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Kelechukwu Favour Ezinne
Kelechukwu Favour Ezinne

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React.js vs Vue.js Which would work best for your next project ?

React.js and Vue.js are types of JavaScript frameworks used in modern web development.
In nutshell they are frontend Technologies.

Let’s rewind a bit by defining the key terms
“Frontend Technologies” and “web development”
Frontend technologies are tools (frameworks) used to create the interactive, responsive and visual parts of web applications and websites e.g HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Web development has to do with building/developing websites or web applications. It involves several steps and fields( typically divided into 2 main fields) namely:-

  1. Backend development :- which focuses mainly on database interaction, data storage and server side logic using languages like Python, Django, PhP etc 2.Frontend development :- As introduced brieflyin Frontend technologies focuses mainly on UI/UX (User interface and User Experience) by building the layout design and interactive aspects that users interact with using HTML, CSS and JavaScript frameworks like (React, Vue and Angular) N:B( The combination of both fields i.e Frontend and backend is called Fullstack development).

With this basics Established, let’s dive fully into Frontend technologies in-depth build up of knowledge.
HTML :- Hypertext Markup language, This has to do with the structure and content of the web pages. It’s Files are saved with a “.html” extension.

CSS:- Cascading style sheets, This has to do with styling and layout of the web page. It’s files are saved with a “.css” extension
Case study :- A BUILDING
HTML is the bricks, roofing sheet, wood, cement, pillars combined together to form the STRUCTURE
CSS is the painting, fitting of windows, light, furniture in essence beautification, styling and layout of the structure.
Main Css frameworks are Tailwind and bootstrap

JavaScript:- JavaScript is responsible for the responsiveness, interaction and dynamic character of the webpage. JavaScript files are stored with a “.js” extension
It’s is a broad technology and so it has been developed into the following frameworks

  1. React.js
  2. ⁠Vue.js
  3. ⁠Angular.js
  4. ⁠svelte To answer the billion dollar question “what Python django technology would work best for my next project? Let’s diversify React.js Vs Vue.js

React.js :- This framework was developed by Facebook and released in 2013, it uses virtual DOM, and a component based architecture.
React has been widely adopted therefore it has a very large community/ecosystem, flexible and robust tooling and extensive third party libraries.
React is extremely easy to integrate with other/existing libraries, and can also be used in large applications
Though React is extremely efficient due to Virtual DOM duffing, it may sometimes require optimization in large apps.

  1. ⁠Vue.js:- This framework was developed by Evan you, similar to react.js, Vue.js also is a component based architecture but with html it offers a more flexible template system and a very reactive two way binding. Although Vue.js flexibility allows it to be adopted incrementally into projects and integrated into existing applications, It is better suited for small to medium sized projects.

In closing, I personally find react very flexible, the JavaScript structure allows the UI more readable and intuitive as it combines the power of JavaScript with the simplicity of HTML

I am also hopeful that my newly embarked journey with HNG will allow me acquire real Hands-on Experience in developing my skills, a community for accountability, mentorship, guidance, networking, collaboration, team work and growth in General as all of this keynote factors for everyone looking to grow in any field they find themselves.
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Cheers and Goodluck on you next project 🥰

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