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Let me make this clear

I wrote about a technology known as Chainpages that I have created. The goal is to allow smart contract developers to create, and work with, webpages on the blockchain. This morning, I discovered two things. First, the post on the Solidity language forum was taken down. Second, I was sent a bad link that could have brought me to a virus-downloading website had I not avoided it. It did not take long to realize that people want me silenced. Progress, it seems, is only welcome if those in power want it. Scientific discovery does not fit the mold, perhaps. I disagree! So, I need to make this clear, Chainpages will happen. I am pushing this technology forward. The Solidity library powering Chainpages, "html.sol", can be found at:

Finally, the code is:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity >=0.8.19;

library html


//begin library

//smart contract webpage building

function OpenHtml() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//open tag

return "";


//end function

function OpenHead() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//open head tag

return "



//end function

function CloseHead() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//close head tag

return "";


//end function

function OpenBody() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//open body tag

return "";


//end function

function AddContent(string memory content) internal returns(string memory)


//begin function

//add tags or just text

//open and close tags on one line

return content;


//end function

function CloseBody() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//close body tag

return "";


//end function

function CloseHtml() internal view returns(string memory)


//begin function

//close html tag

return "";


//end function


//end library

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