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Leon Korkh
Leon Korkh

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From 13-Year-Old Coder to Tech Professional at 18: My Unconventional Journey

My journey into the world of programming started when I was just 13 years old. My first challenge was HTML. The idea of creating web pages from scratch both intrigued and daunted me. Armed with online tutorials and a heap of determination, I began piecing together my website. The sense of accomplishment I felt when I saw my first "Hello World" webpage displayed was indescribable. As I stared at the screen in awe, little did I know that this moment would mark the beginning of an incredible adventure.

As the years passed, my passion for coding only grew stronger. By the time I turned 16, I had progressed to more complex languages, and Java became my new fascination. The world of object-oriented programming opened up before me like a vast playground, full of endless possibilities. I spent countless hours experimenting, making mistakes, and, most importantly, learning from them. I could code for hours on end without even realizing how swiftly time passed.

Now, here's where the story takes an unexpected twist. As I approached the age of 18, I realized that I wanted to turn my passion for programming into a career, but I hadn't pursued a formal degree. The conventional path seemed closed to me, but I was determined to find my way.

I began building a portfolio of projects that showcased my skills and creativity. I contributed to open-source projects, collaborated with fellow developers, and built a network in the tech community. I also started attending coding meetups and conferences, where I met professionals in the field.

One day, at a local tech event, I struck up a conversation with a software development manager from a well-known tech company. We talked about my journey, my projects, and my passion for coding. Impressed by my dedication and skills, they asked for my resume. Although nothing immediately came of it, this encounter ignited a newfound belief in the possibility of pursuing my dream career. It motivated me to start applying to more places, ultimately leading to a full-time job. At the age of 18, I found myself working in the industry I had dreamed of, all without a traditional degree.

It's now clear to me that no dream is too wild, and taking unique paths can lead to awesome adventures! Thank you for reading this far!

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