Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
- Upload your mp3/mp4 contents to Dropbox. Get a raw link by following this step.
- Locally, follow this article to create an RSS file.
- Commit your RSS file to your Github repo. Publish it as a Github page.
- Make sure your RSS file path is valid with Some of the test results say warnings. As long as this is a private feed, you can ignore them.
- Share the RSS file path to your community! Popular podcast apps (including Apple Podcast) have a way to import RSS URLs directly. Enjoy.
To be minimum, below worked. (The URL is no longer valid, as I was too embarrassed to keep it public).
<rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:rawvoice="" version="2.0">
<title>Podcast Title Here</title>
<title>Podcast Title Here</title>
The full length description for your podcast
<copyright>Yuta copyright 2016</copyright>
<title>Episode Name 2</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 02 Jan 2020 16:00:00 PDT</pubDate>
<description>The full length episode 2 description</description>
<enclosure url="" length="36715125" type="audio/mpeg"/>
Misc TIL
- I didn't know that
are compatible with great extent - I'm not sure how protective this feed URL will become, only by specifying robots.txt. Let me know your thoughts.
- If you're more serious about your audience, consider paid / services
- Finally, another link I stumbled upon along the way. Thank you Internet!
Top comments (2)
That is great!
Thx! This is my first post, so appreciate the encouraging comment đź‘Ť