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Cover image for What was your win this week?
Jess Lee
Jess Lee Subscriber

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What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small πŸŽ‰

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Finishing a puzzle...or whatever else that may spark joy πŸ˜„


Happy Friday!

Top comments (85)

sarahcodes_dev profile image
Sarah πŸ¦„

I got a new job! 🎈 I gave notice at my current job and will be moving to Amsterdam in a couple of months 🀞 to start my new role as a Senior Frontend Engineer πŸ™Œ

twitmyreview profile image
Priyab Dash

Congrats hope this lockdown ends soon, I had some opportunity to move to Belgium but stuck for now.

sarahcodes_dev profile image
Sarah πŸ¦„

Thank you and congrats to you too! Yeah I’m hoping I can get over in the summer if things calm down! I hope you can get to Belgium soon too!

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations on the new role and the move. I would love to live in the Netherlands.

sarahcodes_dev profile image
Sarah πŸ¦„

Thanks! I'm so excited!!

leadersheir_ profile image
Warisul Imam

That's amazing! Really happy for you! Keep on CODING!

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Congrats! That is so exciting.

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Congratulations Sarah. Keep us posted on everything 🌞

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Conngraaats πŸŽ‰β˜•

joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

I published and sold 17 copies of my first-ever book, "Using Gatsby and Netlify CMS"! I didn't know what to expect as I have never written a book before, but it was a lot of fun!

mattvb91 profile image
Matthias von Bargen


waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

πŸŽ‰ wooo! That has to be an awesome feeling to sell something that you created like that!

leadersheir_ profile image
Warisul Imam

That's really cool! Congrats!

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco


joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

Thank you!

iridakos profile image
Lazarus Lazaridis • Edited

Found time:

  • to add more features to my toy project stup, a shell tool for daily notes
  • to post about it at
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Not me per se but shout out to @molly_struve , @atsmith813 and all the contributors who helped us migrate off a proprietary search platform to an open source one. We finally finished the project this week. πŸ˜„

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey

I had 200 concurrent visitors on my blog!

And got lots of lovely comments from all over the internet from inspired learners πŸ₯°

andyhaskell profile image
Andy Haskell

Released my post on what I do about perfectionism as a content creator, which was my biggest obstacle blogging (it used to take me sometimes a month to finish a post)!

bugmagnet profile image
Bruce Axtens

Somebody once told me, "Perfection can be the enemy of the good." They told me that in light of the fact that I had virtually nothing to show for all my high school art classes simply because I smashed up anything that wasn't perfect.

frankfont profile image
Frank Font • Edited

I'm reading a book right now called the gift of imperfection --- there is an entire chapter on how perfectionism is not a good thing in ANY way. You are lucky someone shared that insight with you and that you heard it. :)

defgrav04 profile image
Mina Oh

Omg, this is awesome. I actually have a similar post about how perfectionism harms your relationships and mental health (based on my experience). My other blog is down right now, though, so I cannot share it πŸ™

gabrielecimato profile image
Gabriele Cimato


jamesshah profile image
James Shah

This week I published my own blog😍😍
Check out :

Comments & Feedbacks are welcome!!

mattvb91 profile image
Matthias von Bargen

Looks good! Nice and clean

jamesshah profile image
James Shah

Thankkk youuπŸ€—πŸ€—

maxpou profile image
Maxence Poutord

very nice James!
btw, it's interesting we are using the exact same color fot the background! (see

jamesshah profile image
James Shah

That's strangely nicee coincidence πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

matteobruni profile image
Matteo Bruni

This week I played a bit with noise generation to create something like this for my particles library

I implemented a quad tree instead of the spatial hashing but I still don't know which algorithm has the best performance.

I fixed an annoying bug with canvas and retina/HiDPI screen, it wasn’t though but any bug fixed is a good thing!

I created other cool feature for particles, nothing difficult but it’s my first time doing these animations

heyeasley profile image
heyeasley πŸ“πŸ₯­

Just mind-blowing. Excellent.

lisasy profile image
Lisa Sy (she/her)

I was feeling myself burn out and get stressed out because of pandemic-related loneliness and stress, and I gave myself permission to not do anything. This goes against my typical coping mechanisms which is to do more and to always feel like I should be doing "something" with my time. There's a phenomenon that describes this called "allostatic load":

jordanlewis profile image
Jordan Lewis

Posted to for the first time since last year! This video is about column families in CockroachDB. It's an interesting database concept that I think deserves more love and appreciation.

laojala profile image
Laura Ojala

I made a submission to talk to my first big tech conference! What was the best in it: I got support and mentoring from others about selecting and framing the topic. Talk is about how we automate testing and utilize data in making decisions related to the embedded device acceptance testing at my new work. It is always interesting to hear how testing is organized, so I hope my talk makes it to the conference πŸ˜€

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco

Hope everyone had a good week! This week, I added search functionality to my final React Redux / Rails project for Flatiron School. My assessment is Monday and this add will hopefully make it even more likely that I will pass. :)

captemulation profile image
John Dean • Edited

Lost my job first week of April. Big win this week was to get and sign an offer on a new position starting Monday.

notfocaccia profile image
Alicia Fasciocco


bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Congratulations πŸŽ‰

pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘

I finished and delivered my application for the Twilio + Dev Hackathon!
I lost hope times than I can tell you, but I did it !!!

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Well done🀸

pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘

Thank you!!!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev
  • Created a BASH script which lets you answer fun tech questions directly in your terminal β˜•

  • Post about it at πŸ™Œ

alexgeorgiev17 profile image
Alex Georgiev

The BASH script looks awesome. You can also find a way to combine it with cowsay/tuxsay and make it run every time you open a new terminal windows!