outline: none

We can now use this Button component like any normal element in our app.

Styled Button

When we render the button, it will now have all of the styles with it.

Top comments (1)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Love using styled-components I like to alternative them and Vanilla CSS.