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Cover image for KCD Chennai 2022 Blogathon Contest 🎉
Dipanshu Torawane for Kubernetes Community Days Chennai

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KCD Chennai 2022 Blogathon Contest 🎉


Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. --Benjamin Franklin

As of 2021, there are more than 570 million blogs on the internet (and this number is constantly growing). Over 7 million blog posts are published daily. 77% of people regularly read blogs online. Blogging is a powerful means of sharing knowledge and promoting your thoughts and views.

Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) Chennai 2022 is hosting a Blogathon. If you are a seasoned blogger, or the occasional writer, or the one searching for the right reason to start blogging, we invite you to participate!! Unleash the writer in you.

What are the Prizes on Offer?


How do I Participate?

  • Register yourself here
  • Upon registration you'll receive an email containing further steps to be followed

Important Dates

  • 29-March-2022: Registration begins
  • 16-April-2022: Blogging begins
  • 15-May-2022: Registration ends
  • 31-May-2022: Blogging ends
  • 4-June-2022: Winners announced during KCD Chennai 2022

What topics can I write about?

We invite Technical blogs on a wide variety of topics. You are allowed to write about any topic you are passionate about, as long as the content is technical.

Publishing your blog

  • When you create a new blog, under 'Create Post' choose 'Kubernetes Community Days Chennai' as shown below.


How is the score calculated?

  • Your score would be calculated using all these parameters:
    • No. of views
    • No. of reactions (likes, unicorns, bookmarks)
    • No. of blogs
  • Blogs published during 16-April to 31-May alone would be considered for scoring. (Tip: Keep publishing as many good-quality blogs as possible.)
  • The person who publishes the max. no of blogs during 16-April to 31-May wins the Prolific Blogger award (Tip: Become a blogging factory!)

Score board

The kcd-chennai bot publishes the score board to the #kcd-chennai channel in CNCF slack. Sign-up for free at and join the #kcd-chennai channel to view the score board


  • You are allowed to publish any number of blogs; there is no restriction.
  • You are allowed to cross-post blogs you've already published in other blogging sites e.g. medium, hashode, wordpress etc.
  • You are allowed to publish blogs you've already published in DEV under your personal account.
  • Published blogs would be reviewed by our team. If the blog is offensive, violates copy rights or we detect plagiarism, such blogs would be removed.

Can I promote my blogs?

Of course yes! Feel free to promote your blogs via Social media, Emails, Newsletters, WhatsApp etc. This would help increase the views and reactions!!

Contact Us

If you have further questions or need help, post it in the #kcd-chennai channel in

Top comments (1)

senthilrch profile image
Senthil Raja Chermapandian

Can't wait to read the blogposts from the contestants!