If you are a front-end or fullstack developer who has dealed with the complexity of nowadays bundlers like Webpack or Browserify, you will appreciate this project.
ESM-powered frontend build tool. Instant, lightweight, unbundled development. ✌️
Update (April 20, 2022): Snowpack is no longer actively maintained and is not recommended for new projects.
Check out Vite for a well-maintained Snowpack alternative.
See also: esbuild, parcel
Snowpack is a lightning-fast frontend build tool, designed to leverage JavaScript's native module system (known as ESM). It is an alternative to heavier, more complex bundlers like webpack or Parcel in your development workflow.
Key Features
- Develop faster, with a dev server that starts up in 50ms or less.
- See changes reflected instantly in the browser.
- Integrate your favorite bundler for a production-optimized build.
- Enjoy out-of-the-box support for TypeScript, JSX, CSS Modules and more.
- Connect your favorite tools with third-party plugins.
Contributor Guidelines: CONTRIBUTING.md
License: MIT
I'm looking forward to starting some pet project to try it out.
What do you think, will be the management of Javascript building tools easier in the next years?
Cover image extracted from the repository README.md
Top comments (1)
This is really useful. I imagine this to be handy when starting a project and being able to quickly use native modules and npm-libs without the hassle of committing node_modules to your repo.
Build-tools already got easier recently. With non-ES-module-browsers fading away, I hope to be able to just not use webpack/parcel/etc. at some point.