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36 YouTube Channels 📺 that will help you become a better Developer 🧑‍💻


The profession of a programmer, like many other professions related to IT, implies constant training. For even if you are a good specialist in your field, this does not mean that you have comprehended all the peaks of your profession. We always have something to learn. You can't just learn certain rules and formulas in order to become a professional.

You can study in different ways: read books and articles, find a mentor who will help you in mastering the knowledge of your profession, and so on.

But as a rule, in most cases we turn to YouTube. The fact is that it is much easier for us to perceive information through video, when there is a person who will explain everything to us simply and easily, how some function or technology works, what types of algorithms there are, and so on. Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult for us to perceive information through simple text.

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But fortunately we have YouTube. What would we do without him? He is our savior.

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And that is why today I decided to give a list of channels that could at least help you become a better specialist for a little bit. (But this is not a fact)

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1. Traversy Media

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Here you can find excellent tutorials on layout, on the programming languages JS and PHP, as well as on the React and Vue frameworks.

2. DevTips

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The channel has a number of interesting videos like how to make CSS animation with physics simulation or how to work with legacy code, as well as many interesting videos on CSS animations and React lessons. There are also videos where conversations with other developers are conducted. The only disadvantage is that the videos rarely come out, but they will not clog your tape. 😁

3. Programming with Mosh

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Courses on React, React Native, Redux. Videos about Java, Python, MySQL and many other interesting things.

4. DesignCourse

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An amazing channel where you can learn various CSS tricks, how to create beautiful animations, how to create SVG, which you can then animate, and so on. A great channel with a very interesting feed.

5. Frying Pan

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A young channel where a guy who studies at a university and interns at a big tech company talks about general lifestyle, coding, academics/career paths, tech industry. There are no courses on the channel, but its videos are interesting to watch.

6. Ben Awad

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Channel Description

I'm a software developer who makes videos about React, React Native, GraphQL, Typescript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Python, and all things coding.

7. Fireship

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A great channel that contains videos that, from a theoretical point of view, tell you how various programming languages work. There are also a number of videos on the topic of layout and animation creation. There are many great short and informative videos like "Tailwind in 100 Seconds" or "PostCSS in 100 Seconds". I think many people may like this channel.

8. Yuri Artyukh

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On the channel you can find a lot of good videos on working with libraries such as Three.js and Pixi.js. There are also videos on Canvas and Webgl. Suitable for those who study 3D on the Web.

9. Adam Wathan

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A channel where there are a huge number of videos on the Tailwind Css framework.

10. LevelUpTuts

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Channel Description

1000+ free video tutorials created, recorded, edited, published and maintained by Scott Tolinski.

11. Design Medium

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Channel Description

Design Medium is all about UI Design and Front-end Development. Here you'll find videos on Adobe XD, Web Design using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and Mobile App Design using React Native.

12. Wrong Akram

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The channel is dedicated to creating a user interface using Adobe Xd and Invision Studio. There is also a video on how to implement these interfaces and animations using React.js and Node.js.

13. CodingNepal

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Channel Description

Welcome to my channel "CodingNepal". Here I upload videos related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP along with creative coding stuff such as CSS Animations & Effects.

I always provide the source codes of each video on my website - for free. I believe my videos or codes help to inspire web designers & developers and also help to improve their skills.

14. dcode

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Channel Description

On my channel you can find HTML, CSS & JavaScript tutorials, PHP tutorials, Node.js tutorials and Rust tutorials, as well as many other topics covered in web development. I also enjoy building JavaScript projects every now and then

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The channel is dedicated to everything related to programming. Learning various APIs, React, JS, GIT, browsers, and much more. A very good channel with a lot of useful information.

16. JavaScript Mastery

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A channel with videos on how to create various chats, messengers, travel apps and much more using React.js.

17. Brian Design

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On this channel you can find a lot of videos on how to create a slider, animation when scrolling, adaptive website design and also a lot of different elements using React.js

18. Kevin Powell

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A wonderful channel dedicated to the deep study of CSS. Required for any Frontend developer.

19. Web Dev Simplified

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Channel Description

Web Dev Simplified is all about teaching web development skills and techniques in an efficient and practical manner. If you are just getting started in web development Web Dev Simplified has all the tools you need to learn the newest and most popular technologies to convert you from a no stack to full stack developer. Web Dev Simplified also deep dives into advanced topics using the latest best practices for you seasoned web developers.

20. William Candillon

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All content on the channel is strictly only about React.js. Here you will learn how to create interfaces and animations. Also on the channel there are many interesting conversational videos on the topic React.js

21. Coding Tech

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The site is dedicated to It technologies. Here you will find videos from the usual videos on CSS, JS, Python and Django to blockchain and microservices. A very informative channel.

22. Hunor Márton Borbély

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An interesting channel about the development of games in the browser, as well as the creation of SVG and 3D elements.

23. Code with Ania Kubów

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Channel about JavaScript, React, React-Native, Next.js, Node.js, Express, GraphQL, serverless functions, working with databases and much more!

24. Joma Tech

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The author of the channel talks about his life in Silicon Valley and about working at big tech companies. Very interesting.

25. Dev Ed

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On this channel, you can learn how to create regular animation, and SVG animation using JS or pure CSS, how to create beautiful website templates and folded web elements. There are courses on JS and React. There are also training videos about Figma and Adobe XD, where you can learn not only how to create static layouts, but also learn how to create animations. Well, I just want to say that this is a very interesting channel where the author interestingly submits training material.

Tips from the comments

26. The Net Ninja

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27. Coding Addict

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28. LearnWebCode (by Brad Schiff)

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29. CodeWithHarry

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30. Amigoscode

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31. Jack Herrington

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32. Dennis Ivy

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33. Coding Garden

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34. Tech With Tim

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35. The Coding Train

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36. Dev Drawer

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A small channel with videos about PHP, Wordpress, JS and CSS.

The End

Thank you for taking the time to my post. I want to warn you right away that in this collection I have made exactly those channels that I like. I am well aware that you may not like some of them, but believe me, they at least deserve attention. Thank you again and you can also offer your options for good YouTube channels in the comments.

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I can advise you to subscribe to my Twitter, I also post my works there.

Top comments (53)

vladimirblagojevic profile image
Vladimir Blagojevic

The Net Ninja

barungh profile image
Barun Ghosh

yeah ! the guy is doing his work very dedicatedly, efficiently and honestly
Dedicatedly - he does not stop, keeps providing new contents
efficiently - always chooses useful topic and provides valuable tips, tricks ... etc.
honestly - his pricing model is good, you won't find difference in his paid and free content

I like the work of Net Ninja

tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam

The Net Ninja is better than most channels here

kerthin profile image

The Net Ninja is certainly a good channel, but your statement is very controversial

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
kerthin profile image

I say again, Net Ninja is definitely a good channel, but you are exaggerating too much. He has good videos and good tutorials on his channel, but I can't agree that he is better than the set of other channels listed in the list. Here everyone looks at what he likes.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
kerthin profile image

In any case, I have already added it. I have already noted that he has really good videos that will definitely suit a beginner and even experienced developers. But here it's not about how much universal content you represent. The Net Ninja channel has too universal content. Well, let's say we take CSS or SASS. Tutorials for understanding styles are good, but it does not have such an in-depth study as on the Kevin Powell channel (No. 18), there are no such videos about creating animation as on DesignCourse (No. 4), there is nothing similar that you could see on the Dev Ed channel (No. 25). I haven't seen any videos about Three from him.js or Pixi.js as on the channel Yuri Artyukh (No. 8) or Wrong Akram (No. 12). There are not a lot of videos about creating web elements like the glow of dcode (No. 14). And so you can continue for a very long time, he does not have a lot of things that are on those channels that I have listed in the list. But this does not mean that The Net Ninja is a bad channel, it's just that it is no better than the set of channels listed in the list. He just has good tutorials 🤷

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tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam

Dev Ed does he have Flutter videos? Does he have videos on Graph QL? Where are Coding addict,Academind? Not Universal Net Ninja has many contents which are far more valuable and they are much easy to start for beginners? Btw no point in getting series as this is not tech noonies. But definitely more.prirority is given in clickbaits and fancy things rather than actual learning

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kerthin profile image

This is purely a question of what information will be valuable for whom. Someone needs tutorials, someone needs a more in-depth study of certain topics. There is nothing more to argue about here. For someone who has started studying a particular technology, Ninja will be useful, and for someone just the same other channels presented in this list will be suitable. And it is not always correct to compare them, because the topics of the videos can be completely different, that's all.

thedevdrawer profile image
The Dev Drawer

I have a small channel that has been getting a lot of good reviews. I have over 70 videos that cover mostly PHP but also have some server, JS, CSS, and WordPress tutorials. I have also been featured on FreeCodeCamp. Check me out and judge for yourself: DevDrawer

kerthin profile image

You know. You have a really good channel. I've watched a couple of your videos on CSS and JS, and they seem quite good to me. I think your channel can be added to the list. Thank you

thedevdrawer profile image
The Dev Drawer

Thanks. I am glad you like the content. I have had a blast doing it.

alecbsherman profile image

Nice - I'm a big fan of PHP. I just subscribed to your channel and look forward to watching your videos.

alecbsherman profile image

I agree that YouTube is a fantastic resource for information. I did not want to compete with all the other "How to Code" channels but I did want to share my knowledge and experience from owning a software development company for 15+ years. So I created a channel about "the Business of Programming" which talks about negotiating salary, negotiate working virtual office, whether you should be a contractor or an employee, coding standards and naming conventions, and IT disaster recovery plans.

Check it out at:

phenriqueleao profile image
Pedro Leão

Excellent subject for a channel. Subscribed.

alecbsherman profile image

Thanks Pedro!

finebythen profile image
Finn Then

Would recommend “Dennis Ivy” strongly. It’s mostly Python, Django and React for beginners, but I think he has one of the best ways in explaining and commenting so that every beginner is able to follow.

kerthin profile image

Added it. Thank you for advice

willaiem profile image
Damian Żygadło • Edited

Where's the the one and only Jack Herrington?

He's the one that step ups your frontend game, has a great series about TypeScript, and shows everything in practical way - not only in theory.

Kinda missing the "advanced" youtubers that shows something more than "beginner-friendly" stuff all the time.

kerthin profile image

Added it to the list. Thank you for advice

jaytru1997 profile image
Oghenekparobo Onosemuode

The Net Ninja is someone I can relate to, for some reason there's this calmness around his voice, I can assimilate better when I'm following his tutorials.

freeCodeCamp is my victory card for all things programming, excellent curation of other programmers and making sure good content gets to their end users.

I've seen traversy but yet to watch any of them videos.

mekarosi profile image

Code Addict YouTube channel is also a great channel for developers that really wants to learn in dept of coding. I Highly recommended Code Addict YouTube channel by John Smilga.

snakdev profile image

Your Missing the best of all "The Net Ninja"

tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam • Edited

Most channels dont have even close to quality of content Net Ninja has and many people channels are here whom peopkr have never heard off. Wt a joke

kerthin profile image

You're wrong. There are enough channels here that are better than The Net Ninja. I'm not saying he's bad, just don't be a fanatic

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tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam

Hes not bad lol he is easily amongst the best. Just cause he doesnt make clickbait contents like Joma Tech does not mean hes not good. Nor being a fanatic but someone who wants to learn programming gets more value from these people ratger than people who just do Yt for only views

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kerthin profile image

Videos with a clickbait name are not always empty in their content. I don't see anything wrong with clickbaitness. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that many channels depend on YouTube algorithms, and sometimes they just have to invent clickbait names to get into the recommendations. Unfortunately, this is how YouTube works.

blazer125 profile image

Why is it that a lot of tutorials advise you to read the documentation? For me the documentation is way more confusing than a written tutorial. Maybe I just need to get back to reading more so reading becomes easier.

darrentmorgan profile image

I would agree it’s difficult, but it’s also a very valuable skill to learn how to read the docs.

madza profile image

alternative list, includes some others 📺

dolmushcu profile image

The coding train

lse123 profile image
Leonidas Savvides

Tech with Tim

felipemimoura profile image
Felipe Moura

Thanks a lot

sufyaan323 profile image
