Since my previous post was taken with such a warm welcome, I prettied up the app in time for International Women's Day. I am not claiming it's the most amazing thing you'll ever see but it's the most amazing thing I have ever coded so far. 😄
It's a themed Hangman game for International Women's Day and is available to play both in English and Hungarian >> HERE <<.
Any constructive feedback is welcome in the comments. Kindly be gentle with criticism, I am very much at the beginning of my coding journey. I just have started to learn React and definitely not friends with CSS yet. 🙃
The repo is public for anyone to look at and use, if anyone wants to contribute to extend it with different languages would be supercool.
Have fun if you give the game a go and here I'm wishing everyone a sunny and happy International Women's Day!
Top comments (5)
Nice work :D Very clean design
Thanks John, really appreciate it. ☺️🙏🏻❤️
Super addictive!! You should have more words to make it non-repetitive maybe? Still pretty awesome!
Very addicting! I love it, nice work. Any thoughts about making it work on mobile? Congratulations on a fun game 🎉
Thanks Jordan, appreciate it. I'll have a think about making it a mobile app when I get to the end of my bootcamp. 🙃