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Web Development: A worthwhile Journey?

Have you ever wanted something so badly that when you actually start doing it, what you had initially imagined would be something exciting turns into a slow, and progressive escape of your life's vitality?

This was my experience when starting out my web development journey some six years ago (circa 2017) - especially after feeling comfortable enough with CSS and HTML that I was "ready" to tackle Javascript or programming.

To make a long story short, I can FINALLY say: "I'm getting it now, and things are going to be alright. Javascript is something I can do and get better at!"

Why did it take six years (on and off) to "finally" get here?

  1. Information overload - In this modern world there are so many resources available that if you don't have one common source to which you can always refer to you'll be led down rabbit holes which go deeper the more you look for the "one truth" to your problems. Be it: trying to learn a framework before understanding the foundational language; or trying another programming language with a "lower learning curve" thinking that "this one might work". There's really a lot out there!
  2. Finding the right teacher - For me, I learn better watching someone explain/do something, and while there're so many good resources out there, believe it or not, I only found the one who finally made the concepts make sense last year! LAST YEAR!!! :D :D :D . Just writing that out makes me laugh.
  3. Proper motivation - Without the proper motivation to see something through to the end and also a proper mindset to not give up when facing obstacles; just forget it - you'll see no change.

There could be more reasons but nonetheless, the ones above came to mind first.

Now onto the positive side. What am I realising after finally "getting it"?

  1. The Web Development world is huge - Even writing this post requires one to know Markdown which I have no clue how to do, or for better or worse, I haven't gotten to yet. So what do you do when you don't know "everything"? What you can :D ... I know how to write, so I'll write :) ... The same applies for the things I know in Web Development and those I don't YET. I've decided to do what I know and get good at that, and then continue. Worrying about what you aren't or don't know yet is a futile pursuit, and unfortunately sometimes the Web Dev world with all the numerous technologies can be a trap if you're not careful.
  2. Seeing the code on more experienced developer's screens and understanding what they are saying or doing and realising that I'd do the same or similar thing if I was them is a very satisfying feeling after struggling for so long. I remember a few years ago a very, very experienced software engineer who was a father to my friend said that: "If I'm learning to develop now, you'll never get it." Although blunt, there's the possibility that it could've been coming from a good place; or maybe it was intentional to push me to "get it". Either way, to be here where I am now and with what I know, it feels good. I can start at least jogging now!
  3. Be kind to yourself - For every dreamer there is the inside child propelling their dreams. A child needs nurturing and support when they fail so that they can get back up with vigour to dream even higher. I initially wanted to get into Web Development because I wanted to build great apps, and even though it's taken this long, the desire to "do it myself" and that inner belief that I could do it was stronger and never went away - it was always lingering in my mind to "try again", and "keep trying". If the dream doesn't go away, be patient with your inner child until it's ready.

So anyway, the journey continues, and I look forward to becoming a better Web Developer everyday.

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