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Understanding Go eBPF: A Deep Dive into Efficient Kernel-Level Programming

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The Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) has revolutionized Linux kernel observability, performance monitoring, and security. eBPF allows developers to run sandboxed programs directly in the kernel without modifying kernel code, unlocking the power to monitor, trace, and manipulate data efficiently. Combined with the Go ebpf programming language, known for its simplicity, concurrency, and robust ecosystem, eBPF becomes a potent tool for building performant, secure, and scalable applications. In this article, we’ll explore eBPF in Go, how it works, its use cases, and a practical example.

What is eBPF?
eBPF, originally designed for packet filtering, has evolved into a more general-purpose technology used for a wide range of kernel-level programming tasks. eBPF programs are executed within the Linux kernel, allowing interaction with system events, networking packets, and system calls, all without the need to change the kernel itself.

By utilizing eBPF, developers gain:
• Deep visibility into the kernel’s inner workings.
• Security via sandboxed execution with strict verification.
• Performance through minimal overhead and real-time event handling.
• Flexibility for tracing, profiling, and enforcing security policies.
This versatility has led to eBPF becoming popular in observability tools like Prometheus, security platforms like Cilium, and networking tools.

Why Use Go with eBPF?
Go is a modern programming language known for its simplicity, concurrency model, and strong standard library. These qualities make it ideal for working with eBPF because Go simplifies the development of scalable and efficient systems while keeping the codebase manageable. Go’s rich ecosystem of tools and libraries, combined with the power of eBPF, enables engineers to write high-performance, kernel-level code in an easier-to-maintain language.

Advantages of using Go with eBPF:
• High performance: Go is fast, and combining it with eBPF’s minimal overhead means applications can operate at near-kernel speeds.
• Ease of use: Go’s syntax and concurrency model allow for faster development cycles.
• Efficient memory management: Go’s garbage collection ensures memory is handled cleanly, reducing the risk of memory leaks common in C-based eBPF programs.

Key Concepts of eBPF in Go
Before we dive into Go code, let’s look at some foundational concepts of eBPF:
1. eBPF Programs
An eBPF program is a small function that runs in the kernel in response to a certain event. The program is sandboxed and subjected to various checks to ensure it doesn't harm the system. Typical events include networking packet handling, function tracing, and performance counters.
2. eBPF Maps
eBPF maps are data structures used to store data that eBPF programs can access. These maps can hold metrics, configuration data, and other essential information shared between user-space and kernel-space.
3. eBPF Verifier
Before execution, the eBPF program must pass through the verifier, which checks for any unsafe or erroneous behavior. The verifier ensures the program won't crash the kernel or leak data.
4. eBPF Hooks
eBPF programs are attached to kernel events through hooks, which can include tracepoints, kprobes (function entry points), uprobes (user-space function tracing), and socket filters.
Building eBPF Programs in Go
To work with eBPF in Go, the primary library to use is Cilium/ebpf, a Go-native library that allows you to interact with eBPF programs, maps, and helpers.

To follow along, make sure you have:

  1. A Linux system with kernel version 4.14 or newer.
  2. Go installed on your system.
  3. Cilium’s eBPF library: go get

Writing a Basic eBPF Program in Go
Here’s a simple example of attaching an eBPF program to trace system calls:

1. Create the eBPF Program in C
Although eBPF programs can be written in other languages, C remains the most common. Write a simple program that increments a counter every time a specific system call is made:

#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>

BPF_HASH(syscall_count, u32, u64);

int trace_syscall(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
    u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
    u64 *count = syscall_count.lookup(&pid);
    if (count) {
    } else {
        u64 initial_count = 1;
        syscall_count.update(&pid, &initial_count);
    return 0;
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This program tracks system calls made by processes, storing the number of syscalls per process ID.

2. Compiling the eBPF Program
Once written, compile the eBPF program using LLVM:
clang -O2 -target bpf -c syscall_counter.c -o syscall_counter.o

3. Loading and Running the eBPF Program in Go
Now, write the Go code that loads and interacts with the eBPF program.
package main

import (

func main() {
    // Load the precompiled eBPF program
    prog, err := ebpf.LoadProgram("syscall_counter.o")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to load eBPF program: %v", err)
    defer prog.Close()

    // Attach the eBPF program to the system call entry point
    err = unix.SetSyscallEntry(prog, unix.SYS_write)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to attach eBPF program: %v", err)

    log.Println("eBPF program successfully attached.")
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Here, we load the compiled eBPF program and attach it to the write system call using Go’s syscall package.

4. Observing the Output
Once the program runs, it starts tracking system calls. You can inspect the counts by accessing the eBPF map, which is done in Go using the eBPF library.

func readMap() {
    syscallCount := ebpf.Map("syscall_count")
    defer syscallCount.Close()

    iter := syscallCount.Iterate()
    var pid uint32
    var count uint64

    for iter.Next(&pid, &count) {
        log.Printf("PID: %d, Syscall Count: %d\n", pid, count)
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Use Cases for Go eBPF
The combination of Go and eBPF has several powerful use cases across different domains:

1. Observability and Monitoring
Tools like bpftrace leverage eBPF to collect granular metrics and logs without heavy overhead. In Go, you can create custom metrics pipelines that monitor application performance or network traffic in real-time.
2. Security Enforcement
With Go, you can build systems that automatically monitor security-sensitive events (e.g., unauthorized system calls, suspicious network behavior) by writing custom eBPF programs that observe and log these activities.
3. Network Performance Optimization
eBPF allows for fine-grained monitoring of network packets and bandwidth usage. Combining this with Go’s performance, you can build efficient systems for load balancing, traffic shaping, and real-time network analysis.

Go eBPF empowers developers with the ability to write efficient, high-performance applications that leverage kernel-level observability and control. Whether you’re building tools for performance monitoring, security enforcement, or network optimization, combining Go with eBPF’s flexibility offers tremendous potential. By understanding the key concepts and getting hands-on experience with Go eBPF, you can unlock the true power of the Linux kernel for your applications.

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