
Cover image for JavaScript Abuse — Article 3. Slice VS. Splice: Another Battle Royale
JS Queen
JS Queen

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JavaScript Abuse — Article 3. Slice VS. Splice: Another Battle Royale

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Hello everyone! This post will be super short and quite comprehensive (truly hope so). I was actually selfishly in a need for that post 'cause even if I work with JS all the time, I still look up these two bad boys: slice and splice.

Today we're cooking:

  • Slice

  • Splice

The things to consider while working with the aforementioned methods were that both are used on arrays and both remove elements from the array. It is a little bit confusing, huh!? Why have them both then?

Okay, without further ado let's look at the aforementioned methods step by step!


When I learnt about splice long long time ago I realized that the name of the method reminded me of comma splices from my linguistics past.

Comma splices occur when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined with a comma.

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Image Source: Tolchik / iStock / Getty Images Plus

It helped me so much to wrap my mind around the method: aha-ha, so to splice is kinda "to combine".

Splice as an ordinary word is better explained with pizza:

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Image Source: Vector Stock

You see how those pizza slices are all different? Like I just replaced all the parts which used to be just Margarita with a crazy mix of flavours from all over the place?

If we look at the content of splice method in a technical way, then here it is:

array.splice(start,deleteCount, el1, el2, ..., el)

  • our initial array changes

  • start is the index at which the array starts ‘splicing’

  • deleteCount is the number of values to be deleted from the start. If the value is 0, nothing will be deleted

  • el1 to el are the values that will be added after the start

And now let's splice that pizza! I only will divide pizza in two equal flavours for you to get the idea😉

    let array = ["margarita", "margarita"];
    let splicedValue = array.splice(1, 1, "pepperoni");
    console.log(array); // [ "margarita", "pepperoni" ]
    console.log(splicedValue); // [  "margarita" ]
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Look! We changed one pizza part from margarita to pepperoni!


Slice is so popular that it's got its own page on wiki!

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Image Source: FreePick

Oh no, that pizza's slice is being taken away! Let's see how it works in a code!

array.slice(start, end)

  • returns a new array of elements

  • start is the index at which the array starts slicing

  • end is the index at which the array stops slicing

  • the value at the last index is excluded

    let array = [ "margarita", "pepperoni" ];
    let slicedArray = array.slice(1)
    console.log(array); // [ 'margarita', 'pepperoni' ];
    console.log(slicedArray); // [ "pepperoni" ]
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We didn't change the whole pizza as you see but we still took a slice of pepperoni pizza from our mixed marvel.

Okay, to sum up, I wanted to provide you with some visuals.

Comparison Table

Opt out for now. But can’t wait to see you again soon!


  1. Wikipedia (Array Slicing):

  2. Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Comma Splices):,to%20create%20two%20separate%20sentences

  3. MDN Web Docs (Array.prototype.splice()): []

  4. MDN Web Docs (Array.prototype.slice()):

Top comments (4)

giovannimazzuoccolo profile image
Giovanni Mazzuoccolo

All the methods/functions that doesn't mutate the passed values are +1 for me :)

jsqueen profile image
JS Queen

Understandably so actually🤓

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra

Great explanation

jsqueen profile image
JS Queen

I'm glad it was helpful😃