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Jess Lee
Jess Lee Subscriber

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What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy 😄


Top comments (82)

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

First week at DEV 🎉🚀

Huge thanks to everyone on the DEV team that I've worked with so far for making it a great experience!

as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

Congrats Mr Jacob

yababay profile image

I am agree with Jacob. Joincing to this community was very plesant and encouraged event of my week.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

I got to speak at AWS Toronto Summit so it was my first official AWS speaking event.

I wrote a whole story up how I got in as well as here is the tech talk itself.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

So cool! Way to go. Share the video of your talk?

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited
as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh


jkimexploring profile image

I created an account and first post here
I did my first PR for Hacktoberfest and it was merged
Started getting back into the groove of reading
Sent an email I was nervous about

as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

Congrats and welcome Ms Jenna

jkimexploring profile image

Thank you!

Thread Thread
as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

You're welcome

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau
  • Crushed a proposal
  • Blogged on Dev a couple times
  • Ate (more) healthy (than usual)
  • Got some exercise for once
  • Did a PR for hacktoberfest (3 to go)
jess profile image
Jess Lee

Nice! What was the PR?

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau • Edited

It was this big 'ol thing.

Implement datamodel #41

  • Added components/CaseTable.js which manages the dominant view (using React useContext)
  • Added layout cruft to components/bodyview.js
  • Added contexts/casecontroller.js responsible for global app state (!!) including pre-initialized context provider
  • Added Material-UI helper components (e.g. CssBaseline) per best practices
  • Moved SSoT JSON files to static for now
  • TODO: reinstate nav.js
  • TODO: improve linting workflow

rfj_expungement is a tool being developed at Code For DC to help pro-bono (volunteer) lawyers. Rising for Justice holds clinics in Washington, DC where they help people navigate the surprisingly Byzantine process to clear their criminal records. If you have a criminal record (at least in the US) it can make it harder to get housing, a job, services, and more.

The PR is meant to clean up the repo following the National Day of Civic Hacking, where we had a bunch of great contributors.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne
  • Got new contributors to my project!
  • got a hacktoberfest PR done!
  • Been stuck on the same API oddity since wednesday! (at least it keeps me busy)
  • Got a big component of my app done!
  • Reorganized all my code!
ginniecodes profile image
Jhinel Arcaya

Great achievements! What's your project about?

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Its a open source voice assistant for android.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

I finally broke 200lbs. Numbers shouldn’t mean anything in terms of weight loss as it’s really about reducing your fat, but it was a goal I had set anyways. I did not measure my fat reduction during this period, but I can tell just by looking in the mirror and how my clothes fit, I’ve definitely lost a few slabs of bacon.

I’ve generally been active, but a few bad injuries including a calf tear last fall lead to the weight gain. It was a bit rough at the beginning as I was coming off an injury that took a while to heal, but busting my butt at the gym, sleeping more and eating less (not starving) got me here. No I am not a doctor, but this is what worked for me. 💪💥

Nick’s weight loss chart

All that to say, I’m starting to look more like this university pic minus the scary shaved head LOL.

the_prion profile image
Jeff Meyerson

Started posting on DEV and quite impressed with the whole platform.

I hadn't realized how much progress it has made since the "Medium for developers" days. There are so many little pieces of polish that end up encouraging discussion and interaction rather than the Medium-style wall of text.

The thing it actually reminds me of most is forums that I used back in high school. I have really fond memories of those and something has been lost between the distraction of Facebook, the real-time barrage of Slack, and the dopamine of Twitter.

Still getting used to the editor. I think I actually like it more than the Quora/Medium/WordPress editors but there are some little technical snafus I have had and still figuring out my workflow.

michalrogowski profile image
Michal Rogowski

Hey about the editor part, for writing posts I’m using bear for macOS and iOS. I can really recommend it! Pro version is not so expensive ;)

iamskok profile image
Vladimir Skok

This week I finished working on is the presentation about fast, secure and dynamic sites built with JavaScript, APIs, and prerendered Markup, served without web servers.

Check it out

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited
  • Hacktoberfest done ✓
  • Modified a future version of the website of one of my projects
  • Advanced to my main blog with Ruby On Rails
  • Put a bot back in place specially for Halloween and clean his code ✓
  • Clean my Raspberry Pi (Reinstallation of Raspbian and Pi-hole) ✓
nomangul profile image
Noman Gul • Edited

When you joined GitHub? WE KNOW!

Yahoo! 🥳

My Side project Octocat Day is live NOW

Source Code here

octocat day image

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕


mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

After lot's of hemming & hawing, I finally launched a newsletter in.snippets() where I share notes for articles that I read on a daily basis. :D

If you would like to get short TL;DRs of some of the best articles, sign up here!

zchtodd profile image

I started a series of SQL challenges this week, and I'm posting them one day at a time here on DEV. It's been a lot of fun. The SQL tag doesn't get a ton of traffic, but I hope I can be a part of helping it grow!

igorperikov profile image
Igor Perikov • Edited

We have launched NHL live translations at our service, I was responsible of making proper performance testing and setting all the necessary protection mechanisms in case of extremely big load and we're doing great so far.

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Not exactly my achievement I guess, but... thanks to this amazing community, I got contributions to my Open Source project (worked the last few years alone on the project). So for me, it's still unbelievable :-)

malloc007 profile image
Ryota Murakami • Edited

Google Search result showing my repo first page with "react typescript 2019" search words 🤖

I'm still maintaining/improving little by little, but I got a more motivation for new visitors and beyond 2020!! 🚀🔥
