A traditional website or web app always loads the entire page content on page refresh/reload. Sometimes, though, you need to just load content for a particular section of a web page. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), a http approach that conducts a background network request without requiring a complete page refresh but rather in response to user interaction with a web page or app-related events, was introduced in 2006 to address this need.
Why cancel AJAX requests?
- Slow internet connection, cancel a request that takes a long time to complete and retry.
- User interaction events; when a user’s mouse enters a menu item fetch some data then cancel it if they leave the menu item before the request is complete.
- App related events; when the page unloads cancel all pending requests, cancel requests when offline event is fired
- A dynamic search box where you need to fetch data as the user types the input; cancel the previous request.
Meet Abort Controller
An AbortController
is a Javascript built-in object that gives developers the ability to stop asynchronous actions in their program.
Every time a request is performed, the object instance is created, the object has signal
property used as signal for aborting operations and a abort
method that is called to cancel an operation.
HTTP requests made using Fetch API
can optionally by supplied with an object that takes a signal property for cancelling a request. In case it is necessary, the process can be stopped, the signal can then be used elsewhere in the program. The abort
method of the AbortController is used to cancel a request.
The API is quite straight forward.
Our HTML code
<button id="cancel-btn"
style=" padding: 0.5rem;
background: hotpink;
border-radius: 8px;
outline: none;
width: 150px;
margin: 5rem;
">Initiate Request<button>
Our JavaScipt code
let btn=document.getElementById("cancel-btn")
let ac = null;
let pending=false /* track when the promise is is pending and settled*/
/* we will use this function to update the DOM during http request*/
const updateDOMChanges=(message="Initiate Request")=>{
async function getUsers() {
let url = `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/`;
ac = new AbortController(); // we a new instance every time there's a request
let signal=ac.signal
try {
updateDOMChanges("Cancel Request") // lets update the button status
const response = await fetch(url, { signal }); // we attach signal to our request
const payload=await response.json();
} catch (error) {
finally {
updateDOMChanges("Initate request again") // lets update the button status again
const handleButton = () => {
// if the promise is not settled and we have an instance of abort controller, then cancel the request
if (pending) {
if(ac !==null) ac.abort();
alert("Request cancelled")
To test this code,
1.copy the code and create an html page with a button with an id of cancel-btn
- Open chrome devtools by pressing
ctrl +shift +i
then find a drop-down on the top-left corner and change fromno throttling
toslow 3G
. - When the button text changes to Cancel Request, click it and you should see an alert that the request was cancelled.
With that knowledge, you can check out how to detect and cancel slow internet connect with abort controller and async/await
MDN AbortController
Dev To: How to cancel Javascript API request
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