The default installation of popular Ubuntu operating systems include many games. For developers and diskspace conscious users these games are unessary.To remove all the games using a command line one-liner use the following. It will Work for Ubuntu 18, 20 & 22 versions.
sudo apt purge thunderbird* -y && sudo apt-get remove rhythmbox -y && sudo apt purge aisleriot gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines gnome-sudoku -y && sudo apt-get remove remmina -y && sudo apt-get remove transmission-gtk -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && exit
Top comments (1)
I'm currently on sick leave, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. I decided that I need to take advantage of this opportunity and fully enjoy the games that I have not had time to play before. I can finally play mahjong at I just love this game and can play it for hours without stopping. I like to pass different levels, with different pieces and improve my skill in this game. I advise everyone to play it.