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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on October 04, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

First week at DEV 🎉🚀

Huge thanks to everyone on the DEV team that I've worked with so far for making it a great experience!

as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

Congrats Mr Jacob

yababay profile image

I am agree with Jacob. Joincing to this community was very plesant and encouraged event of my week.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

I got to speak at AWS Toronto Summit so it was my first official AWS speaking event.

I wrote a whole story up how I got in as well as here is the tech talk itself.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

So cool! Way to go. Share the video of your talk?

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited
as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh


jkimexploring profile image

I created an account and first post here
I did my first PR for Hacktoberfest and it was merged
Started getting back into the groove of reading
Sent an email I was nervous about

as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

Congrats and welcome Ms Jenna

jkimexploring profile image

Thank you!

Thread Thread
as_2604 profile image
Muhamad Asep Saepuloh

You're welcome

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau
  • Crushed a proposal
  • Blogged on Dev a couple times
  • Ate (more) healthy (than usual)
  • Got some exercise for once
  • Did a PR for hacktoberfest (3 to go)
jess profile image
Jess Lee

Nice! What was the PR?

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau • Edited

It was this big 'ol thing.

Implement datamodel #41

  • Added components/CaseTable.js which manages the dominant view (using React useContext)
  • Added layout cruft to components/bodyview.js
  • Added contexts/casecontroller.js responsible for global app state (!!) including pre-initialized context provider
  • Added Material-UI helper components (e.g. CssBaseline) per best practices
  • Moved SSoT JSON files to static for now
  • TODO: reinstate nav.js
  • TODO: improve linting workflow

rfj_expungement is a tool being developed at Code For DC to help pro-bono (volunteer) lawyers. Rising for Justice holds clinics in Washington, DC where they help people navigate the surprisingly Byzantine process to clear their criminal records. If you have a criminal record (at least in the US) it can make it harder to get housing, a job, services, and more.

The PR is meant to clean up the repo following the National Day of Civic Hacking, where we had a bunch of great contributors.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne
  • Got new contributors to my project!
  • got a hacktoberfest PR done!
  • Been stuck on the same API oddity since wednesday! (at least it keeps me busy)
  • Got a big component of my app done!
  • Reorganized all my code!
ginniecodes profile image
Jhinel Arcaya

Great achievements! What's your project about?

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Its a open source voice assistant for android.

the_prion profile image
Jeff Meyerson

Started posting on DEV and quite impressed with the whole platform.

I hadn't realized how much progress it has made since the "Medium for developers" days. There are so many little pieces of polish that end up encouraging discussion and interaction rather than the Medium-style wall of text.

The thing it actually reminds me of most is forums that I used back in high school. I have really fond memories of those and something has been lost between the distraction of Facebook, the real-time barrage of Slack, and the dopamine of Twitter.

Still getting used to the editor. I think I actually like it more than the Quora/Medium/WordPress editors but there are some little technical snafus I have had and still figuring out my workflow.

michalrogowski profile image
Michal Rogowski

Hey about the editor part, for writing posts I’m using bear for macOS and iOS. I can really recommend it! Pro version is not so expensive ;)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

I finally broke 200lbs. Numbers shouldn’t mean anything in terms of weight loss as it’s really about reducing your fat, but it was a goal I had set anyways. I did not measure my fat reduction during this period, but I can tell just by looking in the mirror and how my clothes fit, I’ve definitely lost a few slabs of bacon.

I’ve generally been active, but a few bad injuries including a calf tear last fall lead to the weight gain. It was a bit rough at the beginning as I was coming off an injury that took a while to heal, but busting my butt at the gym, sleeping more and eating less (not starving) got me here. No I am not a doctor, but this is what worked for me. 💪💥

Nick’s weight loss chart

All that to say, I’m starting to look more like this university pic minus the scary shaved head LOL.

iamskok profile image
Vladimir Skok

This week I finished working on is the presentation about fast, secure and dynamic sites built with JavaScript, APIs, and prerendered Markup, served without web servers.

Check it out

nomangul profile image
Noman Gul • Edited

When you joined GitHub? WE KNOW!

Yahoo! 🥳

My Side project Octocat Day is live NOW

Source Code here

octocat day image

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited
  • Hacktoberfest done ✓
  • Modified a future version of the website of one of my projects
  • Advanced to my main blog with Ruby On Rails
  • Put a bot back in place specially for Halloween and clean his code ✓
  • Clean my Raspberry Pi (Reinstallation of Raspbian and Pi-hole) ✓
mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

After lot's of hemming & hawing, I finally launched a newsletter in.snippets() where I share notes for articles that I read on a daily basis. :D

If you would like to get short TL;DRs of some of the best articles, sign up here!

bwb profile image
Ben Fox

We shipped a free web app that shows you how much time you have for deep work and how much time you spend in meetings ( That is about 2.5 months of work there so awesome to ship it!

And, we got featured on HackerNews / ProductHunt which was awesome :)

And, so happy to not be messing with Calendar APIs for a while now :)

zchtodd profile image

I started a series of SQL challenges this week, and I'm posting them one day at a time here on DEV. It's been a lot of fun. The SQL tag doesn't get a ton of traffic, but I hope I can be a part of helping it grow!

igorperikov profile image
Igor Perikov • Edited

We have launched NHL live translations at our service, I was responsible of making proper performance testing and setting all the necessary protection mechanisms in case of extremely big load and we're doing great so far.

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

Not exactly my achievement I guess, but... thanks to this amazing community, I got contributions to my Open Source project (worked the last few years alone on the project). So for me, it's still unbelievable :-)

malloc007 profile image
Ryota Murakami • Edited

Google Search result showing my repo first page with "react typescript 2019" search words 🤖

I'm still maintaining/improving little by little, but I got a more motivation for new visitors and beyond 2020!! 🚀🔥


hwolfe71 profile image
Herb Wolfe

I decided to try keeping a journal again. I tried keeping a bullet journal earlier this year, but gave up on it. I think I was trying to do too much with it. This one is going to be for coding only, inspired by the recent series on keeping a coding journal.

I finished one coding challenge on (waiting on feedback still) and my 5th one on, all of them in 'C'.

blackmamba profile image
The Black Mamba🔥
kayis profile image

I did my first online video talk.

My video didn't work (only desktop sharing) and I got a classical Linux permission problem (which I solved in the end) but overall I think it worked out great. 🙃

jess profile image
Jess Lee

I did my first online talk this week too! Congrats!

danielacraciun profile image
Daniela Craciun

Just gave a talk this morning at PyCon Balkan! I was suuuper excited but also a bit scared.

llamacorn profile image
Phyllis Wong

We launched the alpha version of the new UI. This is my first product launch at my first dev job. Been a 6 month haul to get here, and I’m feeling pretty good.

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor
  • updated Gwion's plugins.
  • Did some fuzzing and fixed found bugs.
  • Cleaned code a lot
  • Finally fixed that annoying fail on OSX.
loki profile image
Loki Le DEV

I've made a demonstration in front of the whole company (70 people) of the new android app that replaces our old desktop gui to configure our exoskeleton via bluetooth.

We've been working on it for several months so I'm really happy to see the end of the tunnel!

It worked well there were no bugs so I'm really relieved!

eidsonator profile image
Todd Eidson • Edited

Started my new 100% remote gig on Monday. Days one through three were a little overwhelming, but things started to click a little by Thursday. Completed one story on Thursday and merged into the release branch. Finished story number two today, will be merging Monday morning!

sarahscode profile image
Sarah Katz

I launched the redesign of my website!

codenutt profile image
Jared • Edited
  • Finished an article I was working on
  • published two new videos!
  • Submitted PR for apollo-graphql!
geewiz profile image
Jochen Lillich

After a year of conference abstinence to recover from a rough time for my business, I'm finally back on the conference circuit! I got invited to do a full 1h presentation about burnout and resilience at WordCamp Dublin in two weeks. Mental health is such an important topic, and I'm more than happy to share my experience. After that, I'll do the same talk in front of the huge DrupalCon Amsterdam crowd!

scotnewbury profile image
Scot Newbury

I started my new job as a WordPress and Web Developer!

It's a career change for me and came after 18 months of unemployment (I was downsized). Oh, and I'm 50 so don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it!

subsr97 profile image
Subramanian 😎

I got to know about, and used Policies in Chrome, Chromium and Firefox.
It is especially for administrative purposes and lets you control lot of things like homepage, startup page, blocked websites and so on.
No offense to Firefox, but I also felt that Chrome and Chromium provide better developer experience.
Here's a list of Policies in Chromium.

dalenguyen profile image
Dale Nguyen

I petted a dog a posted some articles to DEV.TO :D

davidmm1707 profile image
David MM👨🏻‍💻
  • Started learning Flask. So far, so good. I like it because it feels more Pythonic than Django (especially when I use CBV instead of FBV), but SQLAlchemy is a bit strange for me. I believe I love Django a lot but Flask isn't half as bad as I thought.
  • I recorded two videos for my YT channel. One, that points to a live (updated frequently) post called Free learning resources for programmers, and a +20 min one that explains a Python automation program I wrote. I added a lot of visual adds, animations and more and I'm happy with the result (I still have a long way to become 'decent' at this but I like what I did).
  • Monday was the day I had more visitors than ever on my blog (76) and the second one in pages viewed (106).
  • I started tutoring a junior dev too at my job, by teaching him the basics of Vue. I liked it a lot and I feel like I pushed him forward hours, if not days, in his learning.
abarwick profile image
Austin Barwick-Davis

Got an offer from a company I've been looking at for awhile, feels good to be moving upward!

dimensi0n profile image

I started my journey to machine learning 🥳 MAybe I'll write something in the next weeks. It seems hard when you start and especially when you're not so good at maths but Google has some great resources for beginners ( I'd love to be one of these programmers who can create amazing things like face recognition. Wish me luck 🍀

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

I went to Techorama in the Netherlands and had a great time!

Last year I had a major panic attack and ended up curled up against a wall in tears

This year, even with a few near misses with anxiety, I had the courage to speak to the closing keynote speaker before I left

What a difference a year of therapy makes!

anirudd profile image
Aniruddha Bhattacharjee

Completed my 4 PRs for hacktoberfest.

jesseleite profile image
Jesse Leite

Hip hip hooray! I coded a ['hip', 'hip'] array!

michalrogowski profile image
Michal Rogowski

I’ve published my first article about Swift memory management, and motivated by response I wrote second article and it’s already published! Thank you dev community for warm welcome!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill
  • I was interviewed for a Podcast
  • Launched a large campaign at work
  • Project week!
yamitrvg12 profile image
yamit villamil

Get extra payments/bonus of things that a love doing. 🤗

sandeepbalachandran profile image
Sandeep Balachandran

Oh yeah.. This week ,I successfully completed another week of my life.

cuongld2 profile image

Got my first PR to an existing open source. Feels so good :v

brandonskerritt profile image

Wrote some more of my article and saw some nice dogs!!

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Got approved on Upwork!

pavanjadhaw profile image
Pavan Jadhaw

• Got a promotion
• Got a huge responsibility of working on fullstack project alone
• Published first post on
• Got 300+ followers on

vbaknation profile image

Converted invision/sketch prototypes to React elements for the first time. It was stressful but also immensely rewarding.

nflamel profile image
Fran C.
  • started writing thorough documentation for a huge part of the application I work on
  • convinced my team to start blogging on DEV.
dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

First tech talk at a local meet-up went well 👍👍

worsnupd profile image
Daniel Worsnup

I added continuous delivery to my Gatsby site! It's hosted on S3, and I used AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild to automate the build+deploy process. The best part is that it was surprisingly easy!

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

My first Hacktoberfest almost completed!

My first Hacktoberfest almost completed!

svijaykoushik profile image
Vijay Koushik, S. 👨🏽‍💻

I posted an article which was collecting dust in the draft Section. I thought no one would read it. But I posted it today and everyone seems to like it 🙌.

tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

Launched a small site I'd been crunching on for two weeks. Now to go home and pack, because I'm moving to a new apartment tomorrow!

blarzhernandez profile image
Roberto Hernandez

Fixing a really tricky bug...I was exhausted

kaykleinvogel profile image
Kay Kleinvogel

Moved my "portfolio" with the university projects to a subdomain of my website.

Wrote a small "guide" about an assignment we had and shared it with the other students. They really liked it.

amorpheuz profile image
Yash Dave
  • Setup Dev on Manjaro Linux so I can run test cases smoothly!
  • Wrote my first post on dev about the same.
  • Sent a PR to the dev repo, still under review.
  • First of the 8 University exams down :D
sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

It ended! :D

mehrad77 profile image
Mehrad Rousta

I've got moved to a new Project in our team! That's my win because, for god sake, I hated that old project!

erikwhiting88 profile image

Getting some awesome contributors on my project for hacktoberfest. I'm so lucky

albertc44 profile image
Al Chen

*Wrote a technical tutorial on setting up Craft on Heroku for
*Wrote a LinkedIn post about remote work and Tim Ferriss
*Got my LinkedIn post shared with a remote work community :)

luturol profile image
Rafael Ahrons

Friday was my birthday and finally finished a Machine Learn with Python class!!!

flexdinesh profile image
Dinesh Pandiyan

I was a special guest on a podcast. This is my first podcast appearance and I'm pretty thrilled about it. Episode dropping next Tuesday. 🎉

jonasgroendahl profile image
Jonas Grøndahl

Started at a new work this week. Super excited!

amarlearning profile image
Amar Prakash Pandey

I got selected for the research project and will be working on Machine Vision there!

raymag profile image
Carlos Magno

I was one of the few people that made the first hacktoberfest meetup at my city, so I'm really happy about that!

eggrenaissance profile image

Attempted pull requests for the first time ever.....its harder than it looks! 2 out of 4 merged though so that's a positive!

DEV is extremely helpful though and an excellent community!

capochiani profile image
Francesca Capochiani 🌺 • Edited

Fixing, a Java bug.
Joy, happyness instead all bad things around.
Fight, against illness.

Join, this amazing group! Yep! ^