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Kevin Nitro
Kevin Nitro

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Fzf advanced integration in Powershell


If you want to integrate fzf with rg, fd, bat to fuzzy find files, directories or ripgrep the content of a file and preview using bat, but the fzf document only has commands for Linux shell (bash,...), and you want to achieve that on your Windows Machine using Powershell, this post may be for you.


  • fzf: 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
  • ripgrep (rg): ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
  • fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
  • bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
  • eza (optional): A modern, maintained replacement for ls


You can install those tool via scoop or Chocolatey for easy installation and update.



fzf uses CMD for external command, not Powershell or pwsh.

I won't explain the commands in details.

1️⃣ Find files / directories


  • Find files Find Files
  • Find directories Find directories


  fd --type file --follow --hidden --exclude .git |
    fzf --prompt 'Files> ' `
      --header-first `
      --header 'CTRL-S: Switch between Files/Directories' `
      --bind 'ctrl-s:transform:if not "%FZF_PROMPT%"=="Files> " (echo ^change-prompt^(Files^> ^)^+^reload^(fd --type file^)) else (echo ^change-prompt^(Directory^> ^)^+^reload^(fd --type directory^))' `
      --preview 'if "%FZF_PROMPT%"=="Files> " (bat --color=always {} --style=plain) else (eza -T --colour=always --icons=always {})'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • The command above pipes the output of fd (find files) to fzf. Press Ctrl + S to change the mode to find directories. The preview pane using bat to preview file's content is on the right side, and eza for directory tree.
  • You can use tree command on Windows instead of eza in the last argument. But it wouldn't be colourful and have files icons.
- eza -T --colour=always --icons=always {}
+ tree /A {}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2️⃣ Ripgrep content + fzf


  1. Ripgrep Ripgrep
  2. Fzf Fzf


$INITIAL_QUERY = "${*:-}"
$RG_PREFIX = "rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case"
"" |
fzf --ansi --disabled --query "$INITIAL_QUERY" `
  --bind "start:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q}" `
  --bind "change:reload:sleep 0.1 & $RG_PREFIX {q} || rem" `
  --bind 'ctrl-s:transform:if not "%FZF_PROMPT%" == "1. ripgrep> " (echo ^rebind^(change^)^+^change-prompt^(1. ripgrep^> ^)^+^disable-search^+^transform-query:echo ^{q^} ^> %TEMP%\rg-fzf-f ^& cat %TEMP%\rg-fzf-r) else (echo ^unbind^(change^)^+^change-prompt^(2. fzf^> ^)^+^enable-search^+^transform-query:echo ^{q^} ^> %TEMP%\rg-fzf-r ^& cat %TEMP%\rg-fzf-f)' `
  --color "hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse" `
  --delimiter ":" `
  --prompt '1. ripgrep> ' `
  --preview-label "Preview" `
  --header 'CTRL-S: Switch between ripgrep/fzf' `
  --header-first `
  --preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2} --style=plain' `
  --preview-window 'up,60%,border-bottom,+{2}+3/3'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • The command above use ripgrep to find the content of the file and preview using bat. Then you can find more specifically by pressing Ctrl + S to switch to fzf mode. Press Ctrl + S again to back to the first step (ripgrep).


You can put them all in a function, choose what to do with the output of the command, like Set-Location, or open the file / directory in your editor. Just open your $PROFILE file using your editor (ex: nvim $PROFILE).

Take my config as reference (require PsReadLine - may be builtin - to config keyboard shortcut to fast call function).

--bind ctrl-u:preview-half-page-up
--bind ctrl-d:preview-half-page-down
--bind ctrl-f:preview-page-down
--bind ctrl-b:preview-page-up
--bind ctrl-g:preview-top
--bind ctrl-h:preview-bottom
--bind alt-w:toggle-preview-wrap
--bind ctrl-e:toggle-preview

function _open_path
  param (
  if (-not $input_path)
  Write-Output "[ ] cd"
  Write-Output "[*] nvim"
  $choice = Read-Host "Enter your choice"
  if ($input_path -match "^.*:\d+:.*$")
    $input_path = ($input_path -split ":")[0]
  switch ($choice)
    {$_ -eq "" -or $_ -eq " "}
      if (Test-Path -Path $input_path -PathType Leaf)
        $input_path = Split-Path -Path $input_path -Parent
      Set-Location -Path $input_path
    { nvim $input_path

function _get_path_using_fd
  $input_path = fd --type file --follow --hidden --exclude .git |
    fzf --prompt 'Files> ' `
      --header-first `
      --header 'CTRL-S: Switch between Files/Directories' `
      --bind 'ctrl-s:transform:if not "%FZF_PROMPT%"=="Files> " (echo ^change-prompt^(Files^> ^)^+^reload^(fd --type file^)) else (echo ^change-prompt^(Directory^> ^)^+^reload^(fd --type directory^))' `
      --preview 'if "%FZF_PROMPT%"=="Files> " (bat --color=always {} --style=plain) else (eza -T --colour=always --icons=always {})'
  return $input_path

function _get_path_using_rg
  $INITIAL_QUERY = "${*:-}"
  $RG_PREFIX = "rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case"
  $input_path = "" |
    fzf --ansi --disabled --query "$INITIAL_QUERY" `
      --bind "start:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q}" `
      --bind "change:reload:sleep 0.1 & $RG_PREFIX {q} || rem" `
      --bind 'ctrl-s:transform:if not "%FZF_PROMPT%" == "1. ripgrep> " (echo ^rebind^(change^)^+^change-prompt^(1. ripgrep^> ^)^+^disable-search^+^transform-query:echo ^{q^} ^> %TEMP%\rg-fzf-f ^& cat %TEMP%\rg-fzf-r) else (echo ^unbind^(change^)^+^change-prompt^(2. fzf^> ^)^+^enable-search^+^transform-query:echo ^{q^} ^> %TEMP%\rg-fzf-r ^& cat %TEMP%\rg-fzf-f)' `
      --color "hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse" `
      --delimiter ":" `
      --prompt '1. ripgrep> ' `
      --preview-label "Preview" `
      --header 'CTRL-S: Switch between ripgrep/fzf' `
      --header-first `
      --preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2} --style=plain' `
      --preview-window 'up,60%,border-bottom,+{2}+3/3'
  return $input_path

function fdg
  _open_path $(_get_path_using_fd)

function rgg
  _open_path $(_get_path_using_rg)


Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+f" -ScriptBlock {

Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+g" -ScriptBlock {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Choose what to do


  • You can read more on document of those tool for further use (custom fzf layout, color schemes,...)
  • Please change the command according to your demands.
  • Read more about the amazing tool PSFzf, a PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf.
  • By the way you can come visit my windows dotfiles and grab some stuff you like 😁.
  • My English is not good and this is the first time I write a post in English. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me.
  • Thank you.

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