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John Doe
John Doe

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A Directory Of 100+ Tools For Developers (Tools That Can Save Your 1000s Of Minutes)

In this 2 years, the world has experienced an unpredictable change. The global pandemic required us to shift the way we live and work in daily lives, blurring the boundaries as many of us shifted to working remotely from different places. After doctors, Developers are the most valuable people in the world. So, To make their work and life easy and flexible, I've curated and created a mixed version of some new programming tools a coder need in 2023 plus few must have productivity tools that can save thousands of minutes of a programmer plus essential software development & software engineering tools and a bonus of some of the best developer tools.

100+ Developer Tools Are

👉 Git

Git is a version control system meant to track changes in computer files, and it’s mainly used in source code management.

Each member of the developer team gets a local copy of the development history, and the system documents and copies all changes across repositories. It operates locally, and one of its main draws is its speed. The Git feature that stands out the most is its branching model; you can use multiple branches for your ideas, test them, and easily backtrack if they don’t work.

Check out Git

👉 Atom

This free and open source text editor can be used with Git and GitHub directly. After suffering a steady decline since taking home the silver in 2017, this tool is finally recovering its position, up one spot from last year.

Check out Atom

👉 Chrome DevTools

Chrome Dev Tools is a lifesaver for Developers. You can use it for many things such as Performance monitoring, inspecting elements, and more.

Check out Chrome Dev Tools

👉 The Silver Searcher

The Silver Searcher (Ag) is basically a smart, recursive grep on steroids. While fzf (above) is great for searching file names, Ag is great for searching the content inside those files for specific tokens and matches.

What makes it really great and awesome is it automatically ignores files that are part of your .gitignore file. Where a grep -r would have spat out a bunch of irrelevant matches inside your node_modules , Ag has a blazing-fast search time because it’s only searching the files that matter. By default, Ag output results also give you a line number. You technically could achieve everything Ag does by supplying lots and lots of arguments to grep , but then, at the end of the day, Ag is still several times faster — and continues to get even faster.

Check out The Silver Searcher

👉 Oh My Zsh

Oh My Zsh is a wrapper for Z shell that makes your terminal a delightful tool to work with. On top of various themes, convenience functions, and built-in defaults, you enjoy various plugins for extended functionality, including Docker, Kubernetes Kubectl, and tmux, among other things.

Check out Oh My Zsh

👉 Postman

This collaboration tool helps simplify and expedite API development. Postman has skyrocketed from ranking as the 13th tool in the Top Dev Tools for 2017 to the 3rd best developer tool in 2020.

Check out Postman

👉 Visual Studio Code

VS Code is a sleek code editor that supports debugging, version control, and task running, giving devs the tools they need for a quick code-build-debug workflow.

This tool has taken the spot for four years in a row! As Microsoft continues to improve this lightweight development environment, we only expect usage to grow.

Check out VS Code

👉 Sizzy

The browser for developers. Stop wasting time and speed up your development workflow using sizzy.

Check out Sizzy


Online code editors such as Codesandbox or Codepen are limited to the frontend. ReplIt is more than 50 languages that can be used in the browser for free. The perfect place to prototype bits of code backends quickly. With a free account you can even share your algos!

Check out Repl

👉 Vim

Vim is hardcore. Let’s be clear about that upfront. Where Sublime Text, Notepad++, and some of the other editors on this list are newbie friendly, Vim is unapologetic in its utilitarian brutalism. From the official website down to the software itself, Vim is a coder’s tool for coders by coders.

Once you get past the UI and the steep learning curve, you’ll see why the text editor is designed the way it is. It does roughly everything all the other best text editors can do. But more than maybe anything else on the list, it’s designed for efficiency and function. Watching people code in Vim is like watching a concert pianist. The UI is keystroke based, and if you thought the Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts were helpful, when and if you can get used to Vim, the experience is unreal. If you try to go back to a visual GUI for a text editor, you will feel like you’re working in slow motion.

Because Vim can be so intense to learn, they created a game for you to play to learn how it works. Not a tutorial, really, but a way not to overwhelm you with everything that makes Vim, Vim. It’s pretty fun.

Check out Vim

Related Post: Best Programming YouTube Channels - 20+ Coding Languages Covered

👉 Bitbucket

Bitbucket is a Git code management tool that gives your team a platform to plan and collaborate on projects. What makes it one of the best developer tools is the fact that it allows integration of project management tools like Jira and Trello. Integrated CI/CD helps you to build, test, and deploy your web applications.

You can secure your code in the cloud with IP whitelisting and a 2-step verification process. Additionally, you can restrict and grant access to users and control their actions with permissions and check for quality code.

Check out Bitbucket

👉 Whatruns

A free browser extension that helps you identify technologies used on any website at the click of a button.

Check out Whatruns

👉 CodePen

CodePen bills itself as a playground for front-end developers. The site has simple premise: to present your code and output in an easily shareable format. The site is full of impressive front-end development examples, from intricate animations to a 3D city. Though the site makes it easy to rapidly prototype front-end code, it may be most valuable for the sheer amount of creativity and inspiration available from its contributors, who will redefine your idea of what’s possible with today’s front-end technologies, and inspire you to try new things.

Check out Codepen

👉 Docker

Docker is a set of the platform as service products and it uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

Docker has gained so much popularity in a short period of time. Containerization has changed the way we ship software and everything is now moving to automation.

Check out Docker

👉 Can I Use?

"Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.

Check out Can I Use

👉 Sentry

Sentry's application monitoring platform helps every developer diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of their code.

Check out Sentry

👉 RegEx 101

Free PCRE-based regular expression debugger with real time explanation, error detection and highlighting.

Check out RegEx

👉 GitLab

GitLab is a complete development and operations platform and that’s why it’s one of the best developer tools too. It helps you increase your efficiency by synchronizing your development, security, and operations teams’ collaboration while building software solutions.

Yes, GitLab can help you reduce your work cycle time and development cost. You can manage and optimize your software delivery lifecycle and measure your performance with it. Also, with GitLab branching tools, you can design, develop, and securely manage your code.

Check out Gitlab

👉 Flux

Flux is a cross-platform that adjusts the color temperature of your display, to help your eyes rest, and ensure you can work on your programming tasks in a quality way, longer.

The program adjusts the colors of your computer screen based on your location and the time of day. According to default settings, when the program detects it’s nearing sunset in your location, the colors become warmer. As sunrise nears, the program returns the display’s colors to usual settings. Flux follows the premise that warmer colors help you slip into relax and sleep mode faster, and that light-blue colors improve alertness. To maintain healthy sleeping patterns and productivity at the right times, simply adjust the settings to fit your work routine.

Check out Flux

👉 Sublime Text

Every developer aiming at productivity must work in a good code editor, and Sublime Text is a pleasing choice. It is a cross-platform code editor that supports various markup and program languages. With Sublime Text, you can easily navigate through lines and files, make changes simultaneously to multiple areas of your code, and switch between projects in an instant.

This code editor even offers a distraction-free mode, so you no longer have to rely on your own willpower to avoid distractions when working. This mode shows your editor full screen, with all UI chrome features hidden. It’s fast in execution, but simple in interface, and you can run it on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Check out Sublime Text

Related Post: 20+ Programming Concepts Through Memes

👉 Heroku

A more advanced version of Glitch, Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

Check out Heroku

👉 Firebase

A Netlify/Zeit alternative from Google. Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.

Check out Firebase

👉 Dash

Dash is one of the best API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager. The tool instantly searches offline documentation sets for 200+ APIs, 100+ cheat sheets and more. You can even generate your own docsets or request docsets to be included.

Check out Dash

👉 Headspace

This app is for everyone but we've covered it because programmers faces lots of bugs, errors, exceptions, etc and to avoid frustration and keep their mind calm and strong, meditation is necessary.

Check out Headspace

👉 Habitica

Apps that let you create to-do lists help you track the progress with your daily coding tasks, and Habitica takes this to a whole new level.

This app actually treats your daily workload as an RPG game where you can level up by completing your tasks. As you make progress with your work, you also find pets, collect coins and equipment, so there is a reward system to help motivate you to keep pushing forward.

Check out Habitica

👉 Direnv

Direnv is a shell extension that automatically loads environment variables when you cd into a directory. This tool will save your ton of time, particularly when you're working on numerous projects that all require different ENV variables — or even different values for the same ENV variables.

It’s easy to install, and it’s even easier to write the .envrc file because it’s just a bunch of export BLAH=BLAH statements that you’re already writing in your .profile or .*rc files. When you exit outside of the directory with the .envrc file, it automatically unsets those ENV variables. Convenient!

Check out Direnv

👉 IntelliJ IDEA

This integrated developed environment is built for Java and designed to maximize productivity of developers.

Check out IntelliJ Idea

👉 is an awesome component hub. You can use it to host, document and manage reusable components from my different projects. It’s a great way to increase code reuse, speed up development and optimize your team’s collaboration.

It’s also a good alternative for building a design system from scratch (as it essentially has everything a design system needs). works perfectly with Bit, an open-source tool that handles component isolation and publishing. supports React, React with TypeScript, Angular, Vue and many others.

Check out But Dev

👉 BundlePhobia

Have you ever been unsure of the size of your node_modules or just want to know the size a pakckage.json will be installed in your machine? BundlePhobia provides the answer

This tool enables us to upload a package.json file and it displays the size of the dependencies that will be installed from the package.json.

Check out BundlePhobia

👉 Trello

This virtual KanBan is great for managing small products with small teams. Trello is much more visual (and tactile) than Jira, and less dogmatic than Pivotal Tracker. It can be used for everything from a fancy to-do list to an API-enabled sprint story coordinator.

Check out Trello

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👉 Music for Programming

The music for Programming website is an interesting concept for a music generator meant to increase productivity. Its interface mimics a code editor; when going to the page to change the track, you’ll be more likely to keep focus on your coding activities, because you’ll visually link this website with your work.

Just, put your headphones on, select one of the 54 playlists available, and then click on “PLAY” to start it. The playlists vary in length, and most of them are instrumental, which is great, when you consider that one Middle State Tennessee University experiment proved that instrumental music is best to help you focus on work.

Check out Music for Programming

👉 Learn X in Y minutes

Every possible language, explained in one page, in almost every language, through concrete examples of code. From more than standard languages like C++ to infernal languages like LOLCODE you will find everything.

This web tool differs greatly from the others because here each language is explained as a course. It’s not about refreshing your memory (cheatsheet) but about learning the basics of a new language quickly.

Check out Learn X in Y

👉 Notepad++

Notepad++ is a powerful open source text editor, which only works on Windows. It supports 27 programming languages, regular expressions, support synchronized edits and views, syntax highlighting and folding and has many other handy features.

Check out Notepad++

👉 Metatags

This tool will lets you generate and preview all Meta tags, and Social media tags from a webpage.

Check out MetaTags

👉 DevHub

DevHub is also known as Tweet Deck for GitHub. See repo activities and manage your notifications by creating columns with filters, saving items for later and more.

Check out DevHub

👉 Sencha

Sencha is on this list of the best developer tools as it helps you design, develop, and test your software solution with the help of its various products like Ext JS, ExtReact, ExtAngular, GXT, Sencha Test, and Sencha Themer.

Sencha Ext JS helps with creating comprehensive and data-intensive HTML5 web applications using JavaScript. You can also create cross-platform websites and apps for any device. It has an enterprise-ready framework, components, and tools to help you build your web application.

Check out Sencha

👉 Carbon

If you’re wondering how some developers are able to generate beautiful images of their code, look no further! Carbon is quite simply the most widely used code presentation generator.

Check out Carbon

👉 Walrus

If you’re looking to save money and effort on testing your code, check out By providing full end-to-end testing via a single API call, it promises a more efficient and lightweight solution to in-house automated testing or manual QA. You just need to write and send your test via the CLI. will then translate your instructions and build an automated test model, which returns results in a matter of minutes.

The outputs tend to be extremely reliable; the automated model runs until your app changes, and the team at Walrus monitor every run to pinpoint false positives and false negatives. They then rebuild the model and send you the correct result. The whole thing can plug directly into your CI/CD pipelines, and there are pricing plans to suit different testing needs.

Check out Walrus

👉 Command-line fuzzy finder (fzf)

The command-line fuzzy finder (or fzf) is a fuzzy search tool used for quickly finding files in a directory tree. Incidentally, it’s written by the same engineer who made vim-plug (Junegunn Choi).

Check out FzF

👉 CSS Scan

Goodbye to "Inspect Element" — Check the CSS of any element you hover over, instantly, and copy its entire rules with a single click.

Check out CSS Scan

Check out other 60+ Developers Tools from here: 60+ Remaining Tools for Developers

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