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Matthijs Groen for Kabisa Software Artisans

Posted on • Originally published at on

Learning Functional Programming #2: Creating the first Parser

This post is part 2 of the series "Learning Functional Programming using JavaScript". Already read part 2? Part 3 of this Blog Post series is out now!

Earlier parts: Part 1.

So in the folder where I created my challenge.js file, I added:

git init .
yarn init
yarn add eslint --dev
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eslint is a linting tool for ECMAScript, where you can define your own rules
of what you consider to be "good" code.

Now that I added eslint, I could add custom rules, by updating my just generated
package.json file:

  "name": "json-parse-fp",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "index.js",
  "author": "Matthijs Groen <>",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "eslint": "^5.15.1"
  "eslintConfig": {
    "parserOptions": {
      "ecmaVersion": 2018
    "env": {},
    "extends": "eslint:recommended"
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In eslint, you normally specify an env in which the code will be run, like a
browser, node or worker. This will automatically allow a lot of syntax
specific to such an environment. By not specifying an env, I was restricting a
lot of standard JS. But in this case even too much. Type objects like String,
Array and Number were also disabled, and console.log was also not allowed.

(normally having no console.log is a good thing, it prevents debug or other
info from remaining in your code when it is no longer needed).

But since I was not exporting anything from my file, I needed a way to see some
output of my code. So I enabled console.log manually.

Additions to the eslint config:

  "eslintConfig": {
    "globals": {
      "Symbol": "readonly",
      "Array": "readonly",
      "String": "readonly",
      "Number": "readonly",
      "console": "readonly"
    "rules": {
      "no-console": "off"
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The editor I'm using applies these rules directly, so I would have direct
feedback whether I was breaking any of my own rules.

I even added some more rules to prevent cheating:

  "eslintConfig": {
    "rules": {
      "no-use-before-define": "error",
      "no-eval": "error",
      "no-implied-eval": "error",
      "no-restricted-globals": ["error", "JSON"]
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So now when I would try to lint:

const data = '{ "foo": 42 }';
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I would get the output:

  2:1  error  Unexpected use of 'JSON'  no-restricted-globals
  3:1  error  eval can be harmful       no-eval

✖ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)
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Great! Let's start!

Parsing the first character

Just like
the Parser Combinator post,
I started by creating a parser that could only parse a specific single character
from an input (the letter a). On success, it should return the parsed result
and the rest of the input. On failure, it should return an indication that it
failed containing the message what it tried to achieve, and why it failed:

const FAILED = Symbol("Failed");

const aParser = ([head, ...tail]) =>
  head === "a"
    ? [head, tail]
    : [FAILED, "Error parsing 'a':", `Unexpected '${head}'`];

console.log(aParser("abc")); // [ 'a', [ 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(aParser("aabc")); // [ 'a', [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(aParser("bcd")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected 'b'" ]
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Using the spread operator ([head, ...tail]) I would separate the first
character from the rest, and compare it to the letter "a". Notice that the tail
is automatically transformed into an array of characters.

To change that we could parse more than just the "a", it would be smart to turn
the character we parse into a function argument:

const parser = (character, [head, ...tail]) =>
  head === character
    ? [head, tail]
    : [FAILED, `Error parsing '${character}':`, `Unexpected '${head}'`];

console.log(parser("a", "abc")); // [ 'a', [ 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(parser("a", "aabc")); // [ 'a', [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(parser("a", "bcd")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected 'b'" ]
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The output of each console.log would be the same. But is it an improvement?

Yes and no.

Yes, we made the character to parse dynamic. And No, because we changed the
function signature.

This last one would seem trivial, but it is not. The reason is that we want to
combine the parser (hence: Parser Combinators). To combine parsers, they should
all follow the same signature. Data string in, and Result and Remaining out, or
an Error with details.


To get around this issue, we can use a concept, called Currying. As Wikipedia
states it:

In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of translating
the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into evaluating a
sequence of functions, each with a single argument.

This would actually mean that our function would not be "data" in, "data" out
like I was used to. It would be "data" in, "function" out. Like a function

A mathematical example:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
add(1, 3); // 4

const addCurried = (a) => (b) => a + b;
const addOne = addCurried(1); // new function
addOne(3); // 4
addOne(5); // 6
addCurried(7)(4); // 11
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This is a really powerful concept. Not only can we create a function that would
return a letter parser in the parser example, this also means you can capture
some state inside these functions!

Time to update the parser:

const characterParser = (character) => ([head, ...tail]) =>
  head === character
    ? [head, tail]
    : [FAILED, `Error parsing '${character}':`, `Unexpected '${head}'`];

const aParser = characterParser("a");
const bParser = characterParser("b");

console.log(aParser("abc")); // [ 'a', [ 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(aParser("aabc")); // [ 'a', [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] ]
console.log(aParser("bcd")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected 'b'" ]
console.log(bParser("bcd")); // [ 'b', [ 'c', 'd' ] ]
console.log(aParser("")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected 'undefined'" ]
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On desktop browsers you can follow along by opening the console and pasting
the code in there.

Hmm that last one is not that nice. It is actually stating it reached the end of
the file, so we change it into an EOF error:

const characterParser = (character) => ([head, ...tail]) =>
    ? head === character
      ? [head, tail]
      : [FAILED, `Error parsing '${character}':`, `Unexpected '${head}'`]
    : [FAILED, `Error parsing: '${character}':`, "Unexpected EOF"];

const aParser = characterParser("a");

console.log(aParser("")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected EOF" ]
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The error is improved, but now the construction of an error is duplicated. Let's
refactor that one:

const parseError = (target) => (error) => [
  `Error parsing: '${target}'`,

const characterParser = (character) => ([head, ...tail]) =>
    ? head === character
      ? [head, tail]
      : parseError(character)(`Unexpected '${head}'`)
    : parseError(character)("Unexpected EOF");

const aParser = characterParser("a");

console.log(aParser("")); // [ Symbol(Failed), "Error parsing 'a':", "Unexpected EOF" ]
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So now I can create a parser for any one character I would like. The next step
would be creating a parser that would be a combination of multiple character

But, feeling more confident, it was time to enforce more rules:

  • Each function could only contain 1 statement.
  • Each function should be written as a lambda.
  • No if statements

What is a statement, what is an expression

You can see a statement as a line of code, in JavaScript terminated by a
semi-colon (;).

const aVar = 2;
const myFunc = (number) => number * 6;
const result = aVar + 6 * myFunc(3);
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This code has 3 statements: The definition of aVar, myFunc and result. The
myFunc function, has 1 statement: number * 6.

An expression is anything that can return a value: 2, number, 6, aVar,
myFunc(3). So in a single statement, you can use multiple expressions, and
combine them even to produce new values. (using addition + or multiply * for

So the last line is actually 1 statement, containing 4 expressions.

Since we could do quite some work in a single statement, I wanted to limit the
amount of statements for a lambda to 1. With having only 1 statement in a
lambda, you can omit the function body and an explicit return statement.

const multiStatementLambda = (a) => {
  const b = 5;
  return a + b;

const singleStatementLamda = (a) => a + 5;
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So now our eslint rules in the package.json look like this:

  "eslintConfig": {
    "parserOptions": {
      "ecmaVersion": 2018
    "extends": "eslint:recommended",
    "env": {},
    "globals": {
      "Symbol": "readonly",
      "Array": "readonly",
      "String": "readonly",
      "Number": "readonly",
      "console": "readonly"
    "rules": {
      "no-console": "off",
      "no-use-before-define": "error",
      "no-eval": "error",
      "no-implied-eval": "error",
      "no-restricted-globals": ["error", "JSON"],
      "max-statements": ["error", 1, { "ignoreTopLevelFunctions": false }],
      "complexity": ["error", { "max": 3 }],
      "arrow-body-style": ["error", "as-needed"],
      "no-restricted-syntax": [
          "selector": "FunctionExpression",
          "message": "Please use Lambda notation () =>"
          "selector": "IfStatement",
          "message": "Try using ternary operator: true ? 1 : 2"
          "selector": "VariableDeclaration[kind=let],VariableDeclaration[kind=var]",
          "message": "Only use constants"
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The code so far:

  • Our parser is now able to parse one character
  • We've created an input and output format (result and error) for the parser, that other parser should follow as well
  • Check the full code here

What I learned so far:

  • Currying

What did I like:

  • So far was easy! Writing these lines of code only took a few minutes. We've spent more time on setup

What did I not like:

  • Nothing so far

Next time:

  • Combining parsers into new ones

Part 3

Part 3 of this Blog Post series is out now!

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