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Leonardo Bravo
Leonardo Bravo

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Create a voice recorder with React

When we develop a web app we can think browsers like a swiss knifes, these include a bunch of utilities (APIs), one of them is get media devices access through mediaDevices API from the navigator object, this allows to devs create features related with the user media devices, this features migth be create voice notes, like Whatsapp Web does.

Today we're gonna create an app that records the user's voice and then saves the recorded voice on an <audio> tag will be played later, this app looks like this

recorder app

Apart mediaDevices API we require

  • MediaRecorder constructor, this creates a recorder object from the requested media device through mediaDevices.getUserMedia() method.
  • Blob constructor, this one allows create a blob object from the data adquired from MediaRecorder instance.
  • URL.createObjectURL(blob) method, this creates a URL, the URL contains the data (voice) create previously from the Blob instance and it is gonna be use like <audio src=URL/.

If you don't understand, don't worry, I'll explain you below. First, look at the <App/> component.

app component

<App/> consumes a custom hook that provides the recorderState and several handlers. If you don't know how to use a custom hook I share with you a post about this.

The recorderState is like this:
recorder state

  • recordingMinutes and recordingSeconds are use to show the recording time and initRecording initializates the recorder.
  • The other parts of the state, mediaStream will be the media device provide by mediaDevices.getUserMedia() and mediaRecorder will be the instance of MediaRecorder, audio will be the URL mentioned previously.

mediaStream is set by the handler startRecording
start recording

After set the mediaStream, MediaRecorder instance is created
create media stream

Then audio is set
set audio

To adquire the voice and create the audio mediaRecorder needs create two event listeners ondataavailable and onstop the first one gets chunks of the voice and pushes it to the array chunks and the second one is use to create the blob through chunks then audio is created. The stop event is fired by saveRecording handler or the effect cleanup function, the cleanup function is called when recording is cancel.

save recording

Now take a look at the components <RecorderControls/> and <RecordingsList/>.

recorder controls

<RecorderControls/> have the prop handlers and this is used by the jsx

recordings list

<RecordingsList/> receives audio and consumes a custom hook that pushes the audio created previously.

use recorginds list

The handler deleteAudio is like this
delete audio

And that's it! With React we can make use of useEffect to access the user devices and create related features.

Final Notes

  • You can find the source code here
  • The Typescript version here

Top comments (11)

akashshyam profile image
Akash Shyam

Can you replace the images with code blocks? We can copy it easily then...

world187 profile image

how can i create a way for a user to respond directly to a voice recording like for example if jhon recorded a comment and i wanted to respond to jhon how would i structure that

jleonardo007 profile image
Leonardo Bravo

I'm not sure on what you mean? Let's see if I got it: Do you want create a comment system? Like IG but with voice recordings?

world187 profile image
world187 • Edited

thanks for responding yes thats exactly what im trying to do

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jleonardo007 profile image
Leonardo Bravo • Edited

I will try my best...

First you need an array of objects , each one is a specific recording. The recording structure can be as follow:

Recording: {
id: you can use UUID,
voiceNote: {
from: user that made the comment,
to: user that create the post ,
nestedComments: [Recording]

this structure will be the main, you can add another fields like createdAt, updatedAt, etc. I hope it results usefull for you.

PD: about the voiceNote field you need to convert the blob to any audio format if you want store on a static resources store like S3, if I'm not wrong OGG is better for web.

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world187 profile image

Thanks a lot I really appreciate it man I'm going to try it out 9 out of 10 I'll probably be writing you again for some assistance

abogaard profile image

Ciao Leonardo, I've found that in Chrome, you can replay the recorded audio once, but then for some period of time it appears to be muted. Then it plays OK again. Firefox doesnt have this weird behavior. I'm looking into it, but do you have any thoughts?

Thanks for sharing this work

jleonardo007 profile image
Leonardo Bravo

Hello abogaard! I'm not sure on what's happening with recorder on Chrome! Could be a Chrome issue or an unexpected bug(I think could be a blob creation bug). If you can resolve this don't hesitate share your solution here or recorder repo.


yashvasoyar profile image

@leonardo Bravo Thanks for this Code, I want to add more condition in this recorder like that: Recorder can not Stop Before 10s and Recorder can auto stop after 60s.
Is that possible? Please replay ASAP. Thanks In advance.

oskarinmix profile image
Oscar Ceballos Contreras

Hello Leonardo How can i save the notes, and persist the data?

typosbro profile image
Azizbek Umidjonov

Great. This is exactly what I've been looking for