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Cover image for Postwoman πŸ‘½ - An online, open source API request builder Alternative to Postman
Kelvin Conrad
Kelvin Conrad

Posted on

Postwoman πŸ‘½ - An online, open source API request builder Alternative to Postman

PostWoman is a Web alternative to Postman - Helps you create requests faster, saving precious time on development which is also an opensource API request builder

Built with πŸ”§

- Chromium - Thanks for being so fast!

- HTML - For the web framework

- CSS - For styling components

- JavaScript - For magic!

- Vue - To add to the JavaScript magic!

- Nuxt - To add to the Vue magic!

Postwoman developer
-by- liyas Thomas

-How it all Started-

Story behind Postwoman: The very first task I was assigned is an API integration of an old project. That's when I came across Postman API testing. Postman has separate builds targeted to each operating systems made with Electron. I use a low-end PC and can't possibly afford to run another Electron app. From that moment onwards, I wanted to make an API testing platform which is:

- Open Sourced πŸ’š

- Runs online

- Have multi-platform support

- Have multi-device support

- Accessible from anywhere

That's how Postwoman was born (this is not at all an alternative to Postman - yet, it does the job very beautifully and minimally. It needs more features and love which I hope we all can give by contributions on GitHub).

When I did a background check on API request builders, Postman offered various Plans & Pricing, there were lot of other API request builders based on CURL etc. But none of them seems simple, minimal and efficient.

That's why I created my own API request builder with pure JavaScript (Later I used Vue.js and apparently migrated to Nuxt.js) + HTML + CSS πŸ’–

Did I mention this service is all free of charge and 100% open source? Yes, It's free and always will be.

The Postwoman API request builder helps you create your requests faster, saving you precious time on your development.

Features πŸ”₯

- Send requests to verify your API is ready for launch

- GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH (more coming soon)

- Authentication support

- Parameters support

- Request body support

- View Response

- Progressive Web App support

- UPDATE: Added History support

- UPDATE: Migrated to Vue Nuxt

- UPDATE: Added web socket support

- UPDATE: Added raw input field for PUT and POST methods

- UPDATE: Added response status color

- UPDATE: Added theme customization with settings storage

- UPDATE: Added option to copy response to clipboard

- UPDATE: Added option to view/copy HTML preview of responses

(more coming soon)


Features planned for near future for which I need your help:

- Autocomplete

- Code highlight in response body~ UPDATE: Added code highlight on response body

- More methods

- History UPDATE: Added History support

HTTP support (currently I don't have money to buy a domain so I hosted on GitHub Pages which is served only on HTTPS - this makes impossible to make non-HTTPS requests from HTTPS hosting 😿)
🎁 Bonus: Postwoman is in dark mode 🌚

Demo πŸš€

Feel free to contribute on GitHub πŸ’š

Top comments (19)

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

I have heard of postwoman and used it before. I have to admit the UI is great and it loads requests faster
Kudos 😊😊

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Thank you

rakeshgsekhar profile image
Rakesh G Sekhar

This one is super coo bro. . .awesome

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Thank you

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Hi @klvncruger , thanks for this post even though I'm pretty confused why there should be another post similar to the one I already wrote here on DEV. Anyways thanks for letting people know about the project.

I'm postwoman's author - feel free to ask me anything!

Original article:

klvncruger profile image
Kelvin Conrad

i didn't know if there was a similar post. Sorry for that. But i included your credits

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

okay cool πŸ‘

Thread Thread
ppsirg profile image
pedro rivera

cant run postwoman in my firefox browser, i installed and cant see any button or url to start working, i need to run it in my browser to make requests to my dev server

Thread Thread
liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Browser extension works as a middleware between your PC and web app. You need to visit to access web app. You won't be seeing an icon of extension since it's working in background.

Thread Thread
ppsirg profile image
pedro rivera

so i cant use postwoman in my local machine.... so bad...

Thread Thread
liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas • Edited

what was the issue?

shubhamk profile image
Shubham Kamath

I really liked the theme. Sure I'm gonna try it out!

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

That sounds great - do let me know your feedbacks.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

Design needs a lot of work

klvncruger profile image
Kelvin Conrad • Edited

I agree with you. You can contribute on Github

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Feel free to contribute on GitHub

threeofjs profile image

What specific feature of autocomplete are you looking into? Interested in contributing to this one.

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Auto-complete now completes common content-types and request headers. There's lot of places where we could add auto-complete that would make UX better. Feel free to contribute on GitHub

ppsirg profile image
pedro rivera

how can i use the firefox browser extension?, there is not instruction at all, there is no extra icon or setting to run it