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'Command line made easy' with CmdEasy and CmdEasy Web

As software professionals, we use the command line a lot of times during programming, DevOps, client services etc.

We use the same commands over and over again. We forget the commands, and their parameters and end up searching most of the time. We seldom save those details and make it difficult to find them later. Sometimes the command parameters would be much bigger and we end up mixing the wrong parameters and screwing up the execution. Most of the Windows features can be invoked directly and quickly through commands, but instead of going via the easy route of using the terminal, to select a feature we end up going through Windows search and waiting for too long to return multiple results.

So to summarize all the problem statements

  • How can we easily create an alias for the commands or features and use it in the terminal?

  • How can we save the commands for later execution?

  • How can we quickly get the command history across all sessions?

  • How can we quickly search and run commands from a Windows commands dictionary?

  • How can we run Windows commands in web browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge?

So we will go to each statement and see how CmdEasy and CmdEasy Web solve all these problems by extending the command line that comes with Windows OS.

CmdEasy and CmdEasy Web apps are 100% free and unlimited for use.

Create an alias for the commands or features and use it in the terminal

CmdEasy has a very easy-to-use interface for creating custom

CmdEasy by default comes with two panels.
On the left is the terminal panel where you can enter the commands and on the right the commands panel where all the saved commands would be listed.

Terminal panel and Custom command panel

You can select the Add/Add file options or drag/drop from Windows Explorer to add custom commands. Each custom command has three fields to enter.

Name of the command for identification purposes. It can be any name.

The custom name of your choice . You can type this name in the terminal to execute the command.

The actual Windows command/Absolute file paths/Absolute folder path

How to add custom commands

By default, the CmdEasy adds a random value for each of these fields and you can override with your values.

An Example of a custom command for opening the add remove features in Windows OS.

Name: AddRemove
Alias: ar
Path: appwiz. cpl

Then in the terminal, you just have to enter the alias and then press the enter key.

In the above example, if ‘ar’ is typed it would open the add remove applet

If multiple instances are opened all custom command data will be synced automatically

For more details:
How to create custom commands in CmdEasy?

Save the commands

This is very easy . You can simply create a custom command and later use it at any time.

For more details:
How to create custom commands in CmdEasy?

Access the command history across all sessions

CmdEasy stores the command history and it gets synced automatically if multiple instances are opened.

The latest top 20 commands can be accessed through the right-click menu from the terminal window. Upon selecting any item, the command will be inserted and executed.

Latest top 20 commands history

A more detailed history view is available where each command history is listed and each one can be inserted into the terminal to execute or can be deleted

CmdEasy History detailed view

Search and run commands from a Windows Commands dictionary

Another nice feature of CmdEasy and CmdEasy web is the panel with the dictionary of Windows mostly uses prebuilt commands within the app and you can search insert and execute them into the terminal with a single click. Isn’t that great?

CmdEasy with most useful windows commands

Run Windows commands from web browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

All the custom commands configured in the CmdEasy desktop app and Windows commands can be executed through the CmdEasy Web as well.
You can go to CmdEasy Web from the CmdEasy desktop app or directly go to CmdEasy Web URL.

CmdEasy Web

CmdEasy Web for running windows commands in web browsers

CmdEasy Web with custom commands and windows useful commands


  1. Teckee website –

  2. CmdEasy –

  3. CmdEasy Web -

  4. CmdEasy Web prerequisites - Prerequisites

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