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Serge Matveenko
Serge Matveenko

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The Nuance of Code Style: Emphasizing Return Value Significance in Python

In the world of programming, code style plays a crucial role in making code readable, maintainable, and understandable for developers. While adhering to established coding conventions is essential, there are often nuanced decisions that arise when it comes to certain aspects of code, such as return statements. In this blog post, we'll explore an interesting code style nuance related to return statements and discuss when it might be better to use the bare return as opposed to explicitly returning a value.

Consider the following code snippet:

def odd_or_none(value: int) -> int | None:
    if value % 2 == 0:
        return None
    return value
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In this example, the function odd_or_none takes an integer value as input and determines if it's odd or even. If the value is even, the function explicitly returns None, indicating that the resulting value is meaningful within the context of the program's logic. However, if the value is odd, it returns the value itself.

The rationale behind this approach is to differentiate between scenarios where the return value has no particular meaning versus cases where the return value holds significance for downstream logic.

Using return None explicitly in the case of an even value signifies that the resulting None will be used in subsequent code, conveying a specific intention. On the other hand, in methods like __init__ or any other method that always returns None by convention, the bare return statement emphasizes the fact that the result is not going to be used.

Upon reflection, following a consistent code style policy can enhance code readability and clarity. One such policy, which can be employed for functions that have a return type of None, is as follows:

For functions that return None, use the bare return statement. This indicates that the function does not return anything and that the resulting value is of no particular significance.

For functions that return either None or another value (None | Some), use an explicit return None statement. This signifies that the function's return value will be utilized in subsequent code, conveying its relevance.

By adhering to this policy, the codebase becomes more consistent, enabling developers to easily grasp the intent behind different return statements and their implications.

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