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Kevin Alemán
Kevin Alemán

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How to: make a Chrome extension

Well, this wasn't born as a blog post at first, but, I wanted to let the world now that I was able to build a Chrome extension! (I didn't publish it, tho)

TL;DR: Here's the GitHub repo:


  1. VSCode (or similar editor)
  2. Git (to upload your project, or to clone the finished one!)
  3. An icon for your app (you can use this site to convert your image file to an icon)
  4. Patience ;)

Let's start!

We will create an extension to highlight (with a border) Google ads on the search results page (so they are identifiable by anyone!). We can do that by hand, but, we are developers, so, let's make an extension for it!

Let's start by creating a folder that will hold our extension's brain. I'll name it visible-ads (you can name it whatever you want it).

Now that you have the folder, cd into it and create a manifest.json file (every chrome extension should have this file since this is the presentation card for them). Let's create them and open it into your editor of choice.

On that file, we will add the following information (for now):
manifest.json's source code

With that, we're telling Chrome our extension's information. We'll add more information here as we write our extension.

Now, let's create our first JS file. We'll name it background.js. This file will contain some logic that will run in the background when our extension starts. As before, here's the content and we'll talk about it after:
background.js' contents

Let's see some details of it:

  • First of all, we are using a global variable provided to all extensions: chrome. This global contains an API that allows us to interact with the browser. Elements such as storage or runtime are only available through this variable.
  • We are using chrome.runtime.onInstalled API to add an event listener. This event will be fired when our extension is installed on a browser.
  • On the callback for that function, we'll use another browser API which allows us to interact with the browser storage. We'll add there a variable called hide that we'll use to modify our script's behavior.
  • The other API we're using is the declarativeContent API. This API allows our extension to decide on which domains our extension will work. For now, we'll limit it to run only on To read more about this API, you can see this link

How does the browser know this file should be run in the background? manifest.json to the rescue! Add the following lines to your manifest.json file:
background.js on manifest.json!

Per Google's Developer Docs, to use the declarativeContent or storage APIs, we should request them. Let's do this by setting up which permissions our extension needs. Where can we do this? In the manifest.json file!. Go ahead to it again, and add the following lines:
Our extension permissions set
(Note: for simplicity, we're adding the activeTab permission here, but we'll use it later)

Now, let's start building our application logic!

Extension's Landing page (well, not really)

Our extension needs something a user can see and interact with! So, let's create a new file called action.html (no CSS, I promise) and let's add some code to it:
action.html's file contents
This file will produce something like this (so you know how ugly it is):
action.html result

Let's add some lines to manifest.json file so the browser knows this is our "landing page" (well, a popup is what it'll be):

Add action.html as our default popup

  • We are using the same config to set the default title & icon for the page, as well as the popup that will show every time a user clicks on the icon (on chrome's extensions zone)

As you may notice, we are including a script called action.js, but we haven't done it yet! So let's create it! Create a file called action.js. This part will be the main point of interaction between our extension and the Tab's DOM.

At the first line, we'll call document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded... to make sure our script only runs when everything's ready (to avoid some undefineds there, ugh). Let's see the first half of the file's content:
action.js's file contents (1)

  • We are getting the button that we created on our HTML file and the status span item we created.
  • Using the storage API, we retrieve the value for the hide variable we defined there. We don't care for this to be synchronous, so let it be.
  • After getting the value from hide, we're using it to dynamically set the value of the status label to active or inactive. This won't be called every time we click, but every time we click on our extension's icon.

The second part of the file is this:
action.js's file contents (2)

  • We added an onclick listener to our button, which will perform the real work!
  • Inside this, the handler is updating the value saved on storage to be the inverse of the one there's now (effectively, toggling it).
  • On the callback for this storage call, let's update the status label again.
  • After that, we'll use a new Chrome API to interact with the browser. This is the tabs API, which allows us to query the browser to get the tabs we want to use. For example, we could query only for active tabs by running chrome.tabs.query({ active: true }, ...). For now, instead of querying it, we are using its handy function to get the tab we're on. As every other API used, this is asynchronous, so the work should be done on the callback
  • There, let's use another function that will allow us to communicate with something called content scripts. A content script is a file running on the context of web pages, allowing it to interact with the DOM of the tab we want. From the files we have, we are only allowed to interact with our extension's generated DOM (the HTML file we created above).
  • We're passing the command our content script will run as a message, and the value for shouldToggle.
  • On the callback (after the message has been received & processed), let's log the result value. In the real world, you will perform other things here, but, since this is a blog post, a console.log will suffice.

WAIT A MINUTE! We don't have any content script!!!

Keep calm. Let's create one! Create the content.js file and add the following code:
content.js' contents

  • Our function addStyles will create a new CSS class within the tab's DOM with the border we want to add.
  • Our function showAdBorder will map over every ad (by the time of this blog post being written, ads contained the ads-ad class) and add the style we've created
  • The removeAdBorder will do the same, but removing the class instead
  • Another chrome API used: runtime.onMessage allows the tab to listen to whatever message we're passing to it. We pass messages as seen before by calling chrome.tabs.sendMessage.
  • Here, if the command received is init (better naming the next time...) we'll call showAdBorder and removeAdBorder otherwise.
  • After finished, the function sends the response back to the emitter by calling sendResponse function. In case of failures, you can use this to emit errors too!

Now we have our content script! Wooo! Yay! But, wait, again, how does the browser know that this is a content script? Let's go again to manifest.json file and add the following lines:
adding content.js as a content script on the manifest.json

Now we have a working extension! Woo!

Now, let's add one last thing. We really want this behavior to be enabled by default, isn't it? So, let's do that by setting up an onload event listener on our content.js file! Add the following lines:

adding our bordering by default on every page load

Save all the files (in case you haven't done it yet), because we're going to upload our extension!

  • Find your way to chrome://extensions on your browser. Make sure you have developer mode enabled on your extensions page!
  • Click on Load Unpacked button, and locate the folder you were working on (in my case, it was on ~/Documents/visible-ads
  • Wait for a second until it loads. If everything is OK, you should see something like this on your dashboard: extension successfully loaded on Chrome
  • If you are able to see it, it means it's running!

Let's try it. Go to, and look for something that will contain ads, like, basecamp or amazon
basecamp ads...

As you can see, there's an ad. How do we know it is an ad? By the blue border around it. Now, you can share this extension with others so they don't confuse ads with organic results anymore!

Let's finish our extension with something we should've done at the very first. From a terminal, run git init git add . and git commit -m "your message goes here" so your project is safe & you can modify it freely. For example, you can change the styles variable to add a background color like the ones ads had on the past.

Thanks for reading! Happy coding!

Top comments (3)

ifeelwebde profile image
Timo Reith

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. This is a good starting point for the development of my first chrome extension. :-)

jxdesign profile image

Hey I tried uploading the unpacked version but it doesn't appear to be working anymore? The ads aren't getting highlighted.

Also, how do you write the code so that the extension will run automatically, and doesn't require a toggle. (i.e. if the extension is on, it will run when you get to a new webpage). Thanks!

rishabk7 profile image
Rishab Kumar

Thanks man for sharing this! Got the exact thing I was looking for to start!❤