I've been spending a lot of my time this month thinking about databases and dev tooling. What's out there in this space? How do you know you're getting the best performance or security out of your database?
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Well, I strongly recommend DBeaver, a powerful opensource database GUI tool. In the past I already used mysql workbench, heidisql, sqlyog, navicat, toad and oracle sql developer. Finally I found the wonderful DBeaver and stick with it because it has the most useful features, it's compatible with many database engines and has constant updates.
I'll check it out, thanks for the list too. I guess there's lots of tools with a wide range of focus.
In case that you are using MySQL, there is a cool Perl script called mysqltuner. It allows you to quickly test your MySQL configuration and it gives you suggestions for adjustments to increase performance and stability.
For more information you could take a look at this answer here:
How to optimize MySQL
I haven't used MySQL for a while, but I'll go check it out π
I've just been browsing the #sql tag and found this wonderful story of a SQL linter for VSCode: dev.to/ronsoak/doing-the-impossibl...