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Jeriel Ng
Jeriel Ng

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Dev Archetypes: How to Recognize Yours and Leverage It

Sorry to say this, but you can't be good at everything. Everyone, by design, has strengths and weaknesses, even in software development. We're all built differently and have our own contributions to bring to the table.

In many ways, recognizing that everyone is different will help you to collaborate better as a team. It also humbles you to know that you will have limitations but also that that's okay. While you may lack refinement in certain areas, you will still shine elsewhere.

The aim, then, is to figure out what those skills are and focus on expanding them.


While the following archetypes are fun to think about, remember that they're not discrete buckets. There is lots of room for overlap, and you may find yourself excelling in one or more areas. The important thing to remember is that you'd rarely find anyone who's maxed out in all areas, if that's even possible. Ultimately, the idea isn’t to pigeonhole yourself but to recognize and embrace your strengths.

The following is a breakdown of what I believe are common developer archetypes on a given team. It may not be an exhaustive list, so if you have ideas of your own, feel free to share some in the comments!

The Artisan

When it comes to quality, syntax, and semantics, the Artisan crafts clean code that is maintainable and readable. This goes a long way in keeping tech debt out of the codebase. Additionally, you also excel at doing careful refactors, sometimes on a large scale, with minimal errors. This naturally comes along with thoughtful unit tests that protect the integrity of the code. In short, you pay attention to detail and have the sharpest eye for software quality, what it looks like and what it doesn’t look like.

You can almost liken the Artisan to a gardener, caring for and tending to the needs of the code, making sure to prune any weeds before they become too unwieldy to manage.

The Encyclopedia

The Encyclopedia is a fountain of knowledge, having a natural ability to recall nitty-gritty APIs and tools. You're able to maintain this knowledge through an appetite for blogs and podcasts since the software landscape changes almost weekly. Thus, people with an eagerness to learn and an excitement for new tech will usually excel at this. This comes in especially useful when the approach to implementing a new feature or bug fix isn't readily apparent.

One great way to continue sharpening this trait is to experiment with various side projects as your sandbox environment. By knowing broadly what tools are available, you're usually the first to ask, "What if we tried using XYZ?"

The Debugger

The Debugger is really good at pinpointing issues and finding a fix for them. For some reason, you have a sort of "sixth sense" in feeling out the root cause of a bug, which will oftentimes point to its solution.

Debuggers are typically methodical in their approach. Instead of banging your head against the wall when something isn't working, you tend to step back and look at the bigger picture. In this way, you're more efficient at diagnosing the issue because you're quick to synthesize the common denominator between what's working and what isn't. As a Debugger, you're not afraid to roll up your sleeves and use all the tools at your disposal to go deep into a particular problem.

The Architect

The Architect has a broad vision for software design and can identify the pros and cons of a given solution. This skill doesn't typically show itself until you've had years of experience, particularly after working on longer-term projects where you've been able to witness firsthand the consequences of bad design.

Still, the Architect has a natural ability of seeing how all the pieces of a larger system connect together and laying out the plan to put those pieces together, one step at a time. People trust your judgment because you're able to articulate and address the flaws in a software solution before spending time and resources to build it.

The Communicator

Bridging the gap between technical jargon and product value is a difficult balance. Especially when you're deep in the weeds of the code and all its edge cases, trying to explain any of that to someone outside your team will simply fall on deaf ears if you don't speak their language.

The Communicator excels at understanding what's relevant to non-developers and articulating that information in a way that will get buy-in from stakeholders and drive the product to completion. This is an important role that runs in tandem with your product owner because, as someone who also has your hands deep in the code, you deeply understand the “why” in what you’re building.

The Mentor

Similar to the Communicator, the Mentor understands the perspective of a new developer and how overwhelming onboarding can be. Not everyone can easily explain a codebase or advanced topics in a way that will stick with a developer who doesn’t have the same amount of context. Here, that context is the key piece, and empathy is the strongest trait of the Mentor. While everyone else on the team has had time to build up a shared understanding of historical decisions and past mistakes, a junior developer or new joiner has not. The Mentor acts as their representative and exercises patience and generosity with their time.

As the Mentor, you understand the multiplicative effects of raising up everyone else on the team, even if it takes time away from your own tasks.


Knowing your archetype isn't meant to be a way for you to flex. At least, it shouldn't be. Rather, it's a way to discover where your strengths lie so that you can bring the most value to your team. It also helps you remember that no one is perfect, allowing you to give yourself and others more grace.

Taking a step back, finding your niche skill(s) should not be an excuse to ignore all the other areas. Knowing your limits also has an upside by allowing you to understand where else you can improve. While it's important to work as a team, there's a fine line between collaboration and over-dependence. Harness your strengths but also find ways to understand and work around your weaknesses.

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