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Jess Chandler

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co-founder at Gifts Done

Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Five Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Hacktoberfest 2022
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
One Year Club
One language?

One language?

Comments 7
1 min read

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Where to logic?

Where to logic?

Comments 2
3 min read
Explain git config Like I'm Five

Explain git config Like I'm Five

Comments 5
2 min read
Do I really need to create classes in two places?

Do I really need to create classes in two places?

Comments 7
1 min read
Mobile Device for testing Android?

Mobile Device for testing Android?

Comments 4
1 min read
Making a Simple Link List for Sharing

Making a Simple Link List for Sharing

5 min read
How can I preview emails on Apple Watch without one?

How can I preview emails on Apple Watch without one?

Comments 2
1 min read
Should I install the package or use the CDN?

Should I install the package or use the CDN?

Comments 4
1 min read
Is there a sweet spot between SEO and DRY for site headers?

Is there a sweet spot between SEO and DRY for site headers?

Comments 2
2 min read
Your thoughts on Creating a New User

Your thoughts on Creating a New User

Comments 47
1 min read
What is your favorite way to automate new user welcome emails (node)? Why?

What is your favorite way to automate new user welcome emails (node)? Why?

Comments 1
1 min read
Explain deploying a web application Like I'm Five

Explain deploying a web application Like I'm Five

Comments 5
1 min read
Why doesn't the bookmark add things to my reading list?

Why doesn't the bookmark add things to my reading list?

Comments 3
1 min read
Setting up fastlane when you don't know what you are doing

Setting up fastlane when you don't know what you are doing

Comments 5
8 min read
My 5 ideas for the 'Blog More' challenge on CNC2018

My 5 ideas for the 'Blog More' challenge on CNC2018

Comments 5
2 min read