Web development is not an easy task, for a beginner it will be a very complex and confusing one, the complexities can be overwhelming; may feel disappointed. Only experience in the field will help to overcome the complexities and confusions and experience will not come in a day or a year, it takes a lot of time. For the beginners it will be hard but the world wide web is here to save us from getting disappointed, nobody is born as a master. In the web world there are lots of resources which will help to develop web project with some easiness, I won't say easy but resources will help a lot in web development, like css code generators, image resources, layout generators etc. The main thing is we need to know what resources are available in the web where can we find it, here I created a list of resources that can be used in your web projects. The list mainly consists of resources that help you to get a awesome background for your web project.
The list consists of
1. Background Generators
2. Color Gradient Generators
3. SVG Shapes Generators
The list contains some links from my previous posts, lots of new links are added to this list, I just want to keep all the resources that belonging to background in one place. I did not include stock image and video resources which may make the post too long.
Some Random Generators
1.Hero Generator
2.Faux Code Generator
3.3D Shadow Image Generator
4.Code To Background --ray.so
Background Generators
The links below will help you to generate beautiful backgrounds in format. Most of the sites have controls that let you design the backgrounds, generated images can be downloaded in multiple formats. Most of the generated pattern can be downloaded as svg code, which can be included in you HTML file. SVG is light weight and will scale well.
Click to Expand SVG Background Resources List
1. SVG Backgrounds
2. Hero Patterns
3. Philiprogers: SVGPatterns
4. The Pattern Library
5. Bg Siteorigin
6. Tabbied
7. Pattern Monster
8. Visiwig
9. Pattern Ninja
10. CSS Background Patterns
11. Patternify
12. Animated CSS Background
13. CSS Stripes Generator
14. Patternizer
15. Doodad: Pattern Generator
16. Magic pattern
17. Verou.me
18. Doodle Nerd
19. Msurguy.github
20. Codegena
21. Imgonline
22. Stripedbgs
23. Transparent Textures
24. Toptal
25. Flaticon
26. Plain Pattern
27. Patternico
28. Paaatterns
29. Cool Background
30. Btmills: Geopattern
31. Bgjar
32. Svgeez
33. Patternpad
34. Tartanify
Gradient Generators
The below listed websites help you to generate color gradients for your web projects. The list contains many new resources along with links from my other posts. These sites help you to create linear gradients, radial gradient, two color gradient, multicolor gradients and many more.
Click to expand: CSS Color Gradient Resources
1. Mybrandnewlogo
2. W3generator
3. Colorfulgradients
4. Blend
5. Gradpad
6. Gradienta
7. Colorsinspo
8. Mesher
10.Gradient Magic
16. Eggradients
17. Colorzilla
18. WebGradients
19. MyColor.space
20. CoolHue
21. GradientHunt
22. UIgradient
23. Grabient
24. Mdigi
25. Coolors
SVG Shape Generator
The below links will help to generate different svg shapes, sites will generate svg code for the shapes you generate, some sites also let you download the design in image format.
Click to Expand SVG Shapes Resources List
1. Blob Maker
2. Squircley
3. Softr.io : SVG Shape Generator
4. Blobs
5. Chartgen
6. Outpan : Gradient Wave Generator
7. Wavelry
8. Softr.io : SVG Wave Generator
9. Getwaves.io : Wave Generator
10. SVGwave.in : Wave Generator
11. Haikei : Multiple Shape Generator
12. SVGwaves.io
13. Shape Divider
14. Omatsuri

Top comments (13)
Good job 👍
Thank you
Your resources are amazing Kiran Raj.
Really helpful for everyone :)
Thank you
Thank you
Wow ! Awesome Resource
thank you
Thanks for sharing 👌👍😊😊❤️❤️
Super Cool 🕺
Thank you
Nice List. Would like to add one more tool which generates beautiful mesh gradient backgrounds.
Thank you.