Hi all,
I'd need some testing if setting up a non-blocking SirixDB HTTP-Server works.
Basically it needs a running Keycloak instance for authorization, which needs to be configured.
The description of setting up Keycloak and the SirixDB HTTP-Server can be found in the (as of now) rather small REST-API documentation.
The most awesome thing would be to get the docker-compose file to work loading a JSON test realm configuration for Keycloak (which somehow doesn't work), such that setting up a basic test configuration is as easy as possible.
Test Setup of REST-API and running the integration tests
The documentation can be found here: https://sirix.io/rest-api.html
Kind regards
Top comments (8)
I think you've misused the #help tag 🤔
Oh, I'm super sorry... where can I read the guidelines for the use of the hash tags again?
That's not to say I'm right 😄 ! I think the #help tag is for people wanting help on how to do something, rather than help to complete a feature/fix if that makes sense?
I honestly have no idea where the guidelines are, I could be completely wrong :)
Good point... that said could need some help for the docker-compose file (loading an exported JSON realm config file into Keycloak... maybe it doesn't work as I had exported the whole config file, I'm not sure though).
I think there's somewhere something documented for instance about the #OpenSource hash tag.
Thank you :-)
Wish I could help but I am not a Java person :-)
All the best!
You can make use of postwoman.io - API request builder for testing REST APIs served in https [GitHub].
Ah yes, thank you :-) but it's in the first place if it's clear how to setup Keycloak and the SirixDB HTTP-Server :-)
But yeah, maybe I can then host a running Server with a Keycloak Server somewhere for demo purposes (maybe as docker containers on Heroku!?).
Docker would be my default option for development environment ✨