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Emanuele Bartolesi
Emanuele Bartolesi

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5 easy tips for writing C# better

Even if you are late with the project timeline or due date, it's important to write good code.
Writing code is not easy and this is the reason why you have to write a more readable and elegant code as you can.

Let's see some small syntax tips.

1. Reduce lines of unuseful code


public ActionResult Index()  
    return View();  
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public ActionResult Index() => View();
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if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yourVar))  
    //your code  
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if (yourVar is { Length: > 0 })
    //your code
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2. Primitive data type validation

Avoid custom method to validate primary type. 99% of primary types has their own validation type.

public bool CheckIfIsNumberic(string value) => int.TryParse(value, out int _);
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3. Use conditional operator

When possible, to improve the readability of the code, use the ternary condition.
They help to read the code after a long period.


public static string CheckFirstName(User user)
    var defaultFirstName = "Default";

    if (user.Name != null)
        return user.Name;
        return defaultName;
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public static string CheckFirstName(string name) => name ?? "Default";
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  1. Naming Conventions Find your rules and be consistent in every projects. Simple name for a single object, add the suffix List for multiple objects.
var item = new Item();
var items = new List<Item>();
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var item = new Item();
var items = new List<Item>();
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Try to follow the table below:

5. Optimizing Queries with LINQ

LINQ is very powerful to query objects in C# but it should be a bottleneck about the performances or, maybe in the worst case, for readability.

This code works, but try to take a look to the best version below this one

public List<Article> GetArticlesByPrice(double price)
    var articlesList = new List<Article>();

    foreach (Article article in Articles)
        if (article.Price< price)

    return articlesList;
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This is better:

public List<Article> GetArticlesByPrice(double price)
    var articlesList = new List<Article>();

        IEnumerable<Article> lambdaArticles = Articles.SelectMany(c => c.Articles).Where(p => p.Price < 100);
    articlesList  = lambdaArticles.ToList();

        return articlesList;
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Feel free to share your tips in the comments and I will update my blog!

Top comments (6)

suzany profile image
Laura Suzany

I liked the select many, thanks

n3wt0n profile image
Davide 'CoderDave' BenvegnΓΉ

I agree with everything, except this:

if (yourVar is { Length: > 0 })
    //your code
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I think the other way to write code with the !string.IsNullOrEmpty(yourVar) is much clearer and easier to read.

Good code doesn't always mean the same thing, and I think writing "better" code also means having higher readability for everyone, from junior devs up.

IMHO, of course :)

kasuken profile image
Emanuele Bartolesi

you know what? For me it's more easy to read this line of code.
At the beginning I agreed with you... but now I prefer the "new" version.

and of course... everyone can have different opinions

mteheran profile image
Miguel Teheran

Regarding number 1. I prefer the first option instend of evaluate a property

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yourVar))


//your code


in C# 8, we can use the operator (?) to evaluete if the string is null or not

turry profile image

Starting to learn C#, hope it comes useful.

dcube9 profile image
Paolo Botti

In point 3.1 bad and good snippet code are the same

var item = new Item();
var items = new List<Item>();
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