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Frontend Development 2021

Frontend Development
Every business, brand, and idea has a website. As a result, building websites, called front-end development, is one of the simplest and most profitable ways to enter the world of software development.

In a website building, Front-end plays a first and foremost role. As a result of good Front-end development, the website can reach more people and serve the purpose. Front-end development helps optimizes navigation on a website which makes easier for visitor to find what they are looking for on the site. It calls for a clean, well-structed and carefully planned layout.

For 2021 :
Front-end web development has become more difficult in recent years. There's a lot more to it than HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are several technologies to master, as well as numerous activities. You will certainly become a good front-end web developer if you have the passion ,discipline and patience.
Frontend and Backend

There are two paths towards becoming a web developer: the back-end or the front-end.

Front-end developers, on the other hand, get to build everything a user touches and interacts with on the screen, such as layouts, information, engagement, etc. Front-end developers are both creative and tech-savvy, and act as the bridge between designers and back-end programmers.

A frontend must provide a good user experience and should be convenient for the end user to operate. It should be able to perform proper validation of any data sent by the user and should be responsive.

Back-end developers build server-side software. They’re responsible for all the performance, stability, security and speed of your site or app, all of which power the front-end or user-facing side.

So frontend or backend it depends on need.

If you just need to provide information, frontend development is more important because you don’t need a backend to display simple content.

If you only need to serve data, an API will suffice, which means backend development is more important (since no frontend is required).

Static and Dynamic Site
A static site that only displays text or images and has no interaction between the site and the user, does not require back-end development.

A dynamic site that requires interaction between the site and the user (such as filling in and submitting a form), does require back-end development.

Frameworks :

Framework will help you a lot with development. The framework will give you the basic structure, some guidelines, and even some pre-build elements. Besides, almost every company uses any framework so it will be much easier to get your dream job.

3 most popular front-end frameworks in the market right now: React, Angular and Vue.

Follow these steps :

  1. Learn the basics of how websites work, front-end vs back-end, and using a code editor
  2. Learn basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  3. Learn tools: package managers, build tools, version control
  4. Learn Sass, responsive design, JavaScript frameworks
  5. Learn back-end basics: servers and databases, programming languages
  6. Maintain an active Github profile
  7. Develop your own projects

There are plenty of free learning sources available for learning Frontend Development as well as backend development .

In the interim, find open source projects or help your friends with their sites ,use this opportunity to learn to manage expectations.

So that was it from this article😇.Hope you find this article helpful. Please share your thoughts/comments/feedback either in comment section or you can DM us at twiter ,

Top comments (13)

hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen • Edited

I think you are spending too much time critiquing.
Also, learning sass is important as many organizations use it. It produces cleaner CSS, and helps with cross browser compatibility. Not to mention, learning CSS was listed second on his list of subjects to learn, and Sass as forth.
Also, one of the best features in some CSS in JS is nesting, along with other Sass like features. Essentially, if you only understand CSS, you'll only be hindering your capabilities and understanding of CSS in JS. For example, styled-components is a lot more powerful if you have preexisting knowledge of Scss.

Lastly, everyone needs a GitHub. I see people trying to make a point where you don't need one. Some say recruiters don't care or have no ability to read code anyhow. But the thing is, majority people in the field will tell you, the further you go through the interview process, you'll eventually land in front of the lead developer or engineer, who's going to decide on whether your skills are up to par, and can contribute to the team. One should hope they have a GitHub that day. I have also heard numerous times, where during the interview, the developer has been asked to walk through code on their GitHub. Rather than a white board.
I would also add, that GitHub is the Instagram of git management, whereas gitlab is myspace.

I hope I don't sound harsh! 🤣 I just don't see the need to "proof read" or "correct" what's been said here. All solid points IMHO.

gdenn profile image
Dennis Groß (he/him)

First of all, thanks for this nice blog post!

Now a few of my own thoughts on this:

There are not strictly Frontend and Backend Developers only. FullStack Developers are typically working with both Backend and Frontend. Altough almost any FullStack Developer that I know has some preference towards Frontend or Backend development.

Perhaps a few words about being a Frontend-/Backend-/FullStack - Developer:

You don't have to know all technology stacks to call yourself e.g. a FullStack Developer. In fact, I highly doubt that anyone mastered all technology stacks in FullStack.

Being a Frontend-/Backend-/ or FullStack Developer means that you understand the concepts of certain technologies.

E.g. the Frontend Developer understands how User Interfaces work in 2021, meaning server side rendering, static sites ... etc. You should also be familiar with one of the more popular Frontend Frameworks such as React. Besides you should know the other popular framework options by name such as Angular and understand the differences between them.

This leads to my second point, how do I become a Frontend-/Backend-/FullStack - Developer?

First of all, if you are new to web development, don't go straight for FullStack development and start with either Frontend or Backend first.

If you are familiar with either one of them (Frontent-/Backend), then learn the other part as well (at least the fundamentals). Understanding a bit of both is crucial if you want to work as a web developer. It makes it much easier for you to communicate with your collegues.

Now how do I become a Frontend-/Backend developer?

This is of course my opinion but you only built relevant skills in programming while working on projects. Stop binging Udemy courses and start building your own projects.

Start with small projects and finish them, no matter how good or ugly they turn out. There is nothing more frustrating than having a bunch of half finished projects!

Now, think about the technologies that you want to learn. If you are interested in Frontend Development, I highly suggest you try ReactJS (this is currently the most popular Frontend Framework).

And then start, use the technologies that you want to learn in your own projects. You will be surprised how fast you progress.

Post your results here in the community. I am sure many people will encourage and support you on your journey.

hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen

Hey, right on, solid points. I can appreciate you sharing your thoughts and not beating around the bush 👍
I guess it's just one of those situations where it all "depends", right? Some may like Sass, some may rather have you be a superstar at CSS. And to touch base on the Github matter, you could totally be right. I hear mixed opinions. Having a public repo may even expose you in some horrible way. But I have also heard people getting jobs with just HTML and CSS alone, which is crazy, but it seems to be true! ✌️

Thread Thread
dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman

Ah, the endless debate on learning the Technology or the Tool.
CSS is the Technology, Sass is a Tool.
And a Fool with a Tool is still a Fool.

nosthrillz profile image
Ilie Bogdan

Dropping in for some constructive criticism. If you write your content in word or docs before you write it here, the spell checkers will fix most of the errors you have here :D

  1. Write
  2. Copy+paste
  3. Profit?!?
antoine_rondeau_cf4d62dc5 profile image
Antoine Rondeau

The point is, Github is somewhat the standardization of Git which have much bigger community and repos that the other.

I can't find any single reason to use Gitlab or Bitbucket over Github. Could you?

gmeben profile image
Grant Eben

I agree with the point on Sass. As an advocate of Sass when it was initially released, I'm finding that its purpose these days is largely becoming obsolete as browser technology improves. Ten years ago, Sass made up for the lack of variables and functions. These are now available to us natively in browsers. Nesting, extensions, and mixins often lead to needlessly bloating the stylesheet where using multiple class names doesn't. Modules are one of the few useful things that remain, but a stylesheet organized well by specificity does the same thing without making text searches more difficult.

This talk changed my life and explains in more detail:

naeemulhasan profile image

Excellent web development explained to all new comers.keep posting like this

jobpick profile image


naeemulhasan profile image


naeemulhasan profile image


antoine_rondeau_cf4d62dc5 profile image
Antoine Rondeau

Well, except Gitlab offering unlimited repo over Github, i wouln't be able to defend other points than community size and projects/repo size.

I actually do think that in a open-source context, not looking community size is a non-sense.

The main concept of open-source is the contribution of community.

And even Github can host private repo, this, in my point of view, also became the reference for open-source project hosting.

tamalcodes profile image
Tamal Das

Github matters somewhat, nowadays in somecases Github is your CV