STEP 1: Create an Instance on Amazon Linux
STEP 2: Now we want to download Putty from based on our windows architecture.
STEP 3:Then go to security group -> edit bound rules, in that security group type will be SSH because we are using putty and ip will be your ip and save rules.
STEP 4:Next open putty,in that paste your public ip(which is in your instance) in the host name.
STEP 5:On the left side, you can see connection -> SSH -> Auth -> Credentials.After that you want select the private key file. After select your .ppk file click open button.
STEP 6:Then the terminal will open after click the open button.In that login as ec2-user.
STEP 7:Now we run the command 'aws s3 ls'.If it shows errors,then we want create a IAM role.
STEP 8:Create a IAM role and give 'AmazonS3fullaccess' permission and create role.
STEP 9:Now go to ec2->actions->security->modify IAM role and add our newly created IAM role.
STEP 10:Run the same command,now you can see the buckets present in S3.Now create a detail.txt file move it to a random bucket without using S3 UI.There is a command,which can do this.
STEP 11:Now check our bucket for the uploaded file(detail.txt) is present.
STEP 12:Atlast delete your instance,IAM role.
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